A more bleak non-con story

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I'm calling you, and anyone else, hysterical for misrepresenting Macarena_boy's words in order to demonize them and their fetish since you believe it will strengthen your POV. They baited you, and it worked.

There are some who would look at your BDSM test and place it in front of the firing squad next to the non-con category. The truth is simple: "You" do not have to give non-con stories space, but "WE" are allowed to decide for ourselves.

Whatever. I'm out of here. Have fun with the rape fantasies y'all, and enjoy thinking that threatening women with (imaginary) rape is a hilarious joke.
This thread made me realize that I am very naive.

But yeah, the stories on lit have that underlying rule. Has to be enjoyed in some way. I’ve seen some get away with making that enjoyment a level of masochism as opposed to the physical trope. Some have balanced that enjoyment factor with more violence and sadism. Depending on the author, some of the workings around that rule can get pretty creative actually.

Of course... others are not as creative.
Rape is a 'kink'??? Good grief.

Of course, rape is a kink -- or, more accurately, rape stories and rape fantasies -- are a kink. I don't see how anyone who frequents an erotic story website could question that or manifest chagrin that someone else would acknowledge that.

Rape is an extremely common fantasy, for both sexes. Both men and women from every walk of life, of every kind of moral code and every degree of compliance with the law, fantasize about raping and being raped. It's so common that there's no point in moralizing about it or judging it. If you know someone is seeking out a rape story, that's all you know about them. You don't have the basis for judging them for that. We should judge people for their actions, not their thoughts and fantasies. Knowing that a person you don't know seeks out a rape story tells you nothing at all about what that person might do (other than read the story).

It constantly surprises me how squicked and judgy people get at Literotica about others' kinks, and the (completely unfounded) conclusions they leap to upon knowing that so and so wants to read a story about X.
Consensual non-consent is definitely a kink. Rape fantasies are very common. Actual rape, though, should not be likened to these. While I think it is a difficult line to attempt to navigate, I do appreciate the site’s efforts to try to mitigate the difference. This isn’t a site for rape, even if some stories cross the line. This isn’t a site at which it should be okay for a man (or anyone) to tell a woman (or anyone) that they would make a good rape character. What a disgusting thing to say and defend.
This isn’t a site for rape, even if some stories cross the line. This isn’t a site at which it should be okay for a man (or anyone) to tell a woman (or anyone) that they would make a good rape character. What a disgusting thing to say and defend.

Rape is nonconsensual sex. Whether or not the woman enjoys it doesn't alter whether it's rape, so I'd say this Site definitely allows rape stories. The conduct described in many stories allowed at this Site would qualify as criminal rape, subject to prosecution if it happened in the real world.

Agreed that no one should ever say something like that to another participant in these forums. That's a terrible thing to say. We'd all be better off not saying personally ugly things to one another.
Rape is nonconsensual sex. Whether or not the woman enjoys it doesn't alter whether it's rape, so I'd say this Site definitely allows rape stories. The conduct described in many stories allowed at this Site would qualify as criminal rape, subject to prosecution if it happened in the real world.

Agreed that no one should ever say something like that to another participant in these forums. That's a terrible thing to say. We'd all be better off not saying personally ugly things to one another.

You’re definitely right here, and I would love to see the line moved to be more strict. I love a good consensual non-con story. Rape stories belong on the dark web, anything that would be illegal in real life should be hidden in the darkest corners, not normalized.
anything that would be illegal in real life should be hidden in the darkest corners, not normalized.

Should we confine stories about murder to the darkest corners of the web? If we did that half of TV shows and movies and books would disappear. It's not a workable or sensible premise to say that we shouldn't write stories or publish about things that are illegal in real life.

The difference of course is that stories here are offered for arousal and erotic enjoyment, but I'm not so sure that's as different from so-called mainstream entertainment as we might think. Titillation and identification with bad actors is a big part of the thrill of watching shows and reading books about criminal figures and their activities. Game of Thrones was every bit as disturbing as the great majority of what bothers people at this Site. The only difference is the sex here is more explicit. I don't see how that changes the moral equation at all.

I personally think the nonconsent line is just fine where it is. The Site allows plenty of content that crosses moral and legal borders, but it places at least some limits on the more extreme and disturbing content.
Simon, I do see your point. As a woman who has survived sexual assault and rape, I would prefer to not see these acts promoted as titillating. I’d imagine murder victims would feel similarly, not that they can feel or think anymore and certainly can’t object. I will continue to read and vote for stories I like and ignore those I don’t.

Yours is a voice I’ve noticed here for some time and respect, and I appreciate your tone and ability to talk about this without resorting to shaming or name calling (“hysterical” women... psssh...).
If you know someone is seeking out a rape story, that's all you know about them. You don't have the basis for judging them for that. We should judge people for their actions, not their thoughts and fantasies. Knowing that a person you don't know seeks out a rape story tells you nothing at all about what that person might do (other than read the story).

It constantly surprises me how squicked and judgy people get at Literotica about others' kinks, and the (completely unfounded) conclusions they leap to upon knowing that so and so wants to read a story about X.

I guess this is the part I was naive about... I’m sitting with someone who writes darker fetish content than I do on other sites - way darker and, yes, noncon is part of it - and at no point have I wondered whether or not he knows the difference between fantasy and reality or been scared or something. It’s just what he likes in that one aspect and he’ll have me edit those stories.

You can totally judge him for custom painting a modeling kit a garish shade of pink, though, and holding it up after it dried to say, “Him lives in you,” while thumbing its forehead Lion King style. I do.

Fantasy isn’t reality. I thought the incest tag kind of made that more clear than anything.
You’re definitely right here, and I would love to see the line moved to be more strict. I love a good consensual non-con story. Rape stories belong on the dark web, anything that would be illegal in real life should be hidden in the darkest corners, not normalized.

There goes the incest category. Here in USA it is generally a felony crime for me to fuck my family. even if they are consenting adults.
Consensual non-consent is definitely a kink. Rape fantasies are very common. Actual rape, though, should not be likened to these. While I think it is a difficult line to attempt to navigate, I do appreciate the site’s efforts to try to mitigate the difference. This isn’t a site for rape, even if some stories cross the line. This isn’t a site at which it should be okay for a man (or anyone) to tell a woman (or anyone) that they would make a good rape character. What a disgusting thing to say and defend.

I don't get how a rape isn't a rape if, in the end, the victim "consents", said consent usually being an orgasm or just a simple decision not to report the offense to authorities. "Consensual non-consent" is an oxymoron (nonsense) we use to accept some rapes.
I don't get how a rape isn't a rape if, in the end, the victim "consents", said consent usually being an orgasm or just a simple decision not to report the offense to authorities. "Consensual non-consent" is an oxymoron (nonsense) we use to accept some rapes.

Consensual non-consent refers to playing at non-consent with agreements in advance. Consent is given before play. Orgasming from rape is not consensual non-consent. I suppose you would be one of those who would argue men can’t be raped if they had an erection? :rolleyes:
Simon, I do see your point. As a woman who has survived sexual assault and rape,

This is where being a responsible adult for oneself kicks in. Without stepping on the rights given by the Web site to others on what they can post here, an adult user should be able to control for themselves what they write and read here and not try to impose their standards/life experience on others the Web site permits to use the site. If it's a question of whether something gets through that breaches the site's selection rules, there's the report button. It works, because it often gets the material deleted--sometimes faster than it should, I think. Sometimes I think Laurel knee-jerk deletes without giving the original author opportunity to defend themselves.
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Vague non-consent, non-consent, and reluctance is an element of stories in Lits category for it. Completely fictional, or inspired by events, such as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Consensual Non-Consent or "CNC" is a "kink" - one not to be taken lightly. But in no way should rape be simply labelled a kink. Jesus Christ.

Also struggling with the idea that you made it to chapter 20 of a non-con story and hated the wait, but kept on reading :rolleyes: ... I personally get tired of sex scene after sex scene... especially with non-con, well that's what I found out when I tried to read a 26 chapter story about a guy that's bound to the floor and forced to perform cunilingus on an entire girl's academy, it was written by a woman too. I enjoyed the first four chapters but then I had enough of it after a while...
I don't get how a rape isn't a rape if, in the end, the victim "consents", said consent usually being an orgasm or just a simple decision not to report the offense to authorities. "Consensual non-consent" is an oxymoron (nonsense) we use to accept some rapes.

This is such a strange comment - neither an orgasm nor non-reporting = consent. I'm genuinely puzzled that you could think they do.
Consensual non-consent is, at least in my understanding, a very specific thing which is sort of game - you're consenting to enacting a scenario in which you're not consenting to sex ... it's not rape.

I had a think about this whole things, and yeah, I do get that rape fantasies are a kink. I don't think actual rape could be described in that way though. Consensual non-con is in obviously in the fantasy realm. So I'm backing down a little on that. However, I definitely don't think that threatening women with rape - even 'fictionalised rape' - is an OK means of dealing with someone you don't agree with.

TBH, I actually don't think Lit's means of dealing with this issue is all that great. The fact that the person being raped has to (eventually) show some enjoyment in order for a story to get published sort of perpetuates the myth that women enjoy being raped. But I don't know how you get around that, because obviously that's part of the fantasy version. (I actually found that aspect of Game of Thrones pretty problematic as well - both the idea that someone is raped and then magically falls in love with their rapist [even if that rapist is Jason Momoa], and the more obvious rape scene between Cersei and Jaime.)
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Vague non-consent, non-consent, and reluctance is an element of stories in Lits category for it. Completely fictional, or inspired by events, such as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Consensual Non-Consent or "CNC" is a "kink" - one not to be taken lightly. But in no way should rape be simply labelled a kink. Jesus Christ.

Also struggling with the idea that you made it to chapter 20 of a non-con story and hated the wait, but kept on reading :rolleyes: ... I personally get tired of sex scene after sex scene... especially with non-con, well that's what I found out when I tried to read a 26 chapter story about a guy that's bound to the floor and forced to perform cunilingus on an entire girl's academy, it was written by a woman too. I enjoyed the first four chapters but then I had enough of it after a while...

Thank you for this post to the thread.
Consensual non-consent refers to playing at non-consent with agreements in advance. Consent is given before play. Orgasming from rape is not consensual non-consent. I suppose you would be one of those who would argue men can’t be raped if they had an erection? :rolleyes:

I have been raped. Please don't suppose.
I have been raped. Please don't suppose.

I apologize for my statement there.

I would encourage you to look into consensual non-consent, or just consider the word “consensual” being present there. It is not what you described in your post.
CNC is a role play, albeit an extreme one that hopefully only takes place between two people with a high level of trust.

There are stories here where what looks like Non con but in the end the twist is it was a role play or a game etc...and those stories tank because they're not non consent.

The real issue no one seems to want to discuss is its the sites fault these threads keep coming up.

Common sense dictates if you don't want rape stories or non consensual material on your site you don't have a category called non consent.

But when you want to have non consent stories while lying and saying you don't to pretend you have standards that you don't have, you have a non con story and once in a while boot a story for "rape' to make your wink wink rule look good.

The suck ups here rush in and get mad for someone having the nerve to expect non con in non con...

Read that back....who is the damn fool, the person expecting it or the person who says no non con here...specially not in the non con section...that sentence should be followed with Beavis/Butthead laughter because that's about the level of intelligence displayed in that argument
It won't, but it should

Do you understand how sucking up works? Sucking up to who? Who would bestow brownie points on me for saying anyrhing? Voicing my opinion like this only ever results in my stories getting bombed because the people on your side of this argument are vindictive and petty. Which should maybe tell you something.
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