Am I a sissy?

My God, I am Man and only a man. I’ve an eight inch cock. Women scream and claw the air when they feel it give them an orgasm; men weep and worship me, as I push it up them and some ride it like a hobby horse until their milk messes my stomach. I would die rather than be a woman for one minute, never mind a day.
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That is interesting. How would you know from birth. Maybe very early. I did not have any sexual thoughts until like middle school. Not saying you didn't, just seems mysterious.
I liked playing with dolls instead of toy trucks when I was a toddler, so my bi parents recognized it in me and dressed me as a girl at home and I never wore male clothing except for outer clothing for school. I continued that for college and all of my working career, and now that I am retired I don't own any male clothing at all.
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I l playingead of toy trucks when I was a toddler, so my bi parents recognized it in me and dressed me as a girl at home and I never wore male clothing except for outer clothing for school. I continued that for college and all of my working career, and now that I am retired I don't own any male clothing at all.
Sounds wonderful to me
I went back and edited my previous comment. It was supposed to say "I liked playing with dolls instead of toy trucks when I was a toddler".
My girlfriend always played with dolls with other girls when she was a kid. Everyone knew that she was not really a male and thank goodness, they accepted it.
My girlfriend always played with dolls with other girls when she was a kid. Everyone knew that she was not really a male and thank goodness, they accepted it.
I don't know your age, but back in my day it wasn't really accepted which is why I always had to dress as a boy and later a man for school and work. Fortunately my parents and the rest of my family accepted me as who I am. In today's world I might have been able to go to school dressed as a girl like our grandsons did and still do for college. I would have loved going to school in a mini-dress like the girls my age did.
I went back and edited my previous comment. It was supposed to say "I liked playing with dolls instead of toy trucks when I was a toddler".

I don't know your age, but back in my day it wasn't really accepted which is why I always had to dress as a boy and later a man for school and work. Fortunately my parents and the rest of my family accepted me as who I am. In today's world I might have been able to go to school dressed as a girl like our grandsons did and still do for college. I would have loved going to school in a mini-dress like the girls my age did.
I would have liked to gone to school in mini dress too
I don't know your age, but back in my day it wasn't really accepted which is why I always had to dress as a boy and later a man for school and work. Fortunately my parents and the rest of my family accepted me as who I am. In today's world I might have been able to go to school dressed as a girl like our grandsons did and still do for college. I would have loved going to school in a mini-dress like the girls my age did.
My girlfriend is 37 so this would have been in the late 80s and early 90s. Of course she grew up in the Philippines on a remote island so things were different there. Lucky for her.
My girlfriend is 37 so this would have been in the late 80s and early 90s. Of course she grew up in the Philippines on a remote island so things were different there. Lucky for her.
Growing up in the 50's and 60's in southern Alabama was a whole lot different than that.
Being a child of the 60s and 70s was the same. It wasn't accepted. I pretty sure my mother knew I was wearing her clothes from on occasion. She asked me once if I did and out fear I said no, I believe she knew it. My sister caught me wearing hers and asked me if I liked it. I pled with her not to tell. She didn't. I always knew I loved wearing womens clothes. I tried to bury it for many years but couldn't. Now I have a wardrobe.
I don't own any men's clothes anymore
Unfortunately I have to wear male clothes for work. I don't want to test my company's policies. After work I'll usually switch it up. The wife does encourage it, I am lucky in that respect.
I was that way too, and always had on lingerie under my suit. As soon as I retired I got rid of all that awful male clothing. Our son was lucky, he got a job where he was allowed to dress as he wanted because he worked in a back office and didn't have to interact with anyone but co-workers who accepted him. Then last year his company opened an office here in Thailand and in January they sent him here knowing he would be comfortable here and gave his wife a job too. They even paid for us to accompany them.
I was that way too, and always had on lingerie under my suit. As soon as I retired I got rid of all that awful male clothing. Our son was lucky, he got a job where he was allowed to dress as he wanted because he worked in a back office and didn't have to interact with anyone but co-workers who accepted him. Then last year his company opened an office here in Thailand and in January they sent him here knowing he would be comfortable here and gave his wife a job too. They even paid for us to accompany them.
That would be awesome
My God, I am Man and only a man. I’ve an eight inch cock. Women scream and claw the air when they feel it give them an orgasm; men weep and worship me, as I push it up them and some ride it like a hobby horse until their milk messes my stomach. I would die rather than be a woman for one minute, never mind a day.
Viva la Cock
My God, I am Man and only a man. I’ve an eight inch cock. Women scream and claw the air when they feel it give them an orgasm; men weep and worship me, as I push it up them and some ride it like a hobby horse until their milk messes my stomach. I would die rather than be a woman for one minute, never mind a day.
Then why are you on a thread asking "am I a sissy"?
Trying to convince himself, perhaps? Isn't denial a step on the road to acceptance?
So when he says, “I would die rather than be a woman for one minute, never mind a day.”, he actually wants it and fears it?
So when he says, “I would die rather than be a woman for one minute, never mind a day.”, he actually wants it and fears it?
Those who are secure in who they are don't need to noise it abroad. In school, the boys who bragged about their conquests rarely had any. The ones who simply smiled quietly, on the other hand...
Considered purely as a fetish, no, since I don't go for the girly dressing and Bambi Sleep bimbo mindset. However, as a state of mind, I do believe I have what I consider to be strong sissy traits. I wrote an essay for Literotica earlier, but it was rejected for being too short. With your indulgence, I'm posting it here and asking for your feedback, insights and wisdom as I continue the struggle to understand just who I am. Thanks in advance.

I am a sissy…

…though you wouldn't know it to look at me. I'm an older man with an average dad bod and no intention to change my appearance. So, why do I say I'm a sissy?

I'm a sissy because that's what my mind tells me. I'm very submissive, which manifests itself in what I consider to be a feminine mindset of a quiet desire to serve others. Sexually, it manifests itself in a need to provide pleasure to men, especially by making love to their cocks and swallowing their cum. But there's more to my need to serve and provide pleasure than just being a cocksucker...

In some of my erotic writings, I call myself the Giver of Pleasure and that is how I see myself. I don't care about my own pleasure and usually don't have a sissygasm (or any other kind of orgasm) when I'm providing pleasure. When I'm with a man, his body (whatever its shape) fascinates me. I want to explore every inch of it with my hands and mouth. I want to taste him, hear his moans of pleasure and see his toes and muscles tense in pleasure.

I want his passions to rise to the point he takes over and ravishes me, taking my mouth with his, turning my revulsion at having another man kiss me transform into the passion of a man seducing my inner helpless maiden. I want him to guide my head to his cock and possess my mouth fully. And I want to feel him pulse in my mouth and feed me his cum, then let me lick and suck him dry until the pleasure turns to pain.

My sissydom is part and parcel of my submissive nature. Why do I enjoy female clothing, especially lingerie and hosiery? Because it encases my body in a form of bondage that is as much mental as physical: my inner maiden has captured my body and made it her plaything. Even when wearing male clothing, my inner sissy comes out in the most subtle ways: my shorter step, keeping my knees together (which requires an act of will and is another reminder that I'm no longer a man), getting into the car with both legs at once, stepping heel to toe, not being boisterous in social settings. None of this is apparent to my coworkers, but they set me apart in my own mind and increase my appetite for cock and cum, the only things that can satisfy me when the hunger strikes.

And when the hunger becomes too great, and I go to an ABS to satisfy it, my inner sissy remains the helpless maiden. I cannot become the sissy slut that throws herself at every man. Instead, I must sit demurely, making eye contact and licking my lips suggestively, but always waiting for the man to make the first move to signal his desire.

And when I find myself on my knees, with an older man's cock in my mouth, I am where I need to be. Even if he only feeds me a small stream of bitter liquid, I am content, because I've given him what he thought he wouldn't get again: undivided attention and pleasure. That is my purpose in life as a sissy...I wouldn't have it any other way.
Nicely written. We have similar needs, desires, pleasures. Not everything ….since presenting as female 100 % of the time is integral to my sense of identity. I’m not a faggot…I’m a whore, bitch or slut….smile