a formal suggestion/request

Angeline said:
That's two today! I got Bij, too. :catroar:

Chardonnay Fu? That's extra points. Anything with alcohol gets at least 2. Expensive alcohol gets more. Was it really good chardonnay?

if I could drink at the shop Ange would be rolling in points by now.

unpredictablebijou said:
Was it really good chardonnay?
Oh, yeah.


Excellent stuff. Fine nose.
Were you aware that vent has an alternative meaning that is very apt in assholiness?
I like you.

Let's face it, everyone has one, it is a part of us, so what are you if you deny it?
It is not even gender specific like balls so how very politically correct.
Do it if you want to. It's nicer, simpler, milder, more cultural to simply ignore without shouting.

The Internet level of communication went down dramatically at the end of 1991. Since then many people started to use "filters". Somehow I never did (now I regret my resistance). Finally, on one of the portals, the ignore feature was mentioned several times, and it was easy to use. So I finally did. Since then that portal is much more pleasant to me. Nothing is free--I do lose there some of the interesting discussions, poems, etc, but overall it is very much worth it. Life is short and there is no reason to waste time on obnoxious, aggressive, mean-spirited, mostly stupid, often hostile posts.

If you like to shout--shout. I prefer to ignore.

close minded (~_~)
close minded (~_~)
Now, Trialing one. Senna if he is close minded, got there from a wealth of knowledge and study - I repect that. I don't like the fact that he sometimes has disparaging things to say about comments I may have left on HIS poems. But they are responses to those comments that I did make.

Quite unlike that stunt you pulled off.

He, Senna, is an asset.
It is a shame he doesn't leave quality comments, I have an understanding of why he quit.:D