A new disorder comes to light. Get checked for PTED.

This sounds a little "out there," but I guess anything is possible.

Probably everyone has an adjustment disorder. They come in flavors. An adjustment disorder is how you react to serious stressors and crises. Even if youre happy as a clam in a crisis, there's an adjustment disorder for that, too. I get depressed if someone dies or the house burns down.
APA is out of control. I especially like they're discussing 'subthreshold' and 'premorbid' degrees of a diagnosis. If you're not fucked up yet, no need to despair, they can still fix you up with something!
I really do think sometimes that this chat board is psychosis central. I often come here when I feel a little off just to feel quite normal again.

Funny, it works just the opposite for me. I often feel normal, happy, and well adjusted until I come here.

Mental health isnt a profession, its an industry organized to make money and appease its political benefactors. The industry isnt concerned about the effectiveness of its services, its concerned about how much money you have and keeping you a customer.
Marketing, women's 'disorders'

Speaking of marketing, procter and gamble has a testosterone patch for women to increase their libido.



How many need it, according to the psychiatrists?

Well, DSM IV already has four disorders that may afflict the fair sex:

for both sexes) Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Female Sexual Arousal Disorder
Female Orgasmic Disorder
(for both) Dyspareunia


Apparently DSM V is going to expand the scope and re arrange things a bit, and have Female Sexual Dysfunction Disorder.

This psychiatrist thinks *response* should be a criterion, for hypoactive sexual desire. It seems to me this aggravates the problem, since the wife's 'response' to her husband is determined by many other factors.


There are numerous other issues that need to be remedied in DSM-V. For example, DSM-IV-TR requires that the diagnosis of hypoactive sexual desire disorder be based on absent or deficient sexual fantasies and the desire for sexual activity. Studies indicate that many women who are sexually responsive do not report having sexual fantasies. Also, some women report responding to partner advances yet not being aware of desire for sexual activity before partner initiation. This controversy and lack of clarity has led some to propose adding the "lack of responsive desire" criterion to the diagnostic criteria for female hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

pure: some estimates are that the new 'sexual dysfunction disorder' may be found in one third of all women. that's a lot of patch and pill buyers! (the search continues for the elusive 'female viagra'.)


This line of criticism is perhaps most surprising for the fact that, as recently reported in USA Today, 68% of the DSM-V committee report financial ties with drug companies.

While the committee rules require that members cannot receive more than $10,000 in drug company payments while at work on the DSM, **I can't help but thinking that they are better off not opening the Pandora's box of conflict-of-interest criticisms.

pure: i'd suppose deferred payments can be arranged!
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