An article on enslavement, that has made me ask LOTS of questions

*applauds Anelize's well written post and agrees completely*

Sometimes I think, Anelize, that with you... to add the next line to your quote song.. I'm rollin with the new jack crew :D Now I feel like digging out my New Jack City cd *snicker*
Re: Re: Re: Not to be a dissident, but...

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
It bugs me that somehow, there's an impression out there that there's some sort of natural progression. Bottom. Submissive. Slave. Ummm. No. There's not a BDSM social ladder folks. M/s isn't the be-all and end-all of what we should be striving for in a relationship.

Take what you want and leave the rest--from everything you find out there. Ultimately, it's not about what anybody else does, or doesn't do. It's about what you and your Dom decide works for you.


First paragraph: yeah, bugs me, too. And yet it makes a good measure for comparison to see where you're at, from. But only if you measure like "hmm, i seem to be orange, which is closer to red than to blue,' rather than as if there were grades, or something.

second paragraph: definitely. And this helps the figuring. I can't even honestly say I admire the patience or hardwork or whatever that it would take to do TPE. Not that I un-admire it, it just seems irrelevant to me, like admiring someone for stamp-collecting. If I wanted to stamp collect bad enough, I'd go to the trouble. Don't and therefore, don't. Kwim? It was just interesting to recognize so much of that description in myself already. The good part is, I don't feel bad for being like that anymore. It just is. (sigh, this will probably all be misunderstood but it is too late and I'm too tired to be more careful so you'll get it uncensored.)

shy slave said: you have already made made changes in your life for Him, and you say you could live this life provided your integrity remained intact. To me that sounds reasonable but what if you were in that lifestyle and He presented you with challenges that pushed your integrity? Would you feel able to walk away, say no or struggle internally before accepting his wish?

Can't really say I made the changes for him. He didn't ask me to, well in some cases he did but I could have argued, might have been even able to talk him into being ok with doing some things differently. Don't know. Some of it he wanted me to do, some of it he didn't mind either way much probably. I think I did it for me in the sense that it felt natural in some cases, or because I wanted to please him. In any case, not because I'm weakminded or don't like arguing. But he Hates arguing. Just goes his own way. He's silent and let's me know he's unhappy by not singing in the shower, by not looking at me and doing things himself. Various non-verbal ways. Much more effective on me in the long run. After all, arguing is attention.

It would have to be conjecture to answer the second question. One time a few years ago he asked me if I knew what he admired most about me. I thought he'd say something like my eyes, as, like lovers do, that's the sort of thing he's said before.
He said 'your integrity.'


I like how you have made your own rules *grin*

Everybody does to a cetain extent, Catalina has talked of this in her post.

Its not that I am contemplating the issue as a personal "Is this where i want to be in X amount of time," but more how does a couple end up there and what was difficult for both about the journey.

My Master and i have our own limits about what is and isn't going to happen. Well... in reality I say what i can't accept and He pushes those boundries :D

Phoenix said that Her 'D' said He admires her integrity so maybe He won't want to push those limits ever...but another 'D' may see it as a challenge.

I always have had a curiosity about how people deal with life and its surprise s( or a 'D' and their surprises) and how they work new issues through.

The whole article fascinated me from an objective view point.

I would not like to think that people who live that life think that they are higher calibre than the rest of us, it had not crossed my mind until Lara spoke of it.

I agree with you, every situation is different...
But its a pity you have said there is no handbook or social ladder, with the three stages clearly mapped out.

If there were, as He is caning my ass i could say..

"No, no, your doing it all wrong; thats for when I am a slave not a submissive!!!"

I am sure He would apreciate the humour :rolleyes:
Re: Anelize

shy slave said:

I agree with you, every situation is different...
But its a pity you have said there is no handbook or social ladder, with the three stages clearly mapped out.

If there were, as He is caning my ass i could say..

"No, no, your doing it all wrong; thats for when I am a slave not a submissive!!!"

I am sure He would apreciate the humour :rolleyes:

Thanks for the needed laugh today. i showed your comment to my Dom and it brought a laugh from Him also. my question would be-who decides what the three stages are and how we progress? ;)
Re: Re: Anelize

lassarina said:
Thanks for the needed laugh today. i showed your comment to my Dom and it brought a laugh from Him also. my question would be-who decides what the three stages are and how we progress? ;)

Glad to make you laugh :)

As for the three stages

Hmmm...answers on a postcard perhaps....:D
Re: Re: Re: Anelize

shy slave said:
Glad to make you laugh :)

As for the three stages

Hmmm...answers on a postcard perhaps....:D

He would also like to know where you sign up!!
as has been posted by others, the majority of Masters, to my knowledge, do not micrcomanage to such an extent as described in the article. it's the fact that they CAN, if they get the whim to do so, that makes the relationship a complete and total ownership situation.

my Master is an EXTREMELY busy man. if i could not make a single move without his direct say so, if i had to express to him every minute thought that crossed my mind, he would be driven insane, and we'd both be in the poorhouse as he could not possibly have any time to work. still, my life is strictly controlled and directed. we have also been together long enough that many things are expected of me on a day to day basis, naturally, without his expressly ordering it.

if i have a headache or stomachache, and i'm home alone, i can take some advil, without asking him first. but i can only take a certain amount and will be punished accordingly if i exceed that. as for privacy...because he is out and about so much due to his work, i have a lot of privacy. when he is home, i am not permitted to close any door in the house with two exceptions (and for these he DEMANDS the door be closed, hehe) is "that" time of the month, or am taking a number 2. as for just having quiet time or down time all by my lonesome, or going anywhere alone, i never have a desire for that anyway so it's a non-issue with us.
as he buys all my clothes, naturally i always wear what he likes. this took a bit of getting used to on my part as my personal style is quite a bit different than what he would like. in some cases, we have reached a sort of happy medium, but mostly, it's simply his way.

there truly is a gradual transistion into becoming a slave, it does not happen the instant the declaration is made by the Master or the second the collar is placed around the neck. i have made my fair share of little slips, you know, those moments where you almost forget your place a bit (or rather truly realize what your place is, and just how permanent it is). like the day, 2 years into our union, when Daddy and i were taking a picnic in the park (we take many of these). it was a very lovely park, and i was excited to be there, with him, to the point where i was a bit giddy even. without even thinking about it, i happily skipped down this steep path, passing my Master. i was about 100 feet in front of him before i realized, i wasn't hearing his footsteps. i turned around and there he was, standing at the same spot he'd been in when i had first passed him, giving me a very angry look. immediately i realized the foolishness of my actions, that i had forgotten my place as property. i quickly ran to him and then stepped into place behind him (after a sound smack or two, naturally). a slave cannot allow joy, or happiness, to make them forget what they are and always will be. a slave does not have the right to choose their own direction in life, literal or figurative. those can be hard realities to accept.

a slave has to accept the fact that what they desire, or do not desire, is really irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. there have been times when my Master has wished me to serve other men, sexually, and i did not want to do so. it may have been a period where i had been used in that way very often by many, and it had just become a mental and emotional strain on me. or it may have been a night where i simply only wanted to relax and be lovey dovey, in his arms only. it was a shock to my system when i realized that my Master knew and understood how i felt, understood i would suffer, and that he was going to have me used anyway. He has even used fur lined blindfolds on me for the sole purpose of it camoflauging my tears, so that whoever he was having me serve would not notice and therefore not be turned off or feel bad. and it's not that he does not care, it is just that as a slave i have a duty, a purpose in life, and i must fulfill that regardless of all else.

this is one of those topics which i could go on and on about, but will end here for now.
Thank you


I really enjoyed reading your post.

It has given me alot to think about :) the article I originally posted seemed so extreme that I just had to ask questions about the reality of it.

The idea of someone having the time and energy to micro-manage to such an extent seemed a bit unrealistic, if only because work etc would not always allow for it.

One of the aspects of the article that made me think was.. "could a slave start to lose their personality?"

Your comment on making a slip two years into the relationship answers that question completely for me with a resounding "NO" :)

You, Catalina, Apetforyou, Ziggy & Stardust (as people in this kind of relationship) have answered so many questions, that have been rolling around my brain since reading the article.

Anelize, Phoenix, Lara, Pure, Kitty, Dove,Kajira, Sunfox, Quint and Emmie have given me more thoughts & questions which will probably end up on other threads!!

lassarina....I am still thinking & waiting on a postcard answers..perhaps Pure or Mr Blonde will start up a 'comments appropriate for which stage' thread :D

Actually I still waiting on Quints thread '101 ways to dispose of a tampon':p
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ownedsubgal said:
as has been posted by others, the majority of Masters, to my knowledge, do not micrcomanage to such an extent as described in the article. it's the fact that they CAN, if they get the whim to do so, that makes the relationship a complete and total ownership situation.

my Master is an EXTREMELY busy man. if i could not make a single move without his direct say so, if i had to express to him every minute thought that crossed my mind, he would be driven insane, and we'd both be in the poorhouse as he could not possibly have any time to work. still, my life is strictly controlled and directed. we have also been together long enough that many things are expected of me on a day to day basis, naturally, without his expressly ordering it.

if i have a headache or stomachache, and i'm home alone, i can take some advil, without asking him first. but i can only take a certain amount and will be punished accordingly if i exceed that. as for privacy...because he is out and about so much due to his work, i have a lot of privacy. when he is home, i am not permitted to close any door in the house with two exceptions (and for these he DEMANDS the door be closed, hehe) is "that" time of the month, or am taking a number 2. as for just having quiet time or down time all by my lonesome, or going anywhere alone, i never have a desire for that anyway so it's a non-issue with us.
as he buys all my clothes, naturally i always wear what he likes. this took a bit of getting used to on my part as my personal style is quite a bit different than what he would like. in some cases, we have reached a sort of happy medium, but mostly, it's simply his way.

there truly is a gradual transistion into becoming a slave, it does not happen the instant the declaration is made by the Master or the second the collar is placed around the neck. i have made my fair share of little slips, you know, those moments where you almost forget your place a bit (or rather truly realize what your place is, and just how permanent it is). like the day, 2 years into our union, when Daddy and i were taking a picnic in the park (we take many of these). it was a very lovely park, and i was excited to be there, with him, to the point where i was a bit giddy even. without even thinking about it, i happily skipped down this steep path, passing my Master. i was about 100 feet in front of him before i realized, i wasn't hearing his footsteps. i turned around and there he was, standing at the same spot he'd been in when i had first passed him, giving me a very angry look. immediately i realized the foolishness of my actions, that i had forgotten my place as property. i quickly ran to him and then stepped into place behind him (after a sound smack or two, naturally). a slave cannot allow joy, or happiness, to make them forget what they are and always will be. a slave does not have the right to choose their own direction in life, literal or figurative. those can be hard realities to accept.

a slave has to accept the fact that what they desire, or do not desire, is really irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. there have been times when my Master has wished me to serve other men, sexually, and i did not want to do so. it may have been a period where i had been used in that way very often by many, and it had just become a mental and emotional strain on me. or it may have been a night where i simply only wanted to relax and be lovey dovey, in his arms only. it was a shock to my system when i realized that my Master knew and understood how i felt, understood i would suffer, and that he was going to have me used anyway. He has even used fur lined blindfolds on me for the sole purpose of it camoflauging my tears, so that whoever he was having me serve would not notice and therefore not be turned off or feel bad. and it's not that he does not care, it is just that as a slave i have a duty, a purpose in life, and i must fulfill that regardless of all else.

this is one of those topics which i could go on and on about, but will end here for now.

~~smile~~ lovely post osg

Thank you for pointing out what should be obvious...slavery happens over time.

The depth you describe is also much like the depth of the relationship My slave and I enjoy. Although he does work, and often outside of the home there are moments when he must make a decision in the moment that he cannot clear with Me.

I do micro-manage his life to a greater extent than he ever expected and I do say no to many of his requests without worrying about his wishes in the moment if they do not coinside with Mine.

Slavery for Me is about "property"

Slavery is not more nor is it less than submission.