22 female Looking to be your fantasy girl...

There's no judgment about it, Cam. This is the bar. The meat market, if you will. I have cash. What's for sale? ;)

dqrich, go ahead and start. I have nothing but time. :cool:
XC, seems you have taken a new ]
Only time will tell if that is a good thing or a bad thing, my punk friend. :)
The thread is off to a good start....You have to admit that! yes?:D
(ode to Nessus) if she is really going away:)( )
dqrich said:
The thread is off to a good start....You have to admit that! yes?:D
(ode to Nessus) if she is really going away:)( )

Where's Nessus going? I wouldn't say I'm naughty. What about you?
Gee there is a cynical quality to it all. the voice of weary late night veterans after one too many one liner, one to many hanging conversations. All that's left is negotiating the price of company...
Camille said:
Gee there is a cynical quality to it all. the voice of weary late night veterans after one too many one liner, one to many hanging conversations. All that's left is negotiating the price of company...

I may be a romantic-turned-cynic but I can be idealistic at times. I don't think it's quite that bad, Cam.
Camille said:
Gee there is a cynical quality to it all. the voice of weary late night veterans after one too many one liner, one to many hanging conversations. All that's left is negotiating the price of company...

Have you read any of the other posts?
Just wondering??
Well if you say so chief.

Yes dgrich I read a lot of the post.
Camille said:
Well if you say so chief.

Yes dgrich I read a lot of the post.

There are some desperate posts on this board. There's no denying that. However, I don't know that everyone here is desperate. Speaking of which, were there any threads that particularly impressed you?

Congratulations in advance on reaching 100 posts.
Thank you chief.
Some were okay, some sounded sad. I wonder how many times some of our fellow lites have to reach out anonymously looking for animals or nuns or whatever.

I like the general board and the poetry boards. Although both seem quite clanish.
Thanks for the 100 post thing (little late)
but I'll take what I can :D
Sure dgrich, what post here have stuck your fancy this morning?
Camille said:
Thank you chief.
Some were okay, some sounded sad. I wonder how many times some of our fellow lites have to reach out anonymously looking for animals or nuns or whatever.

I like the general board and the poetry boards. Although both seem quite clanish.

I went to the Poetry Board once. It wasn't my cup of tea. I like the General Board but there are definite cliques. The best advice I can give is to be yourself and not worry about everybody else.

Hopefully, almost everyone here can find what they seek.
Camille said:
That's for sure there is certainly enough diversity.

Diversity is good. I'd prefer a 1-to-10 male/female ratio here though. I need all the help I can get. ;)
Guys always want to stack the odds, you just have to leave it up to natural selection. :)
Camille said:
Guys always want to stack the odds, you just have to leave it up to natural selection. :)

That's what scares me, sugar. Guess I'll have to find chicks the old-fashioned way--make a lot of money. ;)
That doesn't work for long, I'm afraid it's going to come down to your personality.
Yeah, I don't want to marry Anna Nicole Smith when I'm 88. Anyway, I've always said it's better to be funny than to be funny-looking. :)

Have you visited the "All-Time Thread" at the General Board? I think you'd fit in well there.
Thank you for talking with me Chief, I will make it up to you on that trip to Bermuda
