A New Resolution: Comment on every story I finish.

Good luck with your resolution. If you want to include my stories in your reading, your feedback is welcome.
I suspose the danger with announcing this public is people might be offended when I don't read their stories...

Anyway, I'll take a look as and when I get round to it.
We all complain that we'd like more comments on our stories. With that in mind, I've decided to make a rule that every story that I finish, I must comment on. It doesn't need to be a long comment, just a sentence or two, but I must give some kind of thought back. I've been trying to wear the reader's hat as much as possible and not get into giving technical feedback unless I really really can't stop myself. The nice thing is what goes around, comes around and I've already had a couple of newish authors follow me after I left a sentence or two on their story.

I'm also experimenting with not looking at the existing rating and giving fours for stories which are not *that* great but have at least something going for them. My usual practice would be to not vote if I didn't think I it was worth a five.

I'm not sure how long I can keep this up, but at the moment...feels good.
Nice idea! I'll do it too... unfortunately I don't do a whole heap of reading here, but what I do read, I will comment on. đź‘Ť
Not sure if it's the same for others, but I got a lot of comments in my inbox instead of on the write-ups. Maybe because mine are based on messages between me and a friend?
With that in mind, I've decided to make a rule that every story that I finish, I must comment on. It doesn't need to be a long comment, just a sentence or two, but I must give some kind of thought back.
I adopted a similar policy soon after I started posting stories here. If I don't make the effort to vote/comment how can I complain about others not doing so?
If I give a 4 or 5 star rating then I at least post "Thank you", usually with a positive comment such as 'Enjoyable', 'Looking forward to the next part', etc. If I think I have specific feedback then I will include it.
If the story appeals to me, but is badly written, then I might score it as 3, but the chances are I have bailed before the end.
If I did not finish the story, either because of poor writing or unappealing subject, it feels wrong to vote/comment.