A thread

Let's write about scars both visible and the ones that are hidden beneath callouses grown to protect the fragile wound that bursts and hemorrhages all over the poetry waiting to sing full out murder to the choir. It'll be church music of the kind only pastors of flocks full of humanity write with sermons about pain today means paradise tomorrow. Give Give Give and then your hate is paid for, your gluttony is starved and your lust becomes virtue. Life is too short to be angry about the sorrow we live. I know, I've been close to death and even a wretched existence is better than waiting in line in front of St Peter.
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..................i was raised not to pick on people, or be mean, especially to those less fortunate than myself. What i find fucking disappointing in you, wso is that you didnt read the whole thread before you chose to jump in tell me how wrong I am. You just assumed something and you were wrong. unknowingly, you stood up for prejudice and intolerance. that is what disappoints me. but then again, it just shows that people will be people, and some people are just mean and intolerant.

you guys make fun of whomever you like, but yes, it hurts my feelings and makes me feel badly for those who treat others like crap. i thought you were above that.
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honey, you jump wherever you please, affects me none. and it's good to know that if anyone here wants to write poetry that talks down to a whole segment of people, you will be there to give it a grand 5. hell, while were at it, how bout some fat poetry, some ugly poetry, some poetry about diabetics, ( yeah, how bout that sugar, huh? bet a debbie cake sounds good, huh, fat ass) some poetry about old people stuck in homes, yeah, i can see a lot of promise in poetry based on hated. go for it


sorry J, it was not meant as a personal 'talk down to a whole segment of people' comment.

we can have differences, and we can write about them. i didn't say anything about how we write on any topic - sure that is a key point.

it was just a comment for discussion. (i was hoping you'd know me better than that. i don't diss people. i respect differences. always. i've lived with prejudice all my life. i do not pass that on. ever.)

however, i might well turn around and write about how the nasty 'historical' Brits left their offspring in Australia and how they allowed some to escape to NZ. i might write about slavery. i might write about my own mother's hatred of my first crush, simply because he was a Maori boy (who just happened to be far better educated and more polite than she ever knew how to be), and because he knew how to make my knees tremble. i might write about how she will cross the street before she smiles at a person of Eastern birth. i might write a whole hell of a lot of things, but in the process i would never ever intend to diss one race, one group of people, or an individual because i respect differences.

what i was trying to say, and i thought i did say it, was that modern poetry would be falling on many deaf ears if it wasn't topical, if it didn't cover differences, whether they be political, ethnicity orientated, untolerated, 'labelled' or 'unlabelled' differences.

i think we can write about anything and if we are good writers, we can write without resorting to dissing. and yes, some people can even write good dissing poetry. if i think it's well written, i'll give it a 5. i don't have to agree with the contents of a poem to know whether it is well written or not.

the fat, ugly, grey-streaked, four-eyed, deaf, partially blind, 40something, bitch in the corner.

ps if we write expressing an opinion, does that not mean we are prejudiced in some manner, whether it be for, or against something?
oh, and before I get slammed for being mean to sweet one, YES differences are great, wonderful, but not on the respect discussed here. POems can be about anything, but it seems to me, that poetry is truth, in a way, and truth needs not be embellished with ignorance or cruelty. And it is my own opinion, that the discussion here started accidentally and just blossomed into an ugly thing, with fake accents and all. and for the record, 1201, i love you too. You are a consistent phenomenon here, Never waver, always been fair and kind to me. always encouraged me, and others here without being a disgusting brown nose ass kisser with nothing but a look at me mentality on the threads, This place has gotten so shallow I stay away most of the time.... people are so fucking disappointing....

basically you've said what i said in my original post.

and yes, your tone did come across as mean. and so do some of your comments in this post also.

sorry you find me or my comments 'fucking disappointing', i was simply interested in the discussion. obviously it's not a topic that is open for 'open' discussion so i'll stay off it.

which is a pity, because there is merit in what i was saying.
So Jeff Foxworthy can be a hick asshole because his accent is genuine? Taking people to task for simply observing an unfavourable characteristic of a group takes us nowhere. I won't apologize for my humour again and I don't think I need to.

Prejudice and its sister intolerance are two sides to a very ugly coin. I'd rather melt it down and buy a little forgiveness, especially for a couple of ill-considered comments containing no intended malice.
..................i was raised not to pick on people, or be mean, especially to those less fortunate than myself. What i find fucking disappointing in you, wso is that you didnt read the whole thread before you chose to jump in tell me how wrong I am. You just assumed something and you were wrong. unknowingly, you stood up for prejudice and intolerance. that is what disappoints me. but then again, it just shows that people will be people, and some people are just mean and intolerant.

you guys make fun of whomever you like, but yes, it hurts my feelings and makes me feel badly for those who treat others like crap. i thought you were above that.
for the record the people you desribe live in mobil homes.
the people on the Springer show have trailer park and/or ghetto mentalities, just as reprehensible and self defeating as snobs. Snobs coming from privledge just have a little more coasting area.

Your life, your origin, your education as a writer nothing but source material. Get beyond them. What I see in you, and I have an immense amout of respect for, is you had to work hard to get the education you have. You have too much talent and drive to feel insecure.

Let me amend that, feeling insecure is a superb driver for doing better.

Hell when I got here, I couldn't rhyme cat with hat. Now I can. Even with shat and scat.

and for the record I hate Lil Debbies, but I hate Hostess too, and I will be damned if I eat Foie gras.
So Jeff Foxworthy can be a hick asshole because his accent is genuine? Taking people to task for simply observing an unfavourable characteristic of a group takes us nowhere. I won't apologize for my humour again and I don't think I need to.

Prejudice and its sister intolerance are two sides to a very ugly coin. I'd rather melt it down and buy a little forgiveness, especially for a couple of ill-considered comments containing no intended malice.

I hate when one of my brothers does his Jeff Foxworthy jokes.:rose:
My dog went right through
The picket fence I'd just climbed,
White shards flew everywhere.
My dog went right through
The picket fence I'd just climbed,
White shards flew everywhere.
The magnolia tree fell down
pulled down by kudzu

Lil Debbie bawled and bawled *
t'ain't a fence no mo'

Note: bawled not balled - filth minds

Hey Champ, you like my new WhiteMan AV - I put it on for you - Satan in his Sunday Best**

stolen from new poems, whoever wrote it, step up I'll give you credit.
Since poets are some the worst offenders of generating hatred*, etc.

whay should I miss out on the madness and mayhem?

for Essra
subtitled 101 Dalmatias

O! Slo Vak E Ah

first the god damned Tsechs
then the fattened peasantry
in Hungary
Roumania - we need a sea coast

Then Britainia will rue the waves
when they confont
our Aramada of armoured ducks
We'll burn down Liverpool

Then we'll clobber the Poles
The IN ternational Pole