2022 Literotica Award Nominations: Most Helpful Editor

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I nominate SaddleRidder as an editor. She has been an excellent writting mentor for me with suggestions that helped me develop my writting style and the storyline for 'All That Glitters'. She is a serious editor who quickly returns all proofreading, usually within two days. My series would not have been as effective without her tremendous assistance nor would I be the writer I am today without her support.
This section is geared more towards authors. In this category, please nominate the editor who helped you the most in 2022.

Editor must be an active Literotica member (meaning their account is still currently on Literotica – it has not been removed or cancelled) listed on the Volunteer Editors list during the year 2022. The Volunteer Editor's list is Here:


One nomination per member, please. If multiple nominations are made by a member, only the first listed will count.

Please note that posts containing trolling, name-calling, and/or other forms of negativity will be removed. If you don't enjoy contests, that's fine - you are free to not participate. Please do not ruin everyone else's fun. :rose:

Thank you to all participants - readers and authors alike!
I nominate neruroparenthetical as editor of the year.
I would like to nominate Demiurging for the help with my stories especially Gen Z...
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