Angeline Returns from Hospital ~ Again

My man, Chet Baker, singing and playing Time After Time, made somehow both tender and awful by the performance and his missing tooth (can we say drug problem?).

Oh, Chet. What a fucking waste.
Sending positive energy your way, Angeline.

*magic finger wiggle, magic finger wiggle*
(hey, whatever works, right?)

A few days late perhaps, but I spend much less time on Lit compared to a couple years back and didn't see this until now...I'll try to send extra to make up my gap ;)
So there really is a Django Reinhardt? I saw Sean Penn play the guy in a movie long ago and far away, but I've never heard anything else.


Are you well today, Angelina darling? Is Toots bowing and scraping and tending to you? I'm thinking of you.