1000+ views

RE: Reading Stats

Number of reads means someone at least "glanced" at my writing.

Of course, many of the reads consist of "click", "eek", back-click", but at least there was a chance that someone actually read my work.

Without reading, there is no feedback. (and as you know, feedback is way cool)

I like the feeling that I not only do I exist, but others know that I exist.
If "they" are so inclined, they can know how I think. It matters not that they agree, just knowing that they know that I am here is enough.

So number of reads is the upper limit of folks that know I exist.

I have to go. I may be late for a session on the couch :D
Re: Interesting...

Cordelia said:
I am curious, though. Why is it important to any poets how many reads there are? Or what the rating is?
These numbers are

                not important at all.

Period. I just like to watch them. I like data and its life.

For instance, one of the factors affecting the reads of poems is the alphabetic order of the titles. Some authors superficially push their titles to the front. The stupid Literotica counters it by superficially and inconsistently policing the poems' titles, thus damaging some of the poems. It is idiotic because the same Literotica has already the right approach in the case of stories. Stories show up each time not from the beginning of the ascii code (not from the beginning of the alphabet) but from a random place or from the place which rotates in time. This obliviates the problem of superficial titles.

Recently we got a new Literotica type of poems, the "Illustrated poems". There are relatively few poems of this type, but each type gets, regardless of the number of poems it represents, about equal attention from readers. This means that poems on the shorter lists get more attention (they stay in a shorter queue to the reader, like to a cashier, than the poems from the long queues. No wonder that they get served fast and more often). I am simplifying but you get the idea.

This is perfectly fine, nothing wrong with the fact that illustrated poems get more reads. But it does show that the poetic value and the number of reads are not strongly correlated, if at all.

These are the things which are of interest to me, not the numbers as such, as any measure of poetic "success", which they are not. It is like betting on horses. I bet on the number of reads of Literotica poems :)

Poetically I don't see any correlation between these numbers and the numbers of reads or ratings. Actually, at one time I posted here all my poems with rating exactly 1.00, and I asked about a common thread in those poems, about any commonality. There were a few answers, and they were interesting. But I don't think that these poems are poetically any different from my poems with the rating exactly 5.00 Ratings make no difference.

BTW, somehow Literotica manipulation of ratings initially increased my ratings overall, but now my ratings go steadily down, partly because many of 5s were removed (classified by Literotica as "fraud" :) ), several of them were given by participants of this board. And the list of my "perfect" poems rated exactly 1.00 got longer.

I really need to write those perl programs, to analyze data continuosly. By now I have posted too many poems to do much by hand, it is too much of a task, what a pity! :)

For my enjoyment I would prefer that Literotica numbers were cleaner, and not affected by Literotica's manipulations. But that's also part of the chaos and Nature, lousy as it is.

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Re: Interesting...

Originally posted by Cordelia Why is the number of reads even shown? Or is it just a measure of the popularity of poems in general? (My stories have well over 15,000 reads.)

I really want to know.

Anxiously curious,

Cordelia [/B]
It is a part of Literotica business. The more reads, the more they claim in terms of Literotica value to the advertizers. Also, Literotica and advertizers hope that reads translate into actual bu$ine$$$$$$, that readers might click on the porno ads and even subscribe to the payed porno sites.

Poems are marginal to all this but since the computer programs handling the votes are there anyway then why not.
crossing a 1000 reads for the 4th time

My 4th poem got more than a 1000 reads. My top four have scored, as of Feb 11,

    2987   2194   1042   1005

reads. It will take a while before the next three cross the 1000 reads treshold, since two of them were posted back on 2002-05-26, and the third one on 2002-06-18 -- the latter has the smallest number of reads of the three but it may overrun them to be the first to get to the 1000. All three are "non-erotic" (am I the least erotic poet on Literotica)?! They have scored

    790   781   740

One of my new poems has a quotation as its title hence the title is in double quotes, it had them twelve years ago. It was a correct thing but I was still surprized that Literotica let it. If the poem was on the erotic poetry list it would take off and get a lot of reads, just like SP's poem, especially that my title:

        "she has Betty Davis eyes"

should attract readers. But I have classified it as another non-erotic poem, hence it is doomed to something like a half a year or longer wait before it collects a 1000 reads. That's my prediction. For a contrast, Judo's illustrated poem swished by SP's poem "ready?" whispered, then by my leading poem, left them both in dust, and now is placed 73rd, with 3215 reads. It was posted only 70 days ago! thus getting nearly 46 reads per day. SP's poem has advanced to 77th place with 3015 reads, and mine is on 79th with 2987 reads--it was on 76th place early in January but it was hurt (oh-oh) by the illustrated revolution. Both the SP's poem and mine, and all behind them, have gained one place because one poem was removed from the "reads list". such irregularities are a part of the game. (Judo's poem was too advanced to feel any difference).

Other trivia: my "Shadow Theater" got over 40 reads in 1-2 days. Now it has still only 56 reads (it is not going to be read often). It also was voted on 7 times, it got three votes 5, and four votes 4 (or an equivalent distribution)--also within a day or two. Now it has only 6 votes: two votes 5 and four votes 4 (or equivalent). One vote 5 has been already removed by Literotica.

My earlier "same title" poem "broken blinds" was posted a day or two after others. It got only 34 views and two votes: one 5 and one 4.

The most votes by any of my poems is only 8. Many of my poems which had perfect 5.00 for their average, with 2 or 3 votes, had their 5s removed. I still have some 40 poems (out of a total of 194)with a perfect 5.00 average but each of them has only 1 or 2 votes.

So far 8 of my poetic posts have a pre-a title, 11 titles start with "a " (letter "a" or "A" followed by a blank space), 12 start with "a" or "A" followed by a letter, 20 start with "t" or "T", 16 with "s" or "S", 14 with "c" or "C", 14 with "m" or "M", and 21 have no title, which I indicate by quoting a part of the first line in brackets, i.e. the title of the post then starts with "[" (left bracket). Such posts are listed near the end. End of the list is slightly more popular than the middle of the list, while way less popular than the front. Of my tail-titled poetic posts one has scored 299 reads, another 254, but both were posted back on May 25 and May 17 of 2002. Under 300 reads is a far cry from a thousand or two thousand reads for the front-titled poems.

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Re: crossing a 1000 reads for the 4th time

Senna Jawa said:

        "she has Betty Davis eyes"

should attract readers.
May be. But

        "she has Betty Davis ass"

would do much better :)
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Hey, my leading poem has scored 3000 reads. It lags two places and 25 reads behind SP's poem, (but Sp's was posted on 2002-09-06 and mine way back on 2002-05-17, so that mine is quite a bit "slower").
