a quest for a form...

flyguy69 said:
Well, I happen to think you're poetic. So there!

Actually, it is only true of free verse if you view free verse as a form. Is it? I was imagining it as "formless," and therefore has no medium but words.

I guess if we go back to W.C. Williams you have to include layout, which is certainly an element of form.

You have good points, too, Ange. Make good points. I mean make good points.

Thank you and don't mind me. I'm sick as a dog and am feeling massively crabby. :D

Angeline said:
Thank you and don't mind me. I'm sick as a dog and am feeling massively crabby. :D

You're sick as a dog because that girl behind you is choking you.

I'm outta here! Before you start throwing tootsie rolls at me!

flyguy69 said:
You're sick as a dog because that girl behind you is choking you.

I'm outta here! Before you start throwing tootsie rolls at me!


.....???.......ah,.....ok....now I get it,...except for the tootsie rolls part.

:rose: ...for Ange,...I hope you're feeling better soon.
ruminator said:
.....???.......ah,.....ok....now I get it,...except for the tootsie rolls part.

:rose: ...for Ange,...I hope you're feeling better soon.

Thank you Rumi. My sweetheart is fast asleep and looks very peaceful. I, however, am up sneezing. lol. So much so that I came out to the living room so as not to wake him. A little tea with honey. Sleepytime tea, I think.


Nighty night.

I just saw this thread. I'm the only one up here this late at night. I wish there were more night people here.

A sestina? Yikes! Thats a hard one. A sonnet is easy. The rhyme scheme is variable. So's the meter. Its not a real long form, nor is it short.

Rhymed couplets are simple and can go on as long as you like. The favorite of another of Ange's friends here.

D'maas said that once when reviewing one of mine. A looooooooong time ago!

Feel better, Ange! Winters comin...
Well heck, I'm up. Mind you, it is only 2.45pm here. :D

Ange I hope you're feeling better soon. :kiss:

Boo sweetheart! :kiss: I was looking for something that I thought might help me delve deeper into these flighty flitty single thoughts I have from time to time (yeah okay, all the time lol).

Patrick was most helpful in near kicking my tushy (little does he realise just how helpful he was. I put my head down and bottom up and freewrote (something I haven't done for a hunnert years).

But, I'm going to have another play with form... soon. :)

Somehow Rhymed Couplets don't seem to do much for me. It's like they're not meaty enough. Do you know what I mean?
wildsweetone said:
Somehow Rhymed Couplets don't seem to do much for me. It's like they're not meaty enough. Do you know what I mean?

No, I don't! I immediately thought of dressmaking. The pattern may be the same whether the gown is made from wool or chiffon. Know what I mean?

Maybe you're just using too many veggies.

Rhymed couplets can be ...

well, whatever you want them to be!


Boo- speechless. Ha! Write that down!
Okay I'll try the form and see what happens.

who told you about the veggies? i'm kidding!!!!
wildsweetone said:
Okay I'll try the form and see what happens.

who told you about the veggies? i'm kidding!!!!

Can you try it out loud? I like to listen...

Wanna see my samples? I've kept them hidden. I don't know; they may be quite vegetarian!
I wanna see your veges. No wait! I want to see your samples, I have enough veges of my own to deal with.

Samples. Boo. Samples, please.
well, I know I'll regret this. I was gonna PM them, but what the hell, right?

~ Of all the things that make a person what or who they are
of all the wishes sent up to Me on the Evening Star

the saddest are the weaknesses that born of human greed
prevail against the common sense and now their voices plead.

Souls become beguiled by the images they crave
straying from the path which their own destiny engraved

and now they beg the goddesses or gods of their belief
to rescue them; to bring them back; to grant them some relief

how weary is the thankless role of us Immortal Ones
to serve, to mend, to give, to render Justice be undone

a heavy sigh a knowing smile; the granting of a boon
and then I go adragonback and hide behind the Moon ~​


Come sit with me; allow thine eyes
rest lightly on my silken thighs
and be they male or female thewed
it matters not, nor be thy mood
be pensive for my aim is nought
but pleasure; yet a kind that's wrought
of magic and of words unspoken
caught in circles left unbroken
let my finger tips define you
let my lips drink of the wine you
press in lust from deep inside where
no one else has touched you there

Come lie down in lusts embracing
whilst I peel away the casing
open wide thy deepest wishes
taste of thine exotic dishes
make a feast of all you harbor
raise thee up in swelling ardor
sip the blood drawn out of this flesh
given freely; watch our souls mesh
red and golden fiery embers
rising high in sweet meanders.

Come ye hither let me bind thee
ropes of velvet shall entwine thee
chains of gold and jewels enshrine thee
rarest perfumes will annoint thee
You will leave your world behind thee
bare your body to entice me
throw your soul away to please me
You glance up your eyes implore me
It matters not I whisper to thee ~

You are bedazzled!

You may have seen these; they're from the Chain Story I showed you a couple years ago.
I'm here to listen, learn and question. Don't regret helping me. *smile* I love your writing. Thank you. :rose:

Can you tell me, with the first poem, do you remember what your original thought was that instigated the writing in the first place? I'd like to see if I can 'unfold' it, so to speak.
wildsweetone said:
I'm here to listen, learn and question. Don't regret helping me. *smile* I love your writing. Thank you. :rose:

Can you tell me, with the first poem, do you remember what your original thought was that instigated the writing in the first place? I'd like to see if I can 'unfold' it, so to speak.

It was written to fit the context of the story, but it was me- screaming at the Goddess to change something in my life that I now know was pre-ordained.

WSO? Truly- if you think these are all veggie its ok to say. I wrote these a long time ago. And they were both written off the cuff so to speak. Very little editing. You won't hurt my feelings at all. I promise. :heart:
Relax Boo. I meant it when I said I like your writing. :)

I was wondering if the form itself (rhyming couplets) was going to give me the ability I am looking for. i.e. I want to be able to write a thought and then to expand on that thought (perhaps in each following verse) to take me to a poem of say, five verses.

From what you've shown me, rhyming couplets does seem to have that ability... although I am wondering if I should do something that is four lines per verse with the rhyme AABB, CCDD, etc. Does that make sense?

I think? that your first poem of rhyming couplets takes an original thought and moves forward with it. I think? that it doesn't take the original thought and then expand it five more ways. There's nothing wrong with what you've done, but I'm querying if the form is going to be able to give me the extension that I want. Blimey this is tricky to explain I think.

I'll go and try it and see what I can achieve. Thank you so much for sharing those poems! :rose:
Well, I hope I was a help. Theres also this, sweety- Blank Verse Its also an easy one to use.

I'm off to bed. Early's comin earlier than usual tomorrow. G'night, sweety! :rose:
You, lovely lady, are always a help. Never doubt it. :)

Night night and thank you!


Sweet dreams. :)

(Thank you for the blank verse link, I'll look into that too :) )
wildsweetone said:
Well heck, I'm up. Mind you, it is only 2.45pm here. :D

Ange I hope you're feeling better soon. :kiss:

Boo sweetheart! :kiss: I was looking for something that I thought might help me delve deeper into these flighty flitty single thoughts I have from time to time (yeah okay, all the time lol).

Patrick was most helpful in near kicking my tushy (little does he realise just how helpful he was. I put my head down and bottom up and freewrote (something I haven't done for a hunnert years).

But, I'm going to have another play with form... soon. :)

Somehow Rhymed Couplets don't seem to do much for me. It's like they're not meaty enough. Do you know what I mean?

Mornin' (very early mornin here) WSO. I have been thinking you might want to try the Terza Rima. It is a fairly easy form to write, though it does require iambic pentameter. Dante is credited with inventing it (as the link explains), it came into use in English with Chaucer, and has been practiced through the centuries by many wonderful poets.

If it doesn't interest you, there are link from the Terza Rima page to other esoteric forms. Enjoy. :)

Thanks for the good wishes. I am feeling slightly better.

Thanks Ange, I'll look into the Terza Rima. :) Much appreciated.

I've gone and written a free verse. grrr lol

concentrate Self!

challenge or subject matter...

They are the two things which determine what form to use. The only other
other concern is what you like. Asking people ( even this gifted group)
how or what to write just turns you into an editor not a poet. Your
first name is Wild, be that way. Write about longnecks and short poems.
Wait, on second thought someone is doing that already. :)
PatCarrington said:
you know my answer, but i'll give it anyway. :)


free verse is where the freedom you look for can be found.

Free verse is where you are tied to post-modern. ;) Therefore you are tied to form :D :catroar:
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