Advice on sensitive content

The decision the character makes is fundamental to her story. I am looking for a credible rationale for it. The revelation about her father is the best, by far, that I have thought of.

I am certainly not looking to "run along the edge", more like "I don't even want to be in the same postal district, but ...".
You don't need to deviate from your original idea. As most have said here, you're within the rules. You also don't need "alternative" ideas because one person here is banging the drum of what they feel belongs here.

I wrote a long I/T series here that focused heavily on the survivors of abuse and addiction. It did fine. A lot of people here have written tragic back stories to their characters, and those back stories were used to define the character and drive the story.

Sounds like that's what you're onto, so stay with it.
I wrote a long I/T series here that focused heavily on the survivors of abuse and addiction. It did fine. A lot of people here have written tragic back stories to their characters, and those back stories were used to define the character and drive the story.
As a one-drum-banger on noncom, presume you are changing your drum to support that now, since the site does. Maybe we won't hear any more ranting from you on that topic now. :)
Personally? Yeah, I don't see this getting to the erotic, which is important to me on LirEROTICA. In general, no, I defend any stories getting through that the site let's through. I gave a personal response, though, from having a low personal response to these sorts of stories here today. I don't see this as getting to erotica.
Erotic doesn't necessarily mean it has to be titillating. That's pornography. Erotica's just telling a story with sexual themes.

And I'd argue that a story with deeper themes is far more literary, as in LITerotica.
Erotic doesn't necessarily mean it has to be titillating. That's pornography. Erotica's just telling a story with sexual themes.

And I'd argue that a story with deeper themes is far more literary, as in LITerotica.
Well, yes, "titillating" in a sense of arousing is absolutely needed for erotica. But it's amusing to see you telling me what erotica here is.
Well, yes, "titillating" in a sense of arousing is absolutely needed for erotica. But it's amusing to see you telling me what erotica here is.

No, titillating is needed for porn. Sexual themes are needed for erotica.

Why is it amusing for me to tell you what erotica is here?
No, titillating is needed for porn. Sexual themes are needed for erotica.

Why is it amusing for me to tell you what erotica is here?
No. Sexual arousal (a form of titillating) is needed for erotica. We could go on like this all day. I'd be happy to put up my experience in this here against yours as long as your less-than-a-year here and seven stories posted will support.
This thread's gone a bit off the rails. Keith has his opinion about what works in erotica, and that's fine. The author should do what he wants to do. He's said nothing to indicate that this concept would be forbidden by the site. I see no reason why it couldn't be used to trigger a character's motivation and why that motivation could not lead to a satisfying erotic story. It's all in how it's handled. Authors shouldn't be dissuaded from writing their stories because "somebody" might dislike it.
No. Sexual arousal (a form of titillating) is needed for erotica. We could go on like this all day. I'd be happy to put up my experience in this here against yours as long as your less-than-a-year here and seven stories posted will support.

nothing like a good condescending response to back things up

Many things are needed for different needs... a story can be erotic and have characters with a past (even one that you don't like). If you don't like it, fair enough, but belittling people for that, or for defending that is worse than giving the story a 1*.
nothing like a good condescending response to back things up

Many things are needed for different needs... a story can be erotic and have characters with a past (even one that you don't like). If you don't like it, fair enough, but belittling people for that, or for defending that is worse than giving the story a 1*.
I didn't belittle the OP, and I'd posset that condescending is telling me what erotica is here. I stand by my view that erotica requires sexual arousal (titillation)--and that's from a whole lot of writing and posting it. None of this requires your piling on and getting nasty with me. Pot/kettle.
No. Sexual arousal (a form of titillating) is needed for erotica. We could go on like this all day. I'd be happy to put up my experience in this here against yours as long as your less-than-a-year here and seven stories posted will support.

I'd say you're definitely an expert on what most readers will rate highly in the gay male category, but the question was about what content the site owners view as literary erotica, and more broadly, what erotica is in general, which is a topic that extends far beyond this website--as my own experience does, too.

Here's the story that I mentioned earlier. It's certainly not meant to be titillating to the reader. The characters do feel some sexual arousal--so in that sense it's got titillation--but that's also not their motivation for their sex, either. It's closer to a horror for both the readers and the characters, but the theme is absolutely sex.
I didn't belittle the OP. And I stand by my view that erotica requires sexual arousal (titillation). None of this requires your piling on and getting nasty with me.

i didn't say erotica didn't require that, it can also have more. Different horses, etc.

I also didn't say you belittled the OP.
I am at an early stage of plotting a story in which the main character learns that her father has committed child abuse (on unnamed, undescribed others; not her). There is one sentence stating the fact, but no other detail. Her response is to cut him out of her life entirely but it motivates her into a significant decision.

Is this against the content guidance?
One sentence should be absolutely fine and it's kind of weird this thread has gone in the direction it has given you very clearly say one sentence.

In the very unlikely event that this one sentence bounces the story, I can't see you'd have much of a problem rewriting it to pass.