A Few Years ago, a Nurse Pity Jerked me off in the Hospital, and I can’t get it out of my Head!

I had to have surgery on one of my testicles a few years back. Swelling and pain from a hydrovascele I believe it's called. I went to the local hospital for an ultrasound before the procedure so they needed me stripped bare from stomach to thighs and access to all my parts. Wasn't until I got to the hospital that I saw that I had hooked up with not one but both of the the xray technicians without knowing what they did. A man and a woman. I was a bit nervous but also excited to see them both, and wondered if they had shared stories. Was definitely throbbing when they came in to apply the gel and scan my balls. Had to stifle a moan as the lady tech spread the gel on. She took a few images and I tried not to twitch. Then she left and he came in and checked as well. Then he was the one who was very thorough in cleaning all the gel off my sac and even managed to reach under and tease my ass to get all traces. I was near to bursting by that point but he stopped there. He could see the precumm running down my shaft as he wiped my balls and then he smiled and wished me a good day and said I could get dressed.

I was at his place 2 days later letting him fuck and fill my ass to make sure I relieved the pressure all over my chest while he watched me stroke. He told me how badly he had wanted to just fuck me on the table but knew his coworker would have ratted us out.
The closest encounter I've heard of a nurse interacting with a boner, happened to a friend who went into hospital for an appendectomy. He was in his twenties and was quite a good looking guy. When the pretty young nurse began shaving his pubic hair, nature took its course and his cock was soon registering 10 on the erectometer scale. The nurse looked at his stiffie, calmly took a pencil out of her pocket, then gave it a thwack. His cock went down like a punctured balloon. He looked at it and then at her and said "Look what you've done! You've killed it!" She blushed a deep shade of red, then stiffling a giggle, quickly left the room.
The closest encounter I've heard of a nurse interacting with a boner, happened to a friend who went into hospital for an appendectomy. He was in his twenties and was quite a good looking guy. When the pretty young nurse began shaving his pubic hair, nature took its course and his cock was soon registering 10 on the erectometer scale. The nurse looked at his stiffie, calmly took a pencil out of her pocket, then gave it a thwack. His cock went down like a punctured balloon. He looked at it and then at her and said "Look what you've done! You've killed it!" She blushed a deep shade of red, then stiffling a giggle, quickly left the room.
Hilarious! Had a friend I grew up with who’s mom was a nurse. He told me that’s how they would deal with an unruly boner. She’d thump it with her fingers though!🤣
My wife has been a nurse for thirty plus years , she been a slut for almost fifty years and she claims she never gave a patient
Wow that's a great, glad to hear it. I love to hear wives sexual encounters.
I had two stays in a hospital. The first I had some cancer removed and was out of it, but it didn't keep me from getting hard. One nurse, very cute Asian came in and wanted to take my pulse. She had me stand up and put my hand between her arm and breast and took her time giving me a look once in a while. God her breast felt wonderful. I wanted to push my hand harder against it, but like a fool I didn't.

Later two nurses came in and sat on my bed and told me about a nurse, English, who wanted to get to know me. I had never seen her, but was in the habit of teasing the nurses. When she showed up she was hot. Ohhhh, damn. But she wasn't able to get to my room as much as I desired and usually for business, but not the funny type. I did end up kissing her and when I got home she called using an excuse about some medicine I was to take, but I could tell she chickened out saying anything more as I could hear people in the back ground. I tried to call her there, but it didn't work.

The second time, my leg had got infected and was put in the "home" a kind of half way hospital. Anyway, one of the women there was called "mother" by the other girls. All the others were Asian and she was white. She took me to take a shower and I expected to take it and she would wait outside, but instead she stood right in the door and watched me. I wanted to ask her to help me wash, but another nurse came in and she backed off.

You shouldn't have to be sick or injured to stay in a hospital. I told Mandy, the English nurse, if she would get rid of blood test and include volley ball, I would come back and take my vacation with her.
Omg one of my friends in school said this happened to him years ago! I didn't really believe him at the time but now I'm not so sure lol
Most nurses are so overworked they don't have time to get horny on the job. Or energy.
I think they like to chat and flirt but that is just to kill time and have fun. No hanky panky, according to the many doctors and nurses I know.
Most nurses are so overworked they don't have time to get horny on the job. Or energy.
I think that many nurses are very uninhibited in what they will say because of what they have seen and what they have had to put up with. So making jokes about and talking about sexual topics is easier and more natural for them. But that is not the same as being horny on the job.
If I were to speculate, I would guess that people whose jobs involve sitting at computers all day tend to have the time to let their fantasies roam and to be horny more of the time.
Some backstory, I’m 23 now, but 3 or so years ago when I was 20, I had to be rushed to the hospital for a blockage due to my stomach disease.

I was in the hospital for over a week, and post surgery, I got real friendly with the nursing staff, specifically the one night nurse who I’ll call “Angie”. Angie was older, probably in her 50s, and she was very busty.

I’d always be so glad to see it was her coming in to write her name on the board, because I knew that’d mean I’d get a peak down her scrubs when she checked my vitals.

As my surgery was around my belly button, Angie would need to check my wound routinely, which meant picking up my gown, and exposing my bare cock and balls.

It made me so aroused, I eventually started getting hard just in anticipation.

The one night, she comes in and checks my vitals and lifts my gown, and I don’t think she expected to see my hard throbbing cock resting alongside my stomach, blocking her way from accessing the wound.

She let out a “my dear” and said “sorry honey, but I need to move it out of the way.”

All I could do is just nod as she wrapped her bare hand around my length and positioned it out from my stomach.

Before she left, she asked if I wanted an ice pack to “help with the swelling” and pointed to my tented gown. I just said “sure” and she came and handed it to me.

The next night, she came to check on me, and when she moved my gown, I was hard again.

She said “You know, you can relieve yourself here when no one’s in the room, it’s not against the rules.”

I said “Oh, I would, it’s just I can barely even reach down there, I’m in so much pain.”

She said “I see, well, what if I did it for you?” And she started stroking her hand lightly up and down my length.

I could barely let out an “okay” as she started gripping harder and going faster.

It didn’t take me long to blow my load all over. She made sure to point my cock away from my stomach, to not get over the wound.

She left and told me she’d be back tomororw night, but then I’d be on my own.

The next night, she enters my room and again, I’m hard.

She flattered me a bit, saying “You have one of the nicer cocks I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a lot! It’s perfect size and thickness, I can barely get my hand around it.”

Again, I came quickly.

Even though its been years, it was the hottest sexual experience of my life, and I can’t get it out of my head! I’ve even though about reaching out to her, but have decided against it.
Wonderful! Love it when a sexual moments pops out of the ether. And no, you cannot reach out to her now. That’s creep stuff. Its been 3 yrs and the rapport is likely gone
I’ve heard stories like that and it’s always beeen a fantasy of mine. Especially since I used to work in a hospital and had seen so many attractive nurses. Then I finally had what might have been an opportunity.

At the beginning of the year I had back surgery and I stayed in for about a week. Most of the nurses were okay looking but a couple I would have liked to fulfill my fantasy. Unfortunately the surgery screwed with all of the nerves down there and I ended up with a catheter in me for the duration. Not that anything might have happened but it was disappointing anyway.
Two friends, both my FWBs, were found by a hospital nurse sucking each other. The man I'd known longer and who introduced me to the other, was recovering from foot surgery. His very handsome androgynous friend was visiting, and in the room long after hours. A young female nurse came in unexpectedly, blushed and backed out, saying, "No worries, no one else will disturb you." She got an envelope with a tip as my friend was released from the hospital.
When I had my vasectomy years ago, the nurse shaved me prior to the surgery. Most want you to do the shaving ahead of time now. It pissed my wife off that the nurse did this but I didn't care. I also didn't manscape 23 years ago.

Tomorrow is my yearly check up. Still a huge fantasy for nurse fun.
I was hospitalized for emergency surgery in lower abdomen area. Part of the pre op was a complete shave and catheter insertion.. Two good looking nurses were assigned to the tasks. I asked if they could do it after I was sedated but no go. They soaped and shaved quickly and efficiently, handling my limp cock to keep it out of the way. Next the catheter, one held me straight up the other also had her hand there and inserted the tube no problem.

A few months later after recovery, I was at a bar and was approached by one of those nurses. She aske how everything was with “willie”. I laughed with her. I imagine she had seen hundreds of cocks.
Some backstory, I’m 23 now, but 3 or so years ago when I was 20, I had to be rushed to the hospital for a blockage due to my stomach disease.

I was in the hospital for over a week, and post surgery, I got real friendly with the nursing staff, specifically the one night nurse who I’ll call “Angie”. Angie was older, probably in her 50s, and she was very busty.

I’d always be so glad to see it was her coming in to write her name on the board, because I knew that’d mean I’d get a peak down her scrubs when she checked my vitals.

As my surgery was around my belly button, Angie would need to check my wound routinely, which meant picking up my gown, and exposing my bare cock and balls.

It made me so aroused, I eventually started getting hard just in anticipation.

The one night, she comes in and checks my vitals and lifts my gown, and I don’t think she expected to see my hard throbbing cock resting alongside my stomach, blocking her way from accessing the wound.

She let out a “my dear” and said “sorry honey, but I need to move it out of the way.”

All I could do is just nod as she wrapped her bare hand around my length and positioned it out from my stomach.

Before she left, she asked if I wanted an ice pack to “help with the swelling” and pointed to my tented gown. I just said “sure” and she came and handed it to me.

The next night, she came to check on me, and when she moved my gown, I was hard again.

She said “You know, you can relieve yourself here when no one’s in the room, it’s not against the rules.”

I said “Oh, I would, it’s just I can barely even reach down there, I’m in so much pain.”

She said “I see, well, what if I did it for you?” And she started stroking her hand lightly up and down my length.

I could barely let out an “okay” as she started gripping harder and going faster.

It didn’t take me long to blow my load all over. She made sure to point my cock away from my stomach, to not get over the wound.

She left and told me she’d be back tomororw night, but then I’d be on my own.

The next night, she enters my room and again, I’m hard.

She flattered me a bit, saying “You have one of the nicer cocks I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a lot! It’s perfect size and thickness, I can barely get my hand around it.”

Again, I came quickly.

Even though its been years, it was the hottest sexual experience of my life, and I can’t get it out of my head! I’ve even though about reaching out to her, but have decided against it.
How the fuck does this kind of stuff happen to people? I've never even come close to something like that. So fucking jealous.
Different story and ending, but true...

I was in for a routine colonoscopy and the consultant asked if I minded some students being present to observe. I said sure why not. So I got my ass probed with a medical camera with six female nurses of varying ages as an audience. As anybody knows who's had the procedure, it isn't actually remotely sexual despite the camera getting further up your fundament than any cock or dildo ever will, and I spent most of it chatting to the consultant about the relative merits of Olympus and Pentax butt cameras 🤣

I had had a precautionary wank before attending though, and once I got home the thought of it all prompted another 🤣
Different story and ending, but true...

I was in for a routine colonoscopy and the consultant asked if I minded some students being present to observe. I said sure why not. So I got my ass probed with a medical camera with six female nurses of varying ages as an audience. As anybody knows who's had the procedure, it isn't actually remotely sexual despite the camera getting further up your fundament than any cock or dildo ever will, and I spent most of it chatting to the consultant about the relative merits of Olympus and Pentax butt cameras 🤣

I had had a precautionary wank before attending though, and once I got home the thought of it all prompted another 🤣
Were you awake during the actual procedure?
Yeah, fully conscious and watching it all on the big screen. Was aware of the nurses watching but didn't make a deal out of looking at them.
I've had a few colonoscopies; none were offered fully awake. Honestly didn't know that was a thing.