An Erotic Art Challenge - Poems Only



King Kong Dong

Oh, say can you see
by Darwin's early light
Fierce and beastly
mighty warrior unseen in the night
birthed into tribal prominence
by Natural Selection seemingly on steroids

gifted with weaponry so massive
the girth of which requiring two hands
to wield a damaging blow

He was here then
long before manscaped metrosexuals
and rinky dinkus selfie taking twinks
walked the Earth

He is here now
towering among us
the primitive Amazon we all secretly worship to be
in the bedroom

and in the wild
yet ever so curious eyes of the White Woman
to have her virgin stature stretched in sacrifice
by an inner sadistic jungle priest
as the Mandingo is unchained

as the beast is unleashed

at the request of Mer
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In praise of the Larger Lady

She may not be as svelte as some
(love handles here and there)
but once you've tasted her sweet charms
you'll never look elsewhere.

Each breast mounds of perfection,
nipples large and like hat pegs
before you even investigate
what lies between her legs.

She'll draw you to her bosom
an ample resting place,
fit berth for men and royalty
which no-one can replace.

Each luscious curve possesses
the way to heights anew,
caressing and enfolding
to thrill you through and through.
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DeviantArt by Rafael Marinetti

Rafael Marinetti
a Maestro of DeviantArt
he presents the Superheroine
as a fetching Tart ......
especially Batgirl ....
in his constellashun'
she's the Alpha ...his Pearl !
are those twin globes --moons ?
no , no just vinyl clad buttocks
where maybe Batman spoons ...?
RM exposes
Batgirl poses.....
sigh ...the Collector reposes
in satisfied blissful contentment ....
am not givin' any links ....
jus' too many
the Poet drowns'n sinks .....
what provocative angles
light ...........shadows
handcuffs as bangles...
criminals as slaves
darkness ....light ....
voluptuousness paves
a Way to Dark Fantasies
Spank Her tonight
her out jutting mounds
hillocks of delight ......
squeeze 'em
tease 'em
by Jove
please , Please 'em
She arches her Back ...
Craak ! Craak ! Craak !
Rafael Marinetti
Master of Twilight
has provided Comic lovers
Endless Delight ...............
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It takes a focused eye to see
the scattered string of pearls,
torn in passion's fury, no?

the hairpin scattered too,
an empty glass that lips once shared,
exhaustion, sweet romantic dreams.

What better fetish than to see
what the gendarmes disallowed
to save the souls of teenage boys

or men whom Courbet gave a peek
for a sou to buy some bread,
Un ménage a trois peut-etre?

after some Casanova left,
a name that means the same in French,
but to the lovers in the bed.
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Is it her bleached hair? Her ass, thrust
for no obvious reason into the air?

Or is it that she's wearing heels and smokes,
face kissing the pavement except
for the butt between her teeth?

Do not expect this of me, lover.
If I smoke at all, I will use a holder,
a long one, part ivory, and it's you will kneel
before me. Just kneel. You needn't grovel.

Though, it would be nice if you would beg,
so that I could deny you and blow
fine clove-scented smoke into your face.

The inspiration, a photograph by the late Helmut Newton:
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I remember the day our friendship changed
It happen as we spoke of unsatisfying sex lives
How we only felt pleasure with the fluttering of fingers
She looked me in the eye and boldly stated that she tastes herself
Licks clean any object she's repurposed for pleasure
Asked if I do the same
I shyly admitted I find my scent intoxicating
But had never dared to dip a digit in my mouth
She stood, took my hand and led me to her bed

Since then I've found that I love l'eau de vie
There is no more divine a scent or drink
Hers, mine, ours
All, more heady than any wine
Whether taken directly from the source
Or lapped from her fine boned hand.
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