2009 Survivor Bonus Round Challenge #9: Back To School.

I've just written 'The Lady's Murder Club' lol nothing to do with the challenge just a poets choice but I should start worrying about the state of my mind lol
For this Survivor Bonus Round Challenge, your mission is to write a poem on a form of your choice - any form, as long as you have never written a poem using it before. The theme depicted should be something you learned during the current year.
On the New Forcers of Conscience

Through true that all men lust, true men should not
Succumb to their more base desires. God's love
Commands such Faithfulness, and these men prove
How tepid flows red blood when blue blood's hot—
A slow and even flow, nigh unto clot,
Whose corpuscles adult'ry disapproves
Such that flagrante Megan Fox would move
Their chilly limbs no whit; they've tied their knot.
Their troth is plighted to the wife and kids
Or, well, it was. Some soulmate may be met
In Mexico or Warsaw, Reykjavík,
And suddenly those morals hit the skids.
Their legislative duties they forget,
'Cuz evolution wires guys for chicks.
...............So, thinking with their pricks
Is nothing too surprising. After all,
The pure and naïve Adam took that Fall.
...............O, women! You enthrall
The best and most upright of men, whose doom
Is sealed by lissome bodies in bedrooms.

Form: Caudate Sonnet
What I Learned: To be careful about moral judgments
On the New Forcers of Conscience

Through true that all men lust, true men should not
Succumb to their more base desires. God's love
Commands such Faithfulness, and these men prove
How tepid flows red blood when blue blood's hot—
A slow and even flow, nigh unto clot,
Whose corpuscles adult'ry disapproves
Such that flagrante Megan Fox would move
Their chilly limbs no whit; they've tied their knot.
Their troth is plighted to the wife and kids
Or, well, it was. Some soulmate may be met
In Mexico or Warsaw, Reykjavík,
And suddenly those morals hit the skids.
Their legislative duties they forget,
'Cuz evolution wires guys for chicks.
...............So, thinking with their pricks
Is nothing too surprising. After all,
The pure and naïve Adam took that Fall.
...............O, women! You enthrall
The best and most upright of men, whose doom
Is sealed by lissome bodies in bedrooms.

Form: Caudate Sonnet
What I Learned: To be careful about moral judgments

Nice poem and I appreciate another poetry link!
I still think you should put your poems back on your scorecard - our poems are still on your page.
Nice poem and I appreciate another poetry link!
Thank you, EO. You flatter me.

Which is absolutely OK, y'know. I wallow in flattery.
I still think you should put your poems back on your scorecard - our poems are still on your page.
I hope that was a typo. Otherwise, you're apparently accusing me of plagiarism. :)

It was never my intent to finish the contest. I think I said that multiple times, early on. To add to that, I've been through a number of "life challenges" the last couple of months which have taken up a lot of my time, so it seemed an opportune time to withdraw from the contest.

I'm doing most of my writing elsewhere now, anyway, so it just doesn't make sense for me to try and keep the scorecard up. Because I'm competitive and I would, dammit. Annie would be toast, metaphorically speaking. :rolleyes:

I kind of like LH's challenges, though. That kyrielle, for example, was fun. You'll see me once in a while. Why does it matter if I have a scorecard?
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