And The AH Winners Are--

Rumple Foreskin said:
Bear Lee,

If you were in a wheelchair, it'd be a souped up number like Blake Edwards used at the Academy awards. :)

Even with my advanced CRS (can't remember shit), I shouldn't have forgotten someone who came home the winner in THREE (3) (III) different categories. Of course I also left Just John off that list, so at least you were in good company.

Rumple (the forgetful) Foreskin


4 actually:D No wheelchair yet-it's an MS thing-but who knows-maybe tomorrow:( I think I suffer that CRS thing to but I forgot what it was already;)
Congratulations to the AH winners and nominees! It is also a pleasure to have read so many great stories by many of the other Authors. So Thanks to all those who submit stories as well.

Thank you everyone!

I'm thrilled about the how-to story and still a bit stunned about the poet award.

Thanks to all who have given me so much emotional support these last few months.

And I truly appreciate all the quality feedback and wonderful writing suggestions I continue to receive from the talented group of writers, editors and friends who frequent the AH.

Thank you!
