And then me...

flyguy69 said:
What? I made you pancakes!
Well... they were nice. A little lumpy. And what was that fuzzy thing I found in the center of one?
WickedEve said:
Yes! :D Oh, all that grabbing and touching and the bruises. Ohhhhh...

we'll take care of the first person pronoun once and for all..... very unpoetic ways. :)
PatCarrington said:
we'll take care of the first person pronoun once and for all..... very unpoetic ways. :)
You're going to poke her in the eye?
WickedEve said:
Well... they were nice. A little lumpy. And what was that fuzzy thing I found in the center of one?
Maybe you'd like to lick the beater.
flyguy69 said:
Maybe you'd like to lick the beater.
I'm afraid your beater would get turned on and my tongue would end up tangled in it.

(oh god, we're having pancake sex!)
WickedEve said:
I'm afraid your beater would get turned on and my tongue would end up tangled in it.

(oh god, we're having pancake sex!)
Well, my edges are starting to curl so I must be done! Gotta go: I have lots of sins to atone for.
flyguy69 said:
Well, my edges are starting to curl so I must be done! Gotta go: I have lots of sins to atone for.

do pancakes need yeast?

....i'm getting all cross-threaded here.

it must be eve's strangle hold.
PatCarrington said:
we'll take care of the first person pronoun once and for all..... very unpoetic ways. :)

My goodness I sleep late and we are licking beaters and wrestling?
Without a chaperone and without the whipped topping!
annaswirls said:
My goodness I sleep late and we are licking beaters and wrestling?
Without a chaperone and without the whipped topping!

join in.

i bet you know some wicked wrestling moves. :cool:
PatCarrington said:
join in.

i bet you know some wicked wrestling moves. :cool:

hmm might as well, I have not eaten breakfast yet, and you all look so tasty this morning
Trent_Dutch said:
I just don't like 'poets' (and I use that term loosely) who think that their emotions, their experience, their existence, is/are more powerful, stronger, richer, more poetic than ordinary peoples... they/it isn't. Its exactly (the fucking) same, for audience and writer alike. Or at least it should be. Maybe that's one of the reasons why modern poetry is so poorly read. The audience (i.e. EVERYONE) is disillusioned/frightened by a Poets 'holier/better' than thou attitude. The notion that most poets have, that their own emotional experience is something special and unique in the grand theme of things, is a grossly incorrect one. And it can be quite offensive in my own humble opinion. Aswell as feeding fevered egos it only serves to profelate the "widespread popular notion that gaseous emotionalizing is exclusively identical with what we call poetry". Which it isn't. Alot of the time when I am reading poetry I just wish poets would stop feeling and start thinking for a minute.

This is not a dig at XXplorher... it really is just a general statement of my opinions about modern poetry (I said once I wouldn't get opinionated, but I've changed my mind).

Yup – you’re right.

I’m far too subjective on that particular piece. I’m looking at it like a person who’s seen everything else I’ve ever written – and that’s self-righteous and ridiculous.

You’re wrong about the rest though – the poet serves a purpose. They remind us that it’s ok to feel. It’s not just nuts and bolts. It requires some ridiculous bastard/es who actually believe they have something to say – to have something worth saying. And many times… that’s a poet.

As eloquently put by Annaswirls:

That the experience, emotions etc of everyone is exactly the same is absurd. We cannot experience everything, and that is why we seek the experience and interpretations of others, to grow ourselves.

It might connect.
And that’s why it’s there.

And this just in! It became an interesting debate. Ahh… satisfaction.

I came off like a glorified asshole though, no argument there. (However, I still like the piece. From a strictly subjective/historic/bastard/maggot/poet/point of view… ya know?)


When writers use the pronoun I, I have found that often it is to admit their own weaknesses, fallibility... etc.

Precisely. Which is something I rarely do (I’d much rather discuss someone ELSE’s fallibility). And I never say it that simply either. However – that doesn’t make it any damn good.
This situation kinda reminds me of an analogy I once read.... That floating about the ocean, dissolved or whatever, there is 600 times the amount of gold mined from the earth.... maybe more. Can't remember the exact figure. Thats alot of gold. Good gold too probably. I'm buggered if I'm gonna get it though.

Fond Adieu....