_Lands End Revisited

Love at Lit

lost and found
a misplaced thread
the kittens at the pound

found me
torn in two

matching items
paired just right
broke my
my forlorn stare

a red striped sock
matched with paisley
make a perfect pair
The GB'ers ain't near as kind as the poets! One really has to persist and ignore the bs to get a straight answer there. I generally lose patience and split before I do....

There are a number of Lit couples who've been together for years, but as far I as I know, the four of us are the only ones who found the love of our life here on the pobo. As much as I've bitched about this place I never forget that were it not for Lit, I wouldn't have my ee. Lit and poetry.

The American jazz museum is in KC. If you ever visit, think if me. I'd love to see it someday. :)

If i have time ill send you some pictures :D
bitter red brew ,
sipped slowly to prolong the torture,
terrible red wine, not beverage of choice
numbing my face as i delicately sip
the foul concoction of disenfranchised vintner
dark red and promising
slips delicately from bottle to the glass
holding forth thoughts of
grapes cherries plums and spice
in the end tasting of rotten fruit
and nothing more
than doctors obligation
to consume one portion daily
a quickie moment

20 or 30 who knows
hike you on the hood
suburban height

no panties
make easy access
for a lap dance
you like

metronome rhythms rock
as you grab my ears
no time for a tease
like that and your off

bent over boxes
reveals delight
stick it in

80 or 90
heat don't matter
only the constant motion
of the waves i ride
your ocean mixed with my salt

kisses depart
as trainees return from lunch
Open to anything
Letting pleasure come when it can
Like a gate hanging open blocking
nothing and no one
Every path departing

Out like the delta of the Mississippi
Holding nothing back dropping the silt
Of the past forming islands
Which you then flow around
How many natural events
Could we create
If only we could let
the negatives go
myths of non-existence
today turns tomorrow

taste my desire,
a german beer
better for its age
and darker visage

feel it as it pours
over the rim of my
frosty white glass

filling the void
of my lovers caress
Faster wetter
slower more.
New flavors explored
There oh yes
No there
Let's try this
New nooks crannies and curousities
Yes and this
Please again?
Dining on such random pleasures

Happy 9 years and counting
What did we ever do before urbanspoon
toys toys toys
to much and not enough

like a childhood dream
i want to explore
not just the open areas

but every nook
the hidden spots
that make your

happy 9 years baby:rose: