A moment for a great writer! The_shadow_rising

The Perils of Rock n Roll Decadence is harder to evaluate clearly. It has lots, lots of good stuff: the seduction (or rather, the seductions, pre and post the main act); first times when the girlfriend has the lover's dick completely in her mouth and pussy (in the latter case she immadiately cums!); wonderfull, over-the-top dirty talk (with more than usual of "I love my boyfried so much" when being full of another's dick); and page 79 is one of my favorite piece of smut ever. But, man, it's so, so, so long and repetetive! I know it's the design, but if I have to read 20-30 practicaly the same pages for an orgasm I may not have a time foir it.

I absolutely love The Perils of Rock n Roll Decadence (TPRRD?): Mia is possibly one of Shadow's best female protagonists (neck-and-neck with Claire and Alexia) and Theo is a wonderfully charming seductive cunt. Together they make a fantastic story that I'd love to see revisited someday (along with Sophie's Wedding - please?).

Also page I credit page 79 (and page 10 of Sophie's Engagement) for my current obsession with shoving marathon sex montages in my own work, but seriously that page was hot! We needed more descriptions of Mia and Theo fucking everywhere in two hotel rooms while her boyfriend suffered his Conveniently Incapacitating Illness and somehow managed to NOT HEAR ANYTHING?!?

However... and it pains me to say this, but the story desperately needed more variety for its INSANE length (I know I might sound like a hypocrite here considering common complaints levied against my own writing): the main sex scene itself is 38 Lit pages (starts on page 34, climaxes on page 72), 28 of which are in missionary (they switch to cowgirl on page 58, then back to missionary on page 68). The sex montage later has them fucking on sofas, drawers, and in showers! That would be some fun positions to have describe in more detail.

Anyway, thought I'd gush a little about one of my favourite stories from The Shadow Rising.
Nice to see an answer for my comment. Especially from someone with similar opinion.

I'd too like to revisit Mia-Theo illicit sex once more. My idea would be to start with sex montage showing the two of them fucking madly and risky. Next the main event would be Marie catching them in the act and being slowly dragged into it, in the result becoming slutty cheating girlfriend herself. Then, their boyfriend would return home and the girls would be switching between keeping them busy and fucking Theo in the other room.

I love sex montages as well, they're perfect to show how hot the couple is for each other. Thsnks for directing me to page 10 of Sophie's engangement, I'll definitively check your works if there's more of it there xD

Btw Claire and Alexia - what stories are they in?
Btw Claire and Alexia - what stories are they in?

Claire is from The Shadow Rising's Valestock series; a wonderful romp that gradually escalates the fetishes from cheating to incest.

Alexia is an Amazon product... I'm kidding! She's from The Bride's First Dance; the best, in my opinion, of TSR's post-Perils works (dividing his works into the Sophie-era (00's stuff), pre-Perils-era (2011-2013, when he wrote a lot), Perils (2018), then post-Perils (2019+)). I've probably given this way too much thought.
Claire is from The Shadow Rising's Valestock series; a wonderful romp that gradually escalates the fetishes from cheating to incest.

Alexia is an Amazon product... I'm kidding! She's from The Bride's First Dance; the best, in my opinion, of TSR's post-Perils works (dividing his works into the Sophie-era (00's stuff), pre-Perils-era (2011-2013, when he wrote a lot), Perils (2018), then post-Perils (2019+)). I've probably given this way too much thought.

Valestock series I read and very much enjoyed. Just don't remember any names. But yes, Claire was a fun character, and became so depraved during the course of the story.

The Bride's First Dance I didn't read yet, but in that case, I have to.

And don't worry: I perfectyl understand giving "too much" thoughts to your fav smut writer. I have one on AO3 and seriously - I could create a wiki for his smuttyverse.
I've finally read The Bride's First Dance and I have to agree with @RedLegoDragon that it's one of The Shadow's best.

* All three main characters are very likeable. Alexia's a lovely girlfriend, who starts denying even touching the stripper's dick and ends wanting her fiance's best friend to fuck her over and over again (and she's blonde!). Jesse's a smug bastard, a little creepy sometimes, but not so creepy to be disgusting. And finally Taylor, so kind and faithful; I felt sorry for him.
* MCs having loud, illicit sex with the doors open. Especially the moment when Taylor sees them and even talks with Jesse. Especially especially when Jesse changes the position so Taylor could see his fiancee getting pounded (and the explicit descripion how wide Jesse's dick stretches Alexia's pussy - delicious).
* Not too much of it, but even a little sex marathon is enjoyable.
* Also, the usual: over-the-top sex scene, amazing blow job scene, so much dirty talk (especially love, engangement and wedding related - the duo is so bad!).

* Alexia succumbs to lust too quickly. It's like she retreats from Jesse's kiss, then she takes them to dance in front of Taylor, next they're in the room and boom - the girl craves for treacherous sex. Yep, she thinks a little of the stripper's and Jesse's cock earlier, but too little IMO.
* Taylor and his friends are probably deaf, not hearing Alexia's "I love you Taylor" screams. But, it's part of the convention, and some of it is addressed, so only minor thing.
* All around the stripper. I mean, what happened with the real stripper who should come to the bachelor party? One line like "the agency called you won't be here, but glad you make it" would fix that. Also, as far as I heard, most of strippers has "no touching rule", so it's weird that Jesse's so touchy.

Another thing is that this story almost desperately needs a continuation!
First, it ends literally moments from Jesse finding the way to fuck Alexia despite Taylor being near - I want to know how it happened!
Second, all of this wedding dirty talk should pays off. Just imagine the possibilities: Alexia being a little late because having sex with Jesse right before the wedding (with maybe Amy covering for her?); walking down to Taylor with sperm in her mouth, which she swallows just before "I do"; Alexia and Jesse fucking after the reception while Taylor lies drunk somewhere near...

But once again, it's one of The Shadow's best, and an amazing read.
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I'm glad that you all enjoy the stories and characters so much. Means a lot to me. I appreciate you all being so dedicated to them all!

Keep writing them and we'll keep reading! I always look forward to a return visit to Shorehaven!

Second, all of this wedding dirty talk should pays off. Just imagine the possibilities: Alexia being a little late because having sex with Jesse right before the wedding (with maybe Amy covering for her?); walking down to Taylor with sperm in her mouth, which she swallows just before "I do"; Alexia and Jesse fucking after the reception while Taylor lies drunk somewhere near...

Oh great, now there's two weddings I want @The_shadow_rising to write about! :LOL:
New cheating girlfriend story submitted to Lit! We'll see when it is published, hopefully in a few days. Keep an eye on the New Stories section or my Works page.
UPDATE: Just woke up, and got some exciting news...Literotica have already accepted the new story! It has changed from 'pending' to 'new' and it looks like it will be released tomorrow (29th)!

I love release day! And I hope you will all like it :)
New Story - Flirting with the Visitor, Ch. 01 - published on Literotica! In the New Stories section!


I hope you all like it!!

Holy Moly, that story is massive! And not only this, because it's also awesome! More details below, but be beware of **mild spoilers** (heavy spoilers would be mark as such).


First of all, Melody is a lovely name. It makes me think of someone small and delicate, so I like all the mention that she has tiny hands and feet, so I can imagine her as a rather small one. Even if her bust isn't so small - she's 32D (revealed pretty late compared to other stories), so pretty good even for Shorehaven standards.

When we're at names, I think James and Lincoln should switch theirs. For me, James sounds much more masculine, and also better fit for screaming it. But maybe that's just me.

Anyway, what I like about the main couple (Melody and Lincoln) that they're in fact beliveable. He isn't a perfect man as many others erotica characters, he has flaws (he cannot dance - maybe it's not a huge flaw, but still), and even refractory period! She in turn isn't just a hot chick, has a personality and even some spite. And as a couple - I'm sure that like in case of Mia and Theo, there would be many shipping them, because they share some romantic moments as well and would just fit together.

There's also James, and here goes my headcannon: he's a cuckold. I mean, what kind of man tells his girlfriend that his friend has a huge cock, great skills, and a lot of stamina? Adding his huge lack of perceptiveness and the heaviest sleep ever (even compared to other boyfrinds), only then he makes sense. I know, we're Shadow's readers, of course we don't mind boyfriends to be dumb. But still, I will die on that hill - that James sees everything but is horny seeing it.


As Shadow's promised, the seduction is lengthy (around 19 Lit Pages, depends who's counting). But it's god, as thanks to it we can observe a more gradual slip to cheating compared to other stories. Sure, it's not 100% realistic, but does it need to be? Also, what really works here is Melody's POV, which allows us to follow her feelings and thoughts, when she tries to rationalize some things she and Lincoln do - for me they were pretty beliveable (we people do it constantly to justify our bad behaviors). There was only one scene which happens too fast and one which should (for me) ends differently, but there is also one which made my dick jump (see spoilers section).

However, during this phase I encountered some... icks. Like, the flirting/seduction lasts for three days, but we get no mention that the characters eat. Except for two rounds of snacks - btw when Melody prepares them, we are presented with a specific number of cupboards she takes them from - why? Also, how many of you do put towels into wash beans after one shower? Last but not least, is this canon that all the stories happen in 2005 when Sophie's part 1 came up? Because the characters watch TV instead of any streaming services, looking for movies by changing channels.


It of course starts with blowjob, and for me this is the weakest part of the story, but some of you for sure would love it. This is typical Shadow's blowjob scene (but the bra is blue!), which were always too long for my taste, this one included.

But then, we go to the good parts. And mate, they are good! First of all, Shadow promised us 3 locations, 7 spots and 10 positions. And he lived to his word, because this is exact number we got, although we can discussed what 'position' means (depends on definition, there can be even 17 of them). And while the sex scenes are in their majority typical for Shadow, I sense some u/RedLegoDragon's influence when it comes to pacing and dialogues - and I don't mean it as flaws, quite a contrary, because those shifts in style works for the better. Some sex scenes are even among the fucking best in entire erotic fiction, but two hooks from seduction has no proper payoff during sex (see spoilers section).

If I was about to point to flaws, I think some dialogues during sex could be cut in half. It's not a major flaw, those are good dialogues, but sometimes some pieces are just too lengthy. (By pieces I mean what a single pair of "" contains.)


In this section I'm gonna go fully into spoilers. Mostly to highlights some real good parts ;)

*Flirting scene that took place too soon:* >!At one point during the seduction, Lincoln bends Melody over the counter and grinds his cock against her ass. It was unnecessary, didn't push the story further, and also happened too soon.!<

*Flirting scene that should ends differently:* >!Maybe it's hardly flirting, but as in *The Groupie 2*, at some point Melody and Lincoln play with each other's sexy parts while James is engrossed in television, and Melody almost cums under Lincoln's stimulating her pussy - but she's stopped. It would be hot if she indeed came next to her boyfriend, and also worked better in overaching narration - I would demand finishing me off instead of going for the blowjob.!<

*Flirting scene that made my cock jump:* >!One part of the flirting is that Lincoln and Melody kiss multiple times. At one point, James retreats to upstairs and Lincoln is about to kiss Melody again - but instead she leads him further into the house and tells him they should do it here because they would hear James returning so they could do it more safely - and what hit me hard him is that Melody explicitly said it to him. But then Lincoln takes over, grabs Melody and guide her to the door to James' office when he currently is and pushes her against it, exceeding my expectations, as I didn't expected tits mashing and by-ass lifting back then.!<

*Hooks from seduction without a proper payoff during sex:* >!During seduction it's established that a. Melody's next is very vulnerable, especially to biting (which she didn't know even if the neck being erogenous zone is a pretty common knowledge) and b. Lincoln's kink is women saying fuck. None of the above has a major role during sex scenes, only some minor influence. I imagine e.g. a scene when Melody rides Lincoln's dick saying only "fuck, fuck, fuck" and he struggles to not cum.!<

*Sex scenes among the best in erotic fiction:* >!What I enjoyed greatly - there is banging against a door scene which is completely unexpected, completely unrealistic, and completely hot. In fact, there are two, as the next the cheaters plan to fuck from behind next to this door, but they really need to be quiet. And the exquisit dialogue comes up (see below). And a little further the lovers discussing where to fuck next and it's hot as fuck (this story amazingly utilized not-popular but often overused rule 'Tell, don't show').!<

>>!"Oh, James. Oh, baby. Stay asleep, baby. Um, stay asleep while your best friend fucks me! Oh, God! I need Lincoln to cum inside me, so fucking badly, baby! Umm, ohh, God, please don't wake up. Oh, Lincoln and I are having sex, baby! You don't want to see him stretching my pussy!" Melody pleading through moaning in pleasure, her head spinning.!<

>>!"God, Mel, I'm trying. Fuck! I'm going to fill you before you go back to your boyfriend. I'll get there. Don't wake him up, slut, until I give it all to you!" Lincoln growled, as he tried hard to make himself cum.!<


What can I say: one of the Shadow's best, possibly even the best. S class, together with Perils and Valestock (for me), and certainly a strong contenstant in the next Shorehaven Tournament. Characters, flirting/seduction, sex - everything is great, although not perfect (but nothing is). Thank you, u/The_Shadow_Rising for this amazing read.
Holy Moly, that story is massive! And not only this, because it's also awesome! More details below, but be beware of **mild spoilers** (heavy spoilers would be mark as such).


First of all, Melody is a lovely name. It makes me think of someone small and delicate, so I like all the mention that she has tiny hands and feet, so I can imagine her as a rather small one. Even if her bust isn't so small - she's 32D (revealed pretty late compared to other stories), so pretty good even for Shorehaven standards.

When we're at names, I think James and Lincoln should switch theirs. For me, James sounds much more masculine, and also better fit for screaming it. But maybe that's just me.

Anyway, what I like about the main couple (Melody and Lincoln) that they're in fact beliveable. He isn't a perfect man as many others erotica characters, he has flaws (he cannot dance - maybe it's not a huge flaw, but still), and even refractory period! She in turn isn't just a hot chick, has a personality and even some spite. And as a couple - I'm sure that like in case of Mia and Theo, there would be many shipping them, because they share some romantic moments as well and would just fit together.

There's also James, and here goes my headcannon: he's a cuckold. I mean, what kind of man tells his girlfriend that his friend has a huge cock, great skills, and a lot of stamina? Adding his huge lack of perceptiveness and the heaviest sleep ever (even compared to other boyfrinds), only then he makes sense. I know, we're Shadow's readers, of course we don't mind boyfriends to be dumb. But still, I will die on that hill - that James sees everything but is horny seeing it.


As Shadow's promised, the seduction is lengthy (around 19 Lit Pages, depends who's counting). But it's god, as thanks to it we can observe a more gradual slip to cheating compared to other stories. Sure, it's not 100% realistic, but does it need to be? Also, what really works here is Melody's POV, which allows us to follow her feelings and thoughts, when she tries to rationalize some things she and Lincoln do - for me they were pretty beliveable (we people do it constantly to justify our bad behaviors). There was only one scene which happens too fast and one which should (for me) ends differently, but there is also one which made my dick jump (see spoilers section).

However, during this phase I encountered some... icks. Like, the flirting/seduction lasts for three days, but we get no mention that the characters eat. Except for two rounds of snacks - btw when Melody prepares them, we are presented with a specific number of cupboards she takes them from - why? Also, how many of you do put towels into wash beans after one shower? Last but not least, is this canon that all the stories happen in 2005 when Sophie's part 1 came up? Because the characters watch TV instead of any streaming services, looking for movies by changing channels.


It of course starts with blowjob, and for me this is the weakest part of the story, but some of you for sure would love it. This is typical Shadow's blowjob scene (but the bra is blue!), which were always too long for my taste, this one included.

But then, we go to the good parts. And mate, they are good! First of all, Shadow promised us 3 locations, 7 spots and 10 positions. And he lived to his word, because this is exact number we got, although we can discussed what 'position' means (depends on definition, there can be even 17 of them). And while the sex scenes are in their majority typical for Shadow, I sense some u/RedLegoDragon's influence when it comes to pacing and dialogues - and I don't mean it as flaws, quite a contrary, because those shifts in style works for the better. Some sex scenes are even among the fucking best in entire erotic fiction, but two hooks from seduction has no proper payoff during sex (see spoilers section).

If I was about to point to flaws, I think some dialogues during sex could be cut in half. It's not a major flaw, those are good dialogues, but sometimes some pieces are just too lengthy. (By pieces I mean what a single pair of "" contains.)


In this section I'm gonna go fully into spoilers. Mostly to highlights some real good parts ;)

*Flirting scene that took place too soon:* >!At one point during the seduction, Lincoln bends Melody over the counter and grinds his cock against her ass. It was unnecessary, didn't push the story further, and also happened too soon.!<

*Flirting scene that should ends differently:* >!Maybe it's hardly flirting, but as in *The Groupie 2*, at some point Melody and Lincoln play with each other's sexy parts while James is engrossed in television, and Melody almost cums under Lincoln's stimulating her pussy - but she's stopped. It would be hot if she indeed came next to her boyfriend, and also worked better in overaching narration - I would demand finishing me off instead of going for the blowjob.!<

*Flirting scene that made my cock jump:* >!One part of the flirting is that Lincoln and Melody kiss multiple times. At one point, James retreats to upstairs and Lincoln is about to kiss Melody again - but instead she leads him further into the house and tells him they should do it here because they would hear James returning so they could do it more safely - and what hit me hard him is that Melody explicitly said it to him. But then Lincoln takes over, grabs Melody and guide her to the door to James' office when he currently is and pushes her against it, exceeding my expectations, as I didn't expected tits mashing and by-ass lifting back then.!<

*Hooks from seduction without a proper payoff during sex:* >!During seduction it's established that a. Melody's next is very vulnerable, especially to biting (which she didn't know even if the neck being erogenous zone is a pretty common knowledge) and b. Lincoln's kink is women saying fuck. None of the above has a major role during sex scenes, only some minor influence. I imagine e.g. a scene when Melody rides Lincoln's dick saying only "fuck, fuck, fuck" and he struggles to not cum.!<

*Sex scenes among the best in erotic fiction:* >!What I enjoyed greatly - there is banging against a door scene which is completely unexpected, completely unrealistic, and completely hot. In fact, there are two, as the next the cheaters plan to fuck from behind next to this door, but they really need to be quiet. And the exquisit dialogue comes up (see below). And a little further the lovers discussing where to fuck next and it's hot as fuck (this story amazingly utilized not-popular but often overused rule 'Tell, don't show').!<


What can I say: one of the Shadow's best, possibly even the best. S class, together with Perils and Valestock (for me), and certainly a strong contenstant in the next Shorehaven Tournament. Characters, flirting/seduction, sex - everything is great, although not perfect (but nothing is). Thank you, u/The_Shadow_Rising for this amazing read.
I am glad you liked it :)
And the new story is planned and ready to go!

Damn, I am really looking forward to this story!! A wife, a teacher, cheating, and in the Loving Wives category? This will be fun :p

New update with details I can share about the story and characters is now up on Patreon for all paid tiers.

Going to get writing on this ASAP. Maybe start tomorrow, who knows. More updates to come!
Mine only is 4.11 because it was posted in 2011 when there were more readers who enjoyed cheating. And more people who read my works than nowadays. They tried to downvote it massively back then, and boy did I receive 'feedback'. There just isn't the balancing side anymore in LW. I am VERY much looking forward to seeing what they do with Teacher :D

God, Lit's H/rating system is so broken.
Damn, Lit is on super speed! They have approved Jessie's Multiplay-Her Adventure already!

So that story should be published in Lit's 'New Stories' tomorrow (21st). I hope you enjoy it (if you haven't read it before). And do please let me know what you think. It may not be my best story, but it is something at least.

That means the PDF will be available tomorrow for Patron Plus too. Then in 7 days for Become A Patron members.