4 poems not doing so well....

champagne1982 said:
You have declined to read for the meaning behind the words, again. If you had, you'd see that you really have no need to insult me. I even apologized (something I now withdraw).

I told you what I saw wrong with your poems and why I thought people weren't responding well to them. I conclude that you still haven't read my original reply, because, if you had, sure as fuck you wouldn't be telling me I have a problem. Instead, you'd be pulling your poems and spending some time editing them before asking anyone else to waste their time on your bullshit.

One more thing, the point in bullshit is that it comes from assholes, since we all have one, we can't complain about the stink from someone else's. Y'know what I'm sayin'? If you don't, oh well, then it's gotta be your problem since I firmly believe that I have communicated exactly what I want to say.

After my rather conciliatory post, which you have conveniently cut into snippets, you say THIS? Rather a dramatic case of the pot calling the kettle black when it comes to insults, I think. I ask for CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I get accusations, personal attacks, and patronizing lectures from people who are apparently determined to make all poetry fit THEIR rules.

I acquit Liar, anna, Mat, my erotic tail, and minsue of this, of course, and anyone else who was NICE about pointing out anything that could be improved.

I half expect the rest of you to bring your Dr. J. Evans Pritchard and start MEASURING my poems. :rolleyes:
Maybe I shouldn't have quoted you at all. You hadn't acknowledged my apology, you haven't said thanks for what I did offer and you've insulted me.

But, enough shit slinging. Mine smells much nicer than yours and if we carry on, you're getting a much better bargain.
champagne1982 said:
Maybe I shouldn't have quoted you at all. You hadn't acknowledged my apology, you haven't said thanks for what I did offer and you've insulted me.

But, enough shit slinging. Mine smells much nicer than yours and if we carry on, you're getting a much better bargain.

Believe that if you wish. People are entitled to that. I have been warned. From now on, I will know whom to consult and whom NOT to consult for feedback. :rolleyes:

And you WITHDREW your apology. Why should I acknowledge an apology that never sounded like a sincere one and was then withdrawn, anyway? And if you REALLY think that I insulted you, then the words "paranoia" and "thin-skinned" come to mind.

I never meant for this to turn into a pissing contest. I am leaving it now, before we both stink more than we already do. I hope that I don't have to resume it.
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Believe that if you wish. People are entitled to that. I have been warned. From now on, I will know whom to consult and whom NOT to consult for feedback. :rolleyes:

And you WITHDREW your apology. Why should I acknowledge an apology that never sounded like a sincere one and was then withdrawn, anyway?
I'm sorry, did you throw something?
....is it just the content? It tends to be controversial.
controversial can be a good thing... sometimes it takes awhile till someone who likes your style finds it. Patience is what becomes first place here. some of the best petry classics of the past probably didn't win acclaim at the time they were written
ewopper said:
controversial can be a good thing... sometimes it takes awhile till someone who likes your style finds it. Patience is what becomes first place here. some of the best petry classics of the past probably didn't win acclaim at the time they were written

Good point. Thanks.
ewopper said:
some of the best petry classics of the past probably didn't win acclaim at the time they were written
Actually, I'm trying to think of a single one. Any examples?
small errors, tryvial. Also, Polish diacritics.

Lauren Hynde said:
Actually, I'm trying to think of a single one. Any examples?
Some of the greatest poets were not recognized but some years after their death, sometimes forty or so: Du Fu, Cyprian Norwid, Boleslaw Leśmian...

Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński's story is different though. He was suppressed for political reasons. Nevertheless, after he was killed in the WWII, it took years again before he got a widespread recognition (in Poland).

I know two great poets--authors of great poems, one of them published after his death, the other alive and unpublished (but on the Internet), and neither given the credit due to them.
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ewopper said:
controversial can be a good thing... sometimes it takes awhile till someone who likes your style finds it. Patience is what becomes first place here. some of the best petry classics of the past probably didn't win acclaim at the time they were written
Some great poets didn't win a popular admiration during their lifetime, sometimes they were forgotten and rediscovered years after their death (Du Fu; especially Cyprian Norwid, whose work was almost totally lost, then found & saved after years accidentally). Nevertheless, their contemporaries knew that they were strong poets--the people around those poets didn't guess the destiny but they did recognize that they were dealing with true artists.

Thus all this should not serve any illusion about unoriginally sounding junk, just like tons of other junk, turning one day into pearls. Junk is junk.
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After my rather conciliatory post, which you have conveniently cut into snippets, you say THIS? Rather a dramatic case of the pot calling the kettle black when it comes to insults, I think. I ask for CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I get accusations, personal attacks, and patronizing lectures from people who are apparently determined to make all poetry fit THEIR rules.

I acquit Liar, anna, Mat, my erotic tail, and minsue of this, of course, and anyone else who was NICE about pointing out anything that could be improved.

I half expect the rest of you to bring your Dr. J. Evans Pritchard and start MEASURING my poems. :rolleyes:

Dr. Pritchard's scale <grin

I see that your poems have recieved some recognition :D
now write a poem about your experience at the lit poetry forum <bigirin