Am I crazy or ....

Crazy is subjective

"I'll just say that insanity is the inability to communicate your ideas. It is as if you are in a foreign country, able to see and understand everything that is going on around you but incapable of explaining what you need to know or of being helped, because you don't understand the language they speak there.
We've all felt that.
And all of us, one way or another, are insane."

-Paulo Coelho "Veronica Decides to Die"

There is nothing stupid or crazy about any of your wants or needs. The challenge is finding someone with similar wants and needs and being able to communicate what you are experiencing with this person. Be patient it'll appear.
Re: Crazy is subjective

Unregistered said:
"I'll just say that insanity is the inability to communicate your ideas. It is as if you are in a foreign country, able to see and understand everything that is going on around you but incapable of explaining what you need to know or of being helped, because you don't understand the language they speak there.
We've all felt that.
And all of us, one way or another, are insane."

-Paulo Coelho "Veronica Decides to Die"

There is nothing stupid or crazy about any of your wants or needs. The challenge is finding someone with similar wants and needs and being able to communicate what you are experiencing with this person. Be patient it'll appear.

Thank goodness! I thought when you weren't understood you were supposed to repeat yourself only louder.

Seriously, thankyou. I'm usually able to adequately express my frustrations but this in particular has made me quite tongue tied. Not to mention conflicted.

These days, I'm hopeful. And someplace on the horizion I think I see something other than a storm taking shape. I feel an appearance is eminent.

on_the_verge said:

For there are the lovers in this world that ignite an immediate connection not to be forsaken, but also not to have forged over a concrete foundation. When you meet the souls that can swelter with your own flames, you may find the touch as desirable and carry forth a magnitude unlike any other. We all try to search for perfection and answers, but at times we may not need to question, but labor in the fruits of joy and the nectar that drips from it's very junctions. I believe life is about living and never holding or demanding, but allowing the river to flow and break the shores as freely as love should be treated.

Verge, thankyou for adding to my hopefulness.

I'm glad we met, and honored to consider you a friend.
Hopeful too!

Hope both our horizons are filled with what our hearts long for.
Merry Christmas Jenny

Hey Jenny, hope Santa fills your bag this year with all the cool stuff you want....wink wink.

Flirt, first, sorry about the confusion the other day on the phone. I'd been hoping for a chance to apologize in person but that might not be until at least monday. Anyway, I had just come in from a late trip, was reading good night books to my boys, and in the middle of a bit of a confrontation with my wife regarding of all things my involvement with a 'bunch of people in the city', when, lo and behold, there you were. Anyway, things are fine.

I've given this subject a lot of thought, an awful lot. There's polarized views, which makes for great debate and terrible decision making unless you are determinedly of one camp or the other, in which case you end up with an easy decision but you become a lousy debater. Look at both sides, or all the sides, hell look at the angles in between and maybe you'll find a curve here or there too. Thanks for starting this thread, looks like you're getting a lot of great feedback.

Re: Merry Christmas Jenny

sandiego_gordo said:
Hey Jenny, hope Santa fills your bag this year with all the cool stuff you want....wink wink.....gordo
Thanks so much, Gordo....sigh...:)