5-word Monkey Nonsense Challenge

Re: Thoughts for dr_mabeuse

Dear Un,
The above was terribly, hopelessly serious. We're really more concerned with lines which rhyme with:

"I got a gut fulla whiskey anna mouf fulla muff."

Re: Re: Thoughts for dr_mabeuse

MathGirl said:
Dear Un,
The above was terribly, hopelessly serious.

I can't help it, it's in my na-ture.

Oh al-right.

``Whispersecret mathgirl unergative chicklet theearl''

How many words is that anyway?:confused:
MathGirl said:
We were thirsty in that time frame, but we used the dictionary to look up "inexplicable" for ourselves.



Can't wait to see what you'll get out of that...:eek:

Svenskaflicka said:
Everything was rosy until the Victorian took a stage-dive and inevitably the whole thing turned into a fucking flibbertigibbet.
MG and/or DG
endless loop

dr m-

being a techno babe, when my computer goes loony, it gets "stuck".. the BSoD is the updated version of the "endless loop"... perhaps your computer does the same...

vector full vector coordinate vector new vector full vector galaxy vector acceleration vector full vector.....

on the orginial question:

torsion carbon sublimate eradicate neuron

another option would be the INXS songwriting:

navigate sublimate actuate illuminate decimate

it could be fun to have your computer revert to sing-songy childhood, playing with rhyming words.

:rose: b
Computer Death...

it could be fun to have your computer revert to sing-songy childhood, playing with rhyming words.

The HAL 9000 sang Daisy slower, and slower until at last it was finally dead in the film 2001 a Space Oddyssy.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Re: Voila!

MathGirl said:
Everything was rosy until the Victorian took a stage-dive and inevitably the whole thing turned into a fucking flibbertigibbet.
MG and/or DG

Do you even know what a flibbertigibbet IS, MG???:D
Re: Re: Voila!

Svenskaflicka said:
Do you even know what a flibbertigibbet IS, MG???:D
No, but I don't know what the other words mean, either. I assume a flibbertigibbet is some sort of a truncated dingbat.
Ps. When did ignorance ever stop me?
Somehow, I think Shakespear's Midsummernight's Dream would have been less of a classic if he had spoken of "Puck, the truncated dingbat", who played around in the forest...:(
It's great how these things turn into five-word poems.

As far as my story goes, I finally trashed the whole thing. Sci Fi is so corny. At least my version of it is.

Joe, I'm going to look for that book Muller-Foller. Shouldn't be hard to remember.

I liked Bridget's idea of repeating one word and coupling it with a word that makes no sense. Then you get the feel of a device that's [I[supposed[/I] to make sense clearly failing to do so.

And Unerg, you're right about all that stuff, but this is a writerly problem. Just like they have to screw around with food in advertising pictures because it doesn't look foody enough, you've got to screw with reality in fiction because they don't seem real enough. E.g. you can't ytranscribe real human speech and use it for dialog because it doesn't come across as what people would really say, so my attemtps at nonsense didn't seem nonsensical enough in the context of a story.

Okay. I'll shut up now.

dr_mabeuse said:
And Unerg, you're right about all that stuff, but this is a writerly problem. Just like they have to screw around with food in advertising pictures because it doesn't look foody enough, you've got to screw with reality in fiction because they don't seem real enough.

Shocked! Absolutely Shocked, I am, that you would compare your work to advertising. ;)
I take it that this is the long version of MathGirl's ``gut fulla whiskey'' comment. Point taken.

I'm sorry to hear that your story out-corny'ed you. I was looking forward to reading it (I have a soft spot for corny science fiction).
