A focus on Meat

evil theorists
Ransacked shed.
Pasture pillaged
Abduction committed.

Orgy ensued
chalk bandits in
monocle dust
all the summer long
so they writhed.

came in.

motif of motory purr
burial nocturne disturbed

blink and claw
veal-vita seizure,
slow screaming cooker.

nahhh, not it. not motif or purr. like the motor or motory potential. Nocturne is... nah.... nah, X line 2. blink and claw needs better showing. Something about a machine or motor coming awake, and seizing... seizing something, and cooking it. Sizzle? Sizzles?

grass carpet shuffle,
shock value pilgrims
bunched in idle claws
no, not claws... fangs... no...
and not grass.
Turf. Yes, turf.
Something turf, something rubbing the turf,
turf not yet seeded. And not artificial turf.

The pilgrimage... the pilgrims... pilgrimage
pilgrims crawling on turf, digging their fingers


Nutty pilgrims!

nutty pilgrim spies virgin turf

in pecan shade a pilgrim took rest
boots worn, soul
weary: roads of dirt, roads of ditches
ditches of thorns. Berries plump,
and poisonous.

the turf was cool and felt
unseeded, this season
the pilgrim drew
lazy circulars
where the soil gave in
in the dirt the pilgrim dug
the pilgrim came
upon open lips
like moistened clay
the pilgrim,
curiosity whetted
dropped a nut he'd fondled
and peered
nearer the clay
wider the turf he'd
lazily worried
motif of motory purr
burial nocturne disturbed

blink and claw
veal-vita seizure,
slow screaming cooker.

how bout patterned mechanical purr..

nahhh, not it. not motif or purr. like the motor or motory potential. Nocturne is... nah.... nah, X line 2. blink and claw needs better showing. Something about a machine or motor coming awake, and seizing... seizing something, and cooking it. Sizzle? Sizzles?


like repetitive, like hypnotic, like... ?

patterned hypnotic purr

repetitious mechanism

mechanic repetition
the machine gunner sprayed
purring hypnotic bullets
all over a slippery mannequin
It came last night:

felines purr
so do motors
motors machinate
motors and machines
are geared. Gears, like
felines are toothed, gears
like teeth grind or mesh clean

a silent machine
leopard skin
yawning lip lick
camouflage mesh