A letter to Artfuls dream

Re: a reason for everything, everything for a reason

justgem said:
i quite agree Miss Taken. there is a reason for everything that happens and good can be gained even from bad situations.

if i hadnt married the man i did i wouldnt have my 2 beautiful children. i wouldnt have a job that i love and have succeeded in. i wouldnt have moved to this state. i wouldnt have the dear friends i have...

if i hadnt married the man i did i wouldnt have lived 14 yrs growing into who i am today. if i hadnt gone thru the pain i did when i left him i wouldnt have found this forum when seeking an outlet when i couldnt stand the pressure anymore... i would never have met my Grv... i wouldnt have healed the way i have...i wouldnt have found love when i wasnt looking.

i have spent over a yr w/Him o/l, on the phone, on cam. and in nov i will spend a week w/Him irl... if W/we ever part...i will have treasured memories for what He taught me and how He helped heal me and walk away w/the strength i thought was gone but was restored due to Him.

we all have memories and experiences....some wonderful and some awful....but as u said.....they r all good for growth.

~Dream~ i hope u can find the ability to be grateful for what your past has taught u, i hope u can find the joy of every learning experience that came your way and grow from them....whether good or bad every experience has value.



Beautifully put gem...we all should think this way from time to time. I know I think this way often...since I know that if I hadn't chosen the path I did...things could have been very different. Maybe better in ways...but we have to look at the good that has come from different experiences.
Dear ~Dream~,

Thank you for the PM. It was as insightful as it was lucid.

Please feel free to PM as much as you want in the future. You won't be bothering me a bit as I have no intention of reading them before deletion and it will spare others the burden of having to read anymore of your problems. Thereby serving everyone's purpose.

However, attacking me is not serving any interest of yours. I am not your enemy and never was. Quite frankly, until you began your recent campaign, posting everywhere, I hardly knew you existed. I have never wished you any ill will, and still don't.

You have been given some pretty good advice it appears to me. Advice that you are heedless of. I hope that you start to listen soon for the sake of your family.

Re: Writer Dom

~Dream~ said:

And I'd just like to see YOU replaced by someone who wasnt such a popmpous Ass ,lmfao too bad you dont "dig '; my backwards hillbilly type aka 'relaxed" typing skilss now isnt it? what a damn shame ,and I just May Lose sleep over it also !! =NOT !!:D

Hey Dream . . . you don't need these scumbags . . . :)
Re: Re: Writer Dom

Don K Dyck said:
Hey Dream . . . you don't need these scumbags . . . :)

Welcome to the BDSM Forum. If you would like to post about BDSM feel free, but insults are kinda childish coming from someone called Don K Dyck.

Re: Re: Writer Dom

Don K Dyck said:
Hey Dream . . . you don't need these scumbags . . . :)

Don, I thought you were a fair and open-minded, abeit opinionated man. It would be to your benefit to either take the time to read what has actually transpired here, or keep your attacks to yourself. You have only apparently heard one side of this sick drama and drawn a skewed opinion.

I would never go to the GB or the playground and do what you have done here. I can't believe you have done this.

From our other exchanges elsewhere, I had drawn a different and better opinion of you.
Re: Re: Writer Dom

Don K Dyck said:
Hey Dream . . . you don't need these scumbags . . . :)

May I join the ranks of scumbags?

I always thought we were just "freaks?"

Scumbag is certainly a new twist on BDSM.

And like Rose, fortunately, I get out a bit and know Don well enough to know that being disappointed in this behavior is a fair assessment. Ya got substance, man.

Feel free to show it here :)
*stumbles into the thread*

uuuummmm....is this the dress rehearsal for Days of Our Lives?
Re: *stumbles into the thread*

dragonhearted said:
uuuummmm....is this the dress rehearsal for Days of Our Lives?

No, actually it was a "bunch flew over the cuckoo's nest." but casting actually ended at 5:00.

Stick around, tomorrow we are casting "The Story of O." It should be much better! ;)
Re: Re: *stumbles into the thread*

zipman7 said:
No, actually it was a "bunch flew over the cuckoo's nest." but casting actually ended at 5:00.

Stick around, tomorrow we are casting "The Story of O." It should be much better! ;)

ooooooooohhh ok....can I wear my skimpy animal skins then at this casting? :D
Re: Re: Re: *stumbles into the thread*

dragonhearted said:
ooooooooohhh ok....can I wear my skimpy animal skins then at this casting? :D

Absolutely! I just love casting days!
Re: Re: *stumbles into the thread*

zipman7 said:
No, actually it was a "bunch flew over the cuckoo's nest." but casting actually ended at 5:00.

Stick around, tomorrow we are casting "The Story of O." It should be much better! ;)

You know keeping up with your posts and those on Shadows threads are making it hard for me to win this game of backgammon I am engaged in.... Guess I had better center my attention better LOL