A formal motion

My Erotic Trail said:
What happen? Somebody didn't mention you!


It seems logical enough for the Author Hangout to have a new stories review thread 'stuck' @ the top of the forum. (But then again it was inspired by the New Poems Review 'sticky') <bigrin

Perhaps a 'sticky' to vote on what to do with the thread in 2007 <grinin.

stick it where....? (~_*)


Perhaps the reason it isnt logical is because it receives posts on a regular ( usually daily, when there are poems posted) basis, thus making it a STICKY, wholly unnecessary, unlike the other stickys which are not on the receiving end of a daily post....

and might I point out that of all people I know on this board, SJ is probably the one who cares least about being mentioned, Senna, please correct me if I am wrong, lol...

MET, are you trying to start something??

< big grin>



My Erotic Trail said:
The Mods do the 'sticky'

I suppose it is a sticky situation, there was a formal complaint!

What formal complaint? :confused:
Maria2394 said:

Perhaps the reason it isnt logical is because it receives posts on a regular ( usually daily, when there are poems posted) basis, thus making it a STICKY, wholly unnecessary, unlike the other stickys which are not on the receiving end of a daily post....

and might I point out that of all people I know on this board, SJ is probably the one who cares least about being mentioned, Senna, please correct me if I am wrong, lol...

MET, are you trying to start something??

< big grin>




Let me toss something into this discussion -- it's a conspiracy. There, that ought to really get things going. :D

I happened to catch the whole thing with Senna's motion and the thing getting unstuck very early in the morning, when the threads are still fairly comatose. Seems to make sense. Of course for anyone else familiar with the review who didn't see that and happened upon the PFD in the evening, it might look like something strange was happening. Ah well, folks will adjust.

Speaking of strange, what I think will be strange will be trying to make the connection between a teary-eyed Mom on AMW and some lady in the woods flinging off her clothes till she's standing there in her altogether. :devil: :devil:

Now that's a more stirring concept than something's stickiness!

LeBroz said:
Let me toss something into this discussion -- it's a conspiracy. There, that ought to really get things going. :D

I happened to catch the whole thing with Senna's motion and the thing getting unstuck very early in the morning, when the threads are still fairly comatose. Seems to make sense. Of course for anyone else familiar with the review who didn't see that and happened upon the PFD in the evening, it might look like something strange was happening. Ah well, folks will adjust.

Speaking of strange, what I think will be strange will be trying to make the connection between a teary-eyed Mom on AMW and some lady in the woods flinging off her clothes till she's standing there in her altogether. :devil: :devil:

Now that's a more stirring concept than something's stickiness!


Oh, lordy, Leon!!

I cannot dwell on the bad stuff all the time or I will just die, seriously :(

I hope this is what you call "light-hearted teasing"


...you blame it on Normal Jeane, okay?

but Im pretty sure that a teary-eyed mom is allowed to get nekkid to relieve stress as long as no one under the tender age is looking, and no one was...

Maria2394 said:
a teary-eyed mom is allowed to get nekkid

nekkid mom in an apple tree!
oh how I would like to be free
to try a sample
to bite that apple --
you would hear me shouting "lucky me!"


Senna Jawa said:

nekkid mom in an apple tree!
oh how I would like to be free
to try a sample
to bite that apple --
you would hear me shouting "lucky me!"




love this SJ ~

I think that if it is unstuck that people should post on it, therefor making it a communal sticky wheras if a member (not "they" but "we" ) want it back on top they just have to bump it up. Ooh maybe make them bump it up with a bit of a review? There you go, MET, you DO have the power, no worries, sugar plum, if it is unstuck, just bump it up, like with all of the other threads.
Maria2394 said:
Oh, lordy, Leon!!

I cannot dwell on the bad stuff all the time or I will just die, seriously :(

I hope this is what you call "light-hearted teasing"


...you blame it on Normal Jeane, okay?

but Im pretty sure that a teary-eyed mom is allowed to get nekkid to relieve stress as long as no one under the tender age is looking, and no one was...



But of course it is a bit of teasing. Surely you don't think I've already turned into a sour old-man {I haven't even turned the big six oh ~ at least not for another 9 days}!

But as for you getting nekkid in the great out of doors, a natural (groan) response under your conditions (hope it helped). Certainly a more uplifting experience (somebody shut this guy up) than the stickiness or lack thereof on a particular thread.

BTW, there was someone under a tender age that saw you that day ~ you are married after all.

Maria2394 said:
but Im pretty sure that a teary-eyed mom is allowed to get nekkid to relieve stress as long as no one under the tender age is looking, and no one was...


I think so too! In fact we can have a annual meeting every few days or so!
ishtat said:
Why not? and so what. :)
That was kind of my question too.

But then I realized I didn't care either way, I've got it bookmarked anyway.
Senna Jawa said:

nekkid mom in an apple tree!
oh how I would like to be free
to try a sample
to bite that apple --
you would hear me shouting "lucky me!"



Senna jawa!!!

That is just great!!!

I will just say this, if something happens to my hubbby, you better watch out!! I have a "thing" for Polish men, hehe, <wink> !
LeBroz said:

But of course it is a bit of teasing. Surely you don't think I've already turned into a sour old-man {I haven't even turned the big six oh ~ at least not for another 9 days}!

But as for you getting nekkid in the great out of doors, a natural (groan) response under your conditions (hope it helped). Certainly a more uplifting experience (somebody shut this guy up) than the stickiness or lack thereof on a particular thread.

BTW, there was someone under a tender age that saw you that day ~ you are married after all.


I was just pickin' back, sweetie. I Know you arent a sour old man and even when you DO get to the big six oh, just remember this, there are sour old men who have yet to reach their twenties...I have met some of them

btw, today is mine and hubbys 24th wedding anniversary!!! yay us for stickiing it out!! ( in more ways than one)


Maria2394 said:
I was just pickin' back, sweetie. I Know you arent a sour old man and even when you DO get to the big six oh, just remember this, there are sour old men who have yet to reach their twenties...I have met some of them

btw, today is mine and hubbys 24th wedding anniversary!!! yay us for stickiing it out!! ( in more ways than one)




Congrats ~ sounds like a perfect reason for spending the day lounging in :devil: :catroar:

BTW Senna isn't the only person of Polish extraction around these parts; you didn't think Brozyna's Italian, did you?


a little something for today.....
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

LeBroz said:

Congrats ~ sounds like a perfect reason for spending the day lounging in :devil: :catroar:

BTW Senna isn't the only person of Polish extraction around these parts; you didn't think Brozyna's Italian, did you?


a little something for today.....
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:


are you trying to tempt me even more??


Thank you for the roses, but I insist you keep one for you !!

24th? WOW! :cool: I think that deserves heart (filled with chocolate naturally), a rose, a kiss, and a dancing penis! :heart: :rose: :kiss: :nana: Dang! *looks at the dancing "nana" with mild disdain* That is still a dancing banana :( I hope you can find the dancing penis on your own ;) :D

But 24 years... we have only barely made it passed 15 and I wasn't sure that it was going to be much longer than that for a while :eek: Big hug for your special day!
Maria2394 said:
today is mine and hubbys 24th wedding anniversary!!! yay us for stickiing it out!! ( in more ways than one)

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!

Formal Motions

btw, today is mine and hubbys 24th wedding anniversary!!! yay us for stickiing it ut!! ( in more ways than one)

29 here, so get in line !

... and as for the thread subject:

formal motions
scripted love
fills the gaps