120 votes in one day?!!

Couture said:
Hey, I don't mean that in a bad way or anything. I appreciate all the feedback I get, but there is a big difference between.

Hi Couture, I liked your story THE SMELL oF SEX. I enjoyed the character of Laura, I couldn't decide if I wanted to have her or be her. I would like to see you do so and so in the future.

Than this:
I liked yur story. Can you put Nicole Kidman in there. That wuld be relly Hot!

Nessus, take your story, THe Blue Raincoat. Just seeing it here with no story codes, I would have no idea it was one of the most brilliant FF stories here. The only way you have gotten around it, is by giving a simple point blank description, which I personally think limits you. Even with the description, I bet Lucious Lactating Lesbians has more reads.

Damm! I should have thought of that!:D

Thank you for your kind words on 'Famous Blue Raincoat'.
Couture said:
Look, a good portion of the people who read here are not that bright. I'm all for taking advantage of this and changing the name of my next story from The Haunting of Heather to

Heather is Humped by the Halloween Whores!

Well said! It's true that many of the stories aren't read or written by geniuses (adding written in respect to Knotty_dude's post), but that's bound to happen. Maybe what we need is a "raves" section, where the stories we like most can be ranted about, but only by members...no anonymous feedback. That way, we can give each other reading advice without knowing each other on a personal basis. It would also give us the opportunity to expand on the brief descriptions of each story (which Couture pointed out weren't doing justice to the authors or their work). On the lists, next to the story's listing, a link can be posted to hear others' publicly posted feedback.

Any thoughts on that?
Hi all!

Thanks for your patience. We've have reviewed the IP addresses of the votes, the order of the votes, and the voting scores on this particular story, and after comparing them to other stories submitted around the same time, the only exceptional thing appears to be the volume of votes & number of times read. From all indications, this appears to be simply a very popular story. We even went so far as to contact the author, and he seemed as baffled by the quick surge in votes as some of you. There is nothing in the logs that would indicate fraud, but we will certainly keep an eye on this and any other anomalies in the future, as we always have.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, and keep the feedback coming!
There is nothing in the logs that would indicate fraud, but we will certainly keep an eye on this and any other anomalies in the future, as we always have.

Thank you Madam:)
Hey Nessus, I didn't go so far as calling the story what I said, but I did publish a story called Taming the Teach. In less than a day,it has more feedback than all but the first Smell of Sex stories. I guess when you are competing with 20-25 stories a day, the name needs to be sensational enough to get read.

I sure wish I knew how to get one of those nifty pictures beside my name.
Titles and Avatars

Hi Couture,

Somewhere on a similar thread, I said what you just did. The title is the key. Another person made a funny about how the alphabet plays a big part too. Like "Aardvark Annie", or some such nonsense would get more reads because of the double A in the title. But I think they had a point there.

In order to get a nifty picture (an avatar) by your name, you have to post 100 times.

I just hit the mark. This one of mine will do until Halloween is over and then I'm going to
try to find a better one. My dream is to find one similar to Hecate's.... oooohhhh those eyes!

So keep on posting! You'll be at the 100 mark before you know it!

Best Wishes,
One hundred posts! I guess I better get cracking.

Taming the Teach has been a pretty fun story to write. It was kind of a joke really. I got the idea when I thought about naming the other story Heather and the Halloween Whores. Well, I couldn't very well rename a story, so I made another one up. I didn't even send it to my editor. Now, in one day, it is set to get more votes than any of my other stories has received. Who woulda thunk it?