A heartfelt “Thank You” to the “One Bomber”

flyguy69 said:
You know, I'm kinda proud of my new troll. Like Tath's ezine acceptance, it is a sort of merit badge for my poet's sash. It may not count for much, but I can point to those ones and say "Look at me; I've got a troll! Just like a real poet!"

OK- enough is enough---see my one is the lonliest # challenge thread...at least moan in an art form...:D
PatCarrington said:
hey, jd. the bomber is branching out......'making the rounds', so to speak. :)

that must be one sick puppy.

"Making the rounds" would be if he/she were giving out zeros wouldn't it?
or as we used to call them
" skunk eggs"
they're round and they stink.

Go Sox!
About a month ago, two of my older poems were bombed. When one only has 5 H's...it really mattered. But, as has been stated, after fretting about it for a day, i realized that i was caught up in the 'grade' for my poetry way too much. It was a sobering experience.

I discovered yesterday that another of my poems was bombed...and you know what upsets me? Two of my poems still have H's that don't deserve it and the ones that i felt had some merit were bombed...go figure.

I'm actually relieved to know that much better poets than i have been bombed...so i know its not a personal vendetta. It's like being in good company...

Thanks for providing a place to vent.

Lit-ville Halloween Trolls

I've gotten so use to them ONE BOMBING
That I expect them before I submit a poem.
I admit I stepped-on a few toes, obviously
a poetic troll because my stories don't get
this treatment. Only Poems...
As I hunted and roared like
a tiger here while back about critics,
I learned to live with it when I found out
who one of the trolls was.
They admit to one votes proudly.
"There's nothing you can do"
The troll said. Then you have another POET
Who wants to help rewrite your poems
and admits to giving very low votes if its not
very good to encourage you...So a Poetic
peer is doing you in...go figure?
then there was YDD...OH GOD THAT CAN OF WORMS....
Seems there is more than one...they breed (lol)

But I did as 4george did and figure its a good
poem if the trolls feel threatened by it. Or they
feel a need to re-write it to make it....BETTER?

I even wrote a story:
Lit-ville Halloween Trolls Oct 2004
Either the story is on hold till
Halloween or to controversial
to post? Never-the-less these trolls
seem to stir quite a few with their
one bombs.

I love to write poetry even though I'm
not as talented (or educated) as many here,
Just a red-neck country boy who likes to write
(please don't tell nobody I write poetry)hehehe
but the enjoyment is still there.

I even found more receptive and understanding
views of criticism at an AH thread. But my heart
keeps pulling me back to what I love...poetry
As a Martial Arts Instructor I teach the phylosophy
of Yin and Yang...opposites, so I learn to take the good
with the bad and have found that 3 to 10 good votes
and comments out weigh the one that has a not
so honorable heart.

I was PM'd by a poet who found it funny we
seem to recall the one vote or bad critic over the
much more receptive and gracious comments from
those who really count. Constructive critics with
a good bed side manner...or is that in bed manner (lol)

So I too know when a Poem is good by the
infamous one vote...as was with Wendy's
Bitchin Broom. First vote...not even out an hour
and got the one bomb...this poet/troll sits waiting
till they post then readily attacks the poems...
sad but true.

Any way my ramblings won't help but the
fact we all suffer from the same attacks
from a poet trying so hard to win a contest?
(I ASS-ume that's their intent)
To you I hope you find your happiness
for mine is in writing a poem, not in the numbers.

Happy Halloween
(perhaps Ill try a poem about the trolls)
seems I've been inspired...he he he

(quick note)
In case you haven't noticed....I've gotten better
at writing poetry because some great people
here at lit took the time to share their
constructive criticism...non-trolls
I would like to thank those who helped
me understand and write better by setting
good examples. Encouraging people still exist.
Thank You Poets~
You know when I spoke about the whole low vote etc thing with a friend, he said that he could not keep track anymore. I could never could wrap my head around having so many poems that it is impossible to keep track but I am there.

And thank goodness! I used to be able to keep a watch on those little buggers, now I look at the titles and cannot even remember what poem is underneath.

Maybe I need to start another name. It is a pain in the ass scrolling through my submission page to see if something I submitted got through.