...and Cordelia giggled.

Oh my goodness...

Everybody is suddenly sooooo polite.

<darkmaas is checking to see if his username has been morphed into desade>

My post of last night was meant to mildly cheeky. Someday I'll master the use of smilicons.

Lauren said:
I really meant what I said and then wrote a little poem. Wasn't that the point?
Yes indeed, a lovely poem and thanks for the chocolate.


Thanks for the faux limerick, but they really have to be more naughty. (See above). <trying to sound like senna>

Cordelia said:
I wish I could start the "Big Giggle."
Excellent. And I like the notion of thermodynamics entering the discussion. I can understand poetic enthalpy (Heat of poetry, especially in literotica), but poetic entrophy...maybe that's why the votes keep vanishing.

<Please return to the frivolities>

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:
:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:
Hmmm... My last post wasn't supposed to be too polite. I could swear there was a dancing banana there. :p

What this thread's missing is a challenge. Let's all write a poem about the thermodynamics of poetry.
Well, mine was meant to be polite -- and it was ignored. Should I have been rude and used a banana? :nana: I'll start using bananas.
Lauren.Hynde said:
Don't let Ted find out about it, though...
Lauren, Lauren, Lauren... Ted could never be replaced by a banana. Trust me, I know. :cool:
Lauren, Lauren, Lauren... Ted could never be replaced by a banana. Trust me, I know.

zucchini? dancing zucchini?

(well cordie, entropy reigns, lol. well, semantic entropy anyway...)
Lauren.Hynde said:
Let's all write a poem about the thermodynamics of poetry.
Well...? Anyone...?

(the truth is I can't think of anything... who wants to go first?)
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Hot Poetry in Motion

What this thread's missing is a challenge. Let's all write a poem about the thermodynamics of poetry

Cordelia's Big Giggle

A thermal perturbation wave
It was dark and warm, that vibe.
But lacking Entropy to damp it
The disturbance amplified.

From black hot hole it spewed
And wouldn’t you just know it,
A voice both dark and deep
“You are a fuckwhit poet”

Dixieland Thermodynamics

Poetic gods of heat in motion,
Dark Entropy, hot Enthalpy
They’re singin’ “Keep your lust and lovin’
Just gimme some o’ that ol’ Gibb’s free energy”


changing energy
with proper componant sparks
marilyn's chamber
Thermo-dyku 2

the pressure is on
let the conversion begin
propelled by a thrust
Space Child's Mother Goose

    Embryonic, zoonic,
    Tectonic, cyclonic,
We humans are never humane.
    Explosion, erosion,
    Corrosion, implosion-
And back into Chaos again!

Frederick Winsor - 1958

Regards,                                 Rybka
mind if I share my atoms?

Molecular Thrill

Elastic snap of anticipation,
molecules removed for pleasure.
Atoms toss and tumble
over satin neutrons
stretched smooth to corners.

We are positively charged
in a protonic encounter
till wham bam electrons
begin to orbit.
MC Steve

Cecil, I don't know who's cooler--MC Steven for the great tunes or you for finding them! My daughter and I have a mosh pit in my kitchen and we're punkin out (it's a small kitchen: trust me it's crowded). I'm gonna pass the dog over my head next.

Man life in the burbs is wild, baby!

;) :kiss: :rose:
Change of subject

Okay. It isn't a thermodynamic poem, it's more basic. But I wrote it a while back and it seems to fit into this discussion, especially now that Hawking's been introduced!

It's silly, and the physics aren't accurate, but there's something about love and poetry that creates their own internal physics. (Kinda like cartoon physics.)

Subatomic Terzanelle

In orbit, strewn with waiting, patient protons,
You beneath – unaware my anxious hover.
Beaming light, my kisses touched like photons,

And quantum flux in wavelengths of a lover,
Positively charged in spectrum’s hope,
Beneath my hungry stare and anxious hover

Add neutrons, and my heart’s your isotope
Creating radiation, banish dark
so positively charged in spectrum’s hope.

Infecting every flavor of each quark
Until they shake in subatomic lust
and create that radiation, banished dark

Add my electrons to your nuclear husk
Ionize your will to spark a fusion
They’ll vibrate you in subatomic lust

Swirling in subnuclear confusion
in orbit, strewn with hope and patient protons
Ionize your will to spark that fusion
Lightly, as my kisses, touched by photons.

Cordelia (03/18/03)

This thread took a lovely twist. Thanks to all for the lessons in thermodynamics.

However, it would seem that poets have trouble keeping the old "heat in motion" thingy up for more than a few days.

Re: Change of subject

Cordelia said:
Okay. It isn't a thermodynamic poem, it's more basic. But I wrote it a while back and it seems to fit into this discussion, especially now that Hawking's been introduced!

It's silly, and the physics aren't accurate, but there's something about love and poetry that creates their own internal physics. (Kinda like cartoon physics.)

Subatomic Terzanelle

In orbit, strewn with waiting, patient protons,
You beneath – unaware my anxious hover.
Beaming light, my kisses touched like photons,

And quantum flux in wavelengths of a lover,
Positively charged in spectrum’s hope,
Beneath my hungry stare and anxious hover

Add neutrons, and my heart’s your isotope
Creating radiation, banish dark
so positively charged in spectrum’s hope.

Infecting every flavor of each quark
Until they shake in subatomic lust
and create that radiation, banished dark

Add my electrons to your nuclear husk
Ionize your will to spark a fusion
They’ll vibrate you in subatomic lust

Swirling in subnuclear confusion
in orbit, strewn with hope and patient protons
Ionize your will to spark that fusion
Lightly, as my kisses, touched by photons.

Cordelia (03/18/03)
First, I must say I like the poem. I simply must. :)
But having written a few terzanelles, I wonder if this is an accepted variation or one you created. Just curious. ;)
Re: Re: Change of subject

WickedEve said:
First, I must say I like the poem. I simply must. :)
But having written a few terzanelles, I wonder if this is an accepted variation or one you created. Just curious. ;)

Awww.....thank you, Eve <blushing> That means a lot, coming from a fine poet like you. I wish I had more time to write. But I am making time.

And any variations may be blamed on entropy, or quantum flux. (Variations? Did I mess up the form? erk...)

Searching for my missing quarks,

Re: Re: Re: Change of subject

Cordelia said:
Awww.....thank you, Eve <blushing> That means a lot, coming from a fine poet like you. I wish I had more time to write. But I am making time.

And any variations may be blamed on entropy, or quantum flux. (Variations? Did I mess up the form? erk...)

Searching for my missing quarks,

The only variation that I haven't seen before is your repeated second lines which become the third line in each following stanza -- you do not repeat them exactly, word for word. But I like that variation. I think it makes it less rigid to work with and makes the poem more interesting.