An Open Letter To _____

That is the way of love isn't it...

it resides in your heart for an eternity.

The person one loves never truly dies...not ever :rose:

* smiles softly as she offers you a comforting hug*

Hugs back. Well...she's alive as long as I am, at least.
Dear self.
I'm writing this here so you can come back to it again.
Because you will. You'll need it.
Stop. Just stop.

I know that in that moment, when nothing else can come to mind, when you're so far numb and blank and needing to feel something, trying to find it, grasping out in hopes of anything making it come back... To lose those other pains inside...


Its the you the next day who has to handle it too.
Clean it up. Cover it up. Explain to those two.

You don't see them at that time.
You go... Somewhere else.

The next day you, however... Sees them.
She was crying. She saw. I don't remember it, but she did.

You selfish cunt.
Don't do that to her.

Dear Self,

20 years ago or even 5 I would have said "no don't do it, don't sacrifice, don't do what so many people have done." But now i know, sometimes you have to do what you don't want to do to survive.

My life has been diminished to a point of mere pointlessness. The pain is only consoled by the pills, the pills cost money. Money requires a job, a job requires motor and brain functions you no longer possess.

The government is simply a joke, it's hypocrisy laughs at you with malice intent. You can barely function and some days not at all, yet still they refuse you. The lawyers they say more doctors. the doctors they say more money. My atm card has dust on it.

So for me i will do what I have to do. Because i have to.
if you feel the need to put a comment, please just pm me. I'd like to believe i just put this in a bottle and threw it in the ocean.
Dear Friend,

Don't get all weird and chilly with us because I asked you politely to please stop tossing our baby around like a medicine ball. When you have your own, you can do what you like with her/him, but this guy only has us to protect him and speak up for him, and I'm not at all comfortable with your little game of catch.

I know you'd feel horrible, if you dropped the three seconds you had left to live.

Still love you and you know it, but - this is me, now. Better get used to it.


Momma Bear
Dear Words,
I do understand, we all need our space from time to time, but please...don't you think enough's enough?
Waiting with open arms for your return. Soon, with any luck.
Yours hoping,
Dear Univese,

You've put me through enough shit already. Quit throwing more at me. My plate is full and my cup is overflowing.

Leave me the fuck alone.

The chick who's about to start rampaging.
Dear Strangers,

Let me save you some time.

All PMs that state your age, location and willingness to chat whenever may save your fingers and need not apply.

I'm here to indulge in my creative juices, a few laughs, share rebounding inspiration with fellow writers and have a good time.

Stupid people make me laugh and inevitably bore me. Those who have no wording flair are definitely boring.

Intelligence and genuine interest for conversation are always encouraged. If you fail to have either of those, go away.

Sin cera,

Wicked, Picky Unrepentant Flirt
Dear Universe,
If you could direct her to rampage over me, that would be just dandy.

Dear Unverise,

Changed my mind.
Throw more at me then put me in a room with Vail.
I also recommend recording what takes place.

Dear Self,

You are in love and really happy.....and please don't forget how it feels when one day it comes to an end. Because it seems like they always do. Remember that you laughed, alot! That he made you feel like the woman you are supposed to be and that you are worth so much more than you had been putting up with. Remember that glow you had after the first time together and how you couldn't stop thinking/talking about him.

Dear you,

I want to get inside you.

I want to be wrapped up in you, where it is dark and warm, and stay there until I cannot take it anymore.

I can't wait to take off my clothes and climb on you.

I love you, bed.

Dear Employer,

Seriously! How hard is it to pay your employees correctly! Why can't you get it sorted out. You shove extra responsibilities on me, make me work longer hours, and somehow my paycheck is still LESS than it was before I had to do all this extra work. I've tried to be patient. I've been patient for 3 months. Now I'm just fucking pissed. Figure it out!! I need the money I WORK for to live.

~An extremely frustrated, good employee.
Dear x,

Please for the love of god turn on your spell check. If you are using a browser that isn't Internet Explorer, the bloody thing is built in. If you are, I apologize, you are more lost than even I thought.

Sincerely yours,
Dear Muse.

You and I?
We're going to have words.
We are.
Like it or not? We're writing today!


P.S. I do adore you really and if you could make the words we manage to have be good ones, so much the better. :rose:
Dear Muse

Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for turning up just when I needed you.
I think this is going to go well.

Lots and lots and oodles of love,


P.S. Please don't go away again. At least...not until 1st Dec!

Dear X

I'm not going to lie. I'm disappointed.
With you.

Not sure why I expected something different but I did and so I do feel a little let down by you right now.
It'll pass though. There are lots of positives in my life at the moment that mean my disappointment will wane. Eventually.

But at this point? I'm disappointed.

This is addressed to some of my co-writers.

Some of you have english as your native language.
Although I like your imagination, your grammar and spelling leave me cringing.

Yes, my english isn't perfect. I know this.
And sometimes my fingers slip and I make mistakes.

My native language isn't english. What's your excuse?
This is addressed to some of my co-writers.

Some of you have english as your native language.
Although I like your imagination, your grammar and spelling leave me cringing.

Yes, my english isn't perfect. I know this.
And sometimes my fingers slip and I make mistakes.

My native language isn't english. What's your excuse?


Dear Me,

You have a thread to get started. Don't forget.

Now, do it!

