30 Poems in 30 Days

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27 : Scene At The Perfume Counter While Trying To Get A Phone Number

Patchouli headache
but I won't leave because she will,
causing a blue-ball pain hell.

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the revolving door
personal to me sees
so many pass through
some seem stuck,
spinning until gravity
ejects them into
some other existence
sometimes they return
to retrieve a shoe
or a picture
when they are careless
they spin with me
again and i can see
how very lovely
this freedom is.
28 : drugs making me sleepy and i cant make a poem better than this today

side to side, dizzy,
it's vertigo, not the pass out
kind of spin around,


whatever, it's worrisome
and confusion, anxiety too.
i'm on a cloud
eyelids falling,
tired. Damn drugs, super-charged
I fall like Alice down a rabbit hole
asleep in a labyrinth. Zzz

i remember the heat
the rigidity and mass
while two bodies
flipped and tangled
i can recall and smile
even more now
without you.

destroy these
obscure trappings
a sequential death
proves love and hate
suggest only to eviscerate
your little destiny
once despondent,
eating his innocence will
make the crave stronger
this savage candy
ensnares another hostage
a tenant lies bleeding truth
yet shrinks at the reckoning
29: Scene In The Kitchen, Featuring Food Guy

From crannies, they come,
someone must've opened a
can of catsss, me-ow.

30 : Lies

And I tasted them, they were ashes
burning. As I fed, I couldn't swallow
them with a scorched throat or spit
them out with blistered lips. I ate
every one, sealing the open to the close.

They are a part of a whole,
absorbing them makes me the liar.

Baby, I would do
Anything for you
Prolonging the inevitable
With more isolation
Can't be the answer but
I just want to wrap you up
In your blankie
With elephant tucked under your chin
And take you away where
No one will complain about
Your struggle ever again.

a sneaking fear
rises like mist
thick and gray
a great glove
of consternation
fits tight like
a tiny bodybag.

smokey hands soothe
as i kiss the cotton
those thin fingers
rushing into my blood-
for with every flick of my thumb
there is one less breath to be
used for arguing
or reminiscing silly
mortality, i just
can't quit you baby,
my cigarette.

red Sunday is bitter sweet
a German warmth weaves
through and through
introversion looks like a key
skeletons, lacy reason
hides such beauty from
unworthy eyes
Anna Varney,
I love you

Blood curdles in veins of
The dying, be my
Tracheotomy! Watch
The blue fade, pink
Takes its place-the
Hole weeps a dirty
Hot river and I cry
Tears of misunderstanding.

Never have been on
Your side of the bars
Imagining the view with
A swollen eye and
A nose crooked to one side
Makes me contemplate
It's greatness
It must be fucking great
Since you keep going back.

waxbender and foes
ritual mealtime manners
give me a drink
give me a drink
a drink of water before
my throat crumbles
imploding with the rest
of this cracked cellophane

The metallic grimace
Black eyes out with
Lips curling madly
Organ grinder contorting
To a sexy sweating beat
Shoot the apple and
Pierce the cheek of lust
Were you born this way?
It doesn't matter
My favorite villain ever

this broken mirror
reflecting truth and
drawing blood
cutting out the ego
one way or another
as light bounces
from a jagged edge
penetrating dark eyes.

poetry blues
what can ya do?
pull lines from a hat
and hope for the best
hope it makes some sense?
i haven't felt the squirm
of a real poem as it
pushes against my
fingertips and the
inside of my eyes
in months and months
passion was snuffed
under the arm of jealousy
and my lighter is out
doing these every night feels
like rubbing sticks together
but all i get is sore hands
and angry
angry that i let the
wrong one in again
somewhere buried under
shit and regret is my heart
and when i get around
to digging, one day,
i know there will be
a poem worth writing.

These poems are
Like extracting the red
from blood
it just doesn't come
So glad it's almost over.

oh daft four degrees
bring all to their knees
(laughing, of course)
do tell how does poetry grow
with mass caffeine
generous nicotine
(b vitamins and taurine too)
but truth is, i don't know

sometimes i get lucky and
something is catchy
others, i look in a book
sometimes i'm angry and
write purely to vent
sometime it's so abstract
i'm not sure what it meant
but most times it really
means nothing, no more-
my passion has settled,
curled up on the floor
hibernating beyond months
upon days and i hope
sometimes that
that's where it stays

to think my life is beyond
weaving words in a way
to cause others to ponder
for part of a day
makes a tear form in the
edge of my eye
but never does it fall
i'm too indifferent to cry.

my glitter, my rock n' roll my stretched canvas and cards from way back-my kids, my cat, my sober self and all of that and you think there'd be a poem, somewhere. but writing this from my un-smart phone, cause broadband is down makes me even more glad that i haven't a poetic bone unbroken..one day my fuse will ignite-i just know...writing like a madman again while breathing fire. today my dragon heart sleeps indefinetly getting ready for a season of change to wake it from it's dreamless sleep.

With each visit, revisit
It comes clearer to my
Cloudy eyes
The shameless, the heartless
And those too missing
A soul fall on black and blue knees
Knowing the past is like dust
Gritty in eyes, hurting and heavy
Somehow a scent survives, locked away
It's pulled out to bring the mind
Of the hollow man back
To a time when every breath
Was taken and exhaled with

with cooling air comes
a lightness
summer here wore long
and hot, breaking me
down low enough to
kiss the concrete
it felt like a four month
pilgrimage searching for
the person i used to be
but now as leaves turn and
rays aren't beating me
with invisible clubs
i smell possibility
along with a subtle burning
but it isn't leaves
it's me.

Somewhere, in the midst of
Pink wigs and fishnets
Too-high spiked heels
(as if that were possible)
Vinyl, leather and
Thick fake blood
Your zebra stripes stood out
And drew me into
The soft and the hard
My wanting grows and
Imagination whirls with
Ideas of which I should not speak
Even though it would
Be nothing less than
A memory you'd revisit
For many years after.

Turning west on Arsenal
At Broadway, as I stepped
Between those two big buildings
The smell of hops didn't just nearly
Knock me on my ass
But seemed to find a crack in
The dam where memories
Flooded into the front
Of my mind
So many bad, bad times
The time wasn't wasted
It was my best teacher
Surviving it all, with a
New pair of glasses
Lets the beauty of this often
Ugly world warm my eyes.
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