2022 Readers’ Choice Awards

History: This site was cobbled together by a bunch of friends so Laurel had a place to read dirty stories and friends had a place to post them. Most of the people who helped build things are no longer around and the mismatched pieces are held together with chewing gum and bailing wire. Adding or subtracting anything is asking for the house to fall down.

Then along comes Google in Googles sort of way and said, "Get a Mobil app or we'll drop your rating."

Hence the new Mobil platform and some of that is being used to replace parts of the house of cards. Hence the glitches when something new is brought out. Just be aware that the new indoor plumbing might make the sink back up. Also, there is a lot of shoveling going on behind that curtain.

And that kiddies is the saga of the Lit Kingdom.