A reader's view

feels like home


I know them all! LOL

I laugh when I read jazzy and Alice because their voices are familiar to me.

Here's context for the two that threw you for a loop:

Shane wasn't one to take shit from anybody. When Todd confronted him, he checked him, "Fool, if you're gonna step, you'd betta step correct"!

Alice teased Jazzy about being a badass. Still, she was her gurl. So what if she 'popped her collar' every now and then. Sista spoke her mind and didn't bullshit you. Alice liked that about her.


Are you serious

tigerjen said:
One beauty of eroticism is the use of double-entendre......
no need to use the f-word in it ;)


'double-entendre', eh? I suffer from insomnia so I surfed the poetry listings last night, yours in particular. In a quick scan, 8 of your poems use the word 'fuck'. LMAO!

When will you post a new poem, TigerJen? You don't have to worry about drowning everybody else out now. You have lots of company. Why you leaving your fans hangin'?

Re: Are you serious

Jazzy2 said:

'double-entendre', eh? I suffer from insomnia
so I surfed the poetry listings last night, yours
in particular. In a quick scan, 8 of your poems
use the word 'fuck'. LMAO!
When will you post a new poem, TigerJen?
You don't have to worry about drowning
everybody else out now. You have lots of
company. Why you leaving your fans hangin'?

Hey Jazzy :)
heehee.....most of those poems I have up here on Lit were
originally written between the hours of 1-6am! :D
In regards to posting up a new poem, I think that you are absolutely
right.....a new poem is well overdue.....in fact I have one or two
that may be coming on the scene within the next 2-3 weeks...maybe
sooner? Good things come to those who wait....and I hope the one
or two poems coming will be good.....

TJ :)

Do you ever get the feeling someone has taken you the wrong way?

It's very difficult to read a blanket statement that all the poetry on here is mediocre, and take it as a serious criticism. I apologize if you were attempting to be constructive. It did not read that way, and I felt like defending myself and others. There's a lot of cheap shots, and it felt like one.

I of course do not mean to suggest that your actual criticism, or anyone else's, isn't valid and wanted.

When I say I write for me, I mean that if I took every blanket condemnation of poetry seriously, I'd probably never do it. But it's interesting that you called in masturbation: isn't all writing a kind of masturbatory act? I mean, who gives a fuck, they're only words, right? Why do we bother writing them down and passing them around in the first place?

I'm not trying to step on your toes. Love it, hate it. Bash it, offer some input. Whatever you see fit. I never intended to suggest any different. Shit, at this point, I'm glad anyone's reading it.

Yep, I know what you mean

Risia, I hear you. Like D, I really like what y'all are doing. Nothin' against praise, but I'm fierce about complacency and mediocrity. I'm real about the arts. I support more with a push than a pat.

My intent is good. I'll work on making that clear.


p.s. I like your work. Really like you speak your mind.