13 Facts About America Conservatives Would Like You to Forget

Great, let's slash the defense budget. Time for some peace dividends.
I still don't understand how the asshole obama can say, "Social Security is going broke" yet the asshole keeps adding more slaves to the welfare system.

welfare and unemployment should be going broke. We need to immediately get 90% of the people on disability that signed up under the obama years. and end welfare
I feel like I tried to explain corporate taxes to either Jen or July one time... And it was similar to this.
I feel like I tried to explain corporate taxes to either Jen or July one time... And it was similar to this.

you are a fucking welfare idiot, a true piece of shit. you are less than human. less than a carp as you suck the scum off the bottom
Slash the defense budget and put it in Social Security. That should help the old people like Vette and jeff, err Jen
It's worth noting that Social Security technically cannot go broke. It's not a savings account handed out when you need it, it's a direct transfer of wealth from people working today to people who aren't. Due to average inflation vs interest a savings program for SS is kind of stupid because it wouldn't keep pace most of the time.
It's worth noting that Social Security technically cannot go broke. It's not a savings account handed out when you need it, it's a direct transfer of wealth from people working today to people who aren't. Due to average inflation vs interest a savings program for SS is kind of stupid because it wouldn't keep pace most of the time.

And just imagine if SSI was privatized, how much money would have been lost, if GW Bush had his way!
And just imagine if SSI was privatized, how much money would have been lost, if GW Bush had his way!

We'd likely still be in a depression, for the sake of that extra one half of one percent "magic of the market" dividend. :rolleyes:
We'd likely still be in a depression, for the sake of that extra one half of one percent "magic of the market" dividend. :rolleyes:

Conservatives always bitch that gambling is a sin, is bad, but they want to do that with SSI: Wall Street IS gambling.
By definition a conservative is one who wishes to preserve and/or restore traditional values and institutions, i.e. to “conserve” the established order. No surprise then that 18th century American conservatives wanted no part of breaking away from the British Empire and the comforting bonds of monarchical government. Those anti-revolutionary conservatives were called Tories, the name still used for the conservative party in England. The Founding Fathers? As radically left-wing as they came in the 1770s. The Boston Tea Party? The "Occupy Wall Street" of its day.

In Rebuttle: all of #1 is a massive reach in comparisons.
(fyi I'm a registered Independent, but this malarky treated as fact by the OP is propaganda.)
Comparing the US Republican Party to the UK Conservative party is like apples and oranges.

The 18th Century 'conservatives' mentioned do not exist, unless you mean everyone had to conserve to survive. The individuals referenced were known as Loyalists, and often times were Conscientious Objectors who wanted to take no part in the fight. They also had to quarter British troops. Tories did not have to quarter British troops, as they were members of the British Government or British Citizens living in the Colonies, and were essentially British Government representatives.

Tories and Loyalists are not the same thing. Washington and his army had to 'conserve' food and ammuntion to continue fighting.

The word conserve as used in the 18th Century, and in the dictionary, in what way applies to the American Revolution if those colonials who sided with Britain were Loyalists who didn't want to fight or be killed.

The Boston Tea Party was about Tax on goods which made things unobtainable for the average resident of the Colonies. Occupy Wall Street was about angst against wealthy corporations, also drugs, rape, and freebies. Two totally different themes there, and linking them is a stretch to any logic.

Some of the other "traditional" values supported by conservatives over the course of American history have included slavery (remember that the Republican Party was on the liberal fringe in 1860), religious persecution, the subjugation of women and minorities, obstacles to immigration, voter suppression, prohibition and segregation. Conservatives started off on the wrong side of American history, and that's where they've been ever since.

Look at Dred Scott. Somehow the author of the article has linked 'supporting slavery' with 'following the law as written until the proper process is followed to change it.' Read Justice Curtis's dissenting opinion.

It's the same reason Republicans were against entering into the conflict eventually to be known as WW2, until Pearl Harbor, because FDR was shipping supplies to Europe against Federal Law.

Prohibition was a cosequence of the Temperance Movement of the late 1800s and early 1900s. It was supported by most politicians across the board, no one party is responsible for this, in fact, as funny as it sounds, the only persons to blame for prohibition would be wives who were sick of drunk husbands.

Men across the country of all parties were against female suffrage. Gender roles are more to blame than a Political Group or mentality.

The immigration system as we know it was put in place to slow the rate of individuals entering this country because the government and the population could not afford to support unregulated influx into the capitalist system. It was a fiscal issue, not a partisan political issue. It was supported across the board.

The 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th Amendments, those relating to voting rights, were approved state by state until they became Amendments, did you ever look at whom propsed them? Or did you just assume it was done by magic?

I'm still trying to figure out what exactly is religeous persecution and where it was done under Republican Government. Maybe it's a reference to the Native Americans who were slaughtered en mass by land hungry Americans. In point of fact, after the Civil War: (in order)

Andrew Johnson: 'southern' Democrat, implemented allowances for 'black codes'

Grant: 'radical' Republican, not conservative, authorized the secretary of the treasury to sell gold to ruin market speculation. Attacked by 'liberal' Republican Reformers for doing so.

Hayes: 'liberal' Republican: Pledged to 'protect the rights of Negros' in the South, but did not do so by law, allowing local governments to be 'wise, honest, and peaceful' on their own as he withdrew the troops of the Army of the Republic from the South.

Garfield: Considered a 'conservative' Republican, and brought into politics at the request of Lincoln himself, who called him 'an effective Republican'. Was shot dead before he did anything.

Arthur: 'independent' Republican: created civil service requirements for Fed Employees, and implemented the first general immigration law to keep out "paupers, criminals, and lunatics." Forcefully lowered tariff rates to the anger of western and southern Democrats.

Cleveland: Democrat (1st after the Civil War) Vetoed all Military Pensions and Started the first government regulation of private business.

Should I continue the rebuttle of each # ?
In response to #2:

America was NOT founded as a Christian Nation. With this I agree.

BUT, BUT: There was not one Atheist involved in the drafting of the Constitution, and every single person at the Continental Congress agreed that there is a God and that the word God be used.

They may not have been Christians, but they did believe in God and religeous practice.

Read the opening paragraph to the Constitution:

"The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God"

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you can't speak against the socialist nation

I was just doing it to spite this condescending post. I actually despise a lot of the GB factless drama, but this got me to boil-------v

lots of grumbling

but no actual rebuttal


It really isn't that hard to debunk all of the #, or to show how the facts have been perverted. Someone had to speak up intelligently(ish).
No I didn't. Liked the other 13, you have your "facts" fucked up.

Yeah. It's pretty bad. This article, if it was on paper, wouldn't be worth lighting to stave off freezing.

Oh well. I'll let the opposing GB force mop it up.
The Boston Tea Party was about Tax on goods which made things unobtainable for the average resident of the Colonies.


The Boston Tea Party was a revolt against cheaper British Tea, which threatened the livelihood of the many tea smugglers back then.