a ghostly same title challenge

Aargh. No ghosty poem from me. Believe me, I really tried last night, but no cigar.

I now officially suck. :)


ps. Hiyah, Keeney! Good to see you.
I was premature in posting

But I wonder if I could include this one in your Ghostly parade:

The Ghosts of North Beach

a bit of Ghostly homage to Ginsberg, Kerouac, and perhaps a not so ghostly one to Fehrlingetti (did I spell that one right?). Besides I need a couple more votes on this one...


jim :)
Got one!

So, since I'm too late to get it in today, I post it here instead:

annual ghost

stacking yesterdays
in piles too high to handle
they lean sway fall

tumble topple over
me and all the now
I breathed in
just before
came crashing down

a sea to drown
the everything
that trails behind in

I have ahead

and everything

just all

it's just another
spin on the same
familiar axis
and the new dawn
just a carbon copy
of the one
seven hours old

and still the panic
the illusion of closure
the delusion
of significance
closing in

just one more day
to set things straight
just one more spin
to lose the burdens
the load that the next
turn of seasons
doesn't deserve

I wish for comfort
for ease and splendor
and a happy new year

free from this
annual ghost

that is all
I'm not certain, but I believe that ghosts have no calendars, or watches, no sense of date or time :)
I initially changed the posting date so those who had parties or other "things" to do would not feel rushed or left out ( wink at Icingsugar)

so what if your muse is late??!! I had no poem until late yesterday when I picked up my daughter's everyman's poet copy of Baudelaire and was enthralled for a long long hour or so

I will go back through all the ghostly submissions and the ones posted here on the thread and add links on New Years Day, ( poor maria, no parties, no dates, just a horny old crone, sitting at home masturbating witha worn out copy of Edgar Allen poe) :D

but still, if you have one, post it so those who do not see this thread can enjoy your memories and talented writings!!

thanks to all!! and happy new year :)
My ghost is still out there in limbo ~ I'm off to read ALL the new poems and there are a lot.

**coffee, muffin, specs, note pad - check.**
Another ghost...

she wasn't ready to come until today.

Ghosts of Her Face

What was once for that short time?
What was once is actual, still alive in place.

your face recedes,
as days erase the fate of flesh
is time turning to ash, to particles,
particulars of body drift to dust,
but no time fades the voices
of your face.

I reconstruct these bones
to watch the grainy film of loss
complete the circle of the time
we moved within a single space.
Geography projected on the sheets
of memory may be illusory,
but reconstructed you are real to me.

I see your eyes. I hear you laugh,
remembering the secret ghostly faces
in your face, the traces no one saw,
and who confided names to me.

I'm Star. I'm Jewel.
This one woman,
that one child,
her a mute who hid from thunderstorms,
shaking with soundless shrieks.

She's brilliant.
They all nodded safe
within their wise assurance.
Those academics knew you brilliant,
more than most by far.
However could they let that be?
Your paradox of mind and lunacy
a threat, so they constructed frameworks,
caging up your difference in a corner room.

She's crazy.
Hides in closets from the rain,
hides behind a veil of smoke.

you spoke of them but once
sliding your eyes away, your gravel voice
curving around a cigarette,
a child's voice whispering fear,
hitching out wisps of syllables
in shallow watchful breath,
waiting for some tormentors to return
from memories of time and space.

I smoke and I can't smell them then.
I smoke so I won't smell those men,
the men.

Oh Gertrude,
what was there to do
but take you hand and nod,
hearing your shattered voice
teeming with faces crowded,
looking out behind the blue,
hidden within your crystal mind
like shards that splintered
even as you knew every solution
but your own?

Your secret sat somewhere
centered within abandonment,
alone, a quiet frightened girl
who grew in fourteen voices
speaking from one mouth.

Listen, you said,
I'm Star. I'm Jewel.
Listen, they're not afraid
to talk to you.

Hello again Gertrude to you,
outside of time and place.
My dear old friend, my mentor,
if I squint I still recall the blessings
of your crazy lunar face,
though nothing's left but words
to think and laugh, rejoice your ghosts
then and now in prayer for peace
for all the pieces of your sweet lost face.
Last edited:
Ah crap.

I posted not one but two Ghostly poems yesterday so that they would show up today, the first day of the new year, so it could be read with a glass of wine and some old friends and poets and ghosties, and Laurel decides to take the day off. The nerve! :p
Ghost Poem

Sorry Y'all.

I only got part way through mine when I got run down by the bug. Do not have any energy to write it. I will have to finsih it late ran dpost it as a normal work.

I can;t wait to read the ones that have been posted.

Yours in poetry,
My Ghost Poem


I threw a poem together and posted it. Hopefull it is not full of too many errors. Yes this is based on a real ghost, but she never seduced me.

Matter fo fact. no one seduces me. I see a pattern here *L*


The Ghost of Ester

The old house stood on Brown Street
Chopped up to four apartments neat
And as my roommate traveled home
I spent this Christmas there alone.

My family couldn’t travel this far
To spend the holidays in the car
And my girlfriend decided to have a fight
The inexpensive gift wasn’t right

So I lay down on my unkept bed
My heart filled with the dread
Of being alone this holiday night
Twenty, alone, such a sad sight

I must have dozed off and in a dream
I saw her, felt her there it seem
To me she was watching, fretting
The blue bluish shimmer sitting

She compassionately made me feel
Like there was no hurt to heal
And that we should pass the time
Any way we could find

I felt her hand touch my heart
A kiss making my lips part
And together she lay in my arms
Feeling her ghostly charms

Soon I fell her become flesh
Our list continued to mesh
Hear arousing in my heart
As her robes slowly fell apart

Naked we thrashed upon the bed
Feeling her body envelope my head
Magically surrounding my shaft
Until I could no longer last.

I awoke in the bed naked and dazed
Feeling the lingering passion amazed
At the dream that had make me cum
But where did these robes come from?
Adding to the list...

Lauren Hynde said:
The Ghostly List (so far)

The Ghost of Perpetual Light by *Catbabe*

december ghost sublime by Maria2394

Does my ghost haunt you? by neonurotic

understanding Christmas ghosts by OT

Exorcising Your Ghost by bridgetkeeney

Ghosts and Her Face by Angeline

Ghosts and Souls by smithpeter

Annual Ghost by Icingsugar

More to come.

The Ghost of Ester by thunderf64

Ghost of Tomorrow by Lauren

Ghost Dance by Jthserra

The Ghost of Something Else by Pointless (an early one)

Giulieta's Ghost by Lauren

The Ghosts of North Beach by Jthserra

I think that picks up all the Ghosts of December... I think

read them all and vote...

jim :)
My ghost lurks in limbo still
Quieting my anxious quill
Waiting for acceptance then
let my muse awake again.
BOO :)

thanks to everyone who submitted a ghost poem. They were all great, except mine and my muse was taking a vactation in the spirit world sampling some new flavors of...well, something...

anyway, Jim and Lauren..( lauren knew this already) but my computer will not allow me to post links en masse on a thread reply, it freezes up..so I think the two above mentions poetic angels for posting everyone's links!! :heart:

tess, I like what you have done, adding a mini ghost poem, nice way to keep a thread like this alive :rose: