Angel's Little Patch of Heaven

I somehow get the impression your opinion on poker would change if Bama, or Mari, or Angel were sitting at this table and the losers had to lose articles of their clothing.

Pour one of us a shot. We'll find out whether I or Glad will need to take it in a moment or two.

Even with Bama, Angel or Mari...I seriously doubt it Veroe. I have MidnightBliss, not to slight the dear ladies in any way. But they don't hold a proverbial candle to my love. :D
The elf fights not to smile as he gets a good hand, a full house, queens over fives. "I raise."

Dealer takes two cards. I get another Jack. That's Three of a kind. My prospects for this hand is looking better. Now let's see if I can't sucker these guys into sweetening the pot.

I see your raise and raise you two more.
Dealer takes two cards. I get another Jack. That's Three of a kind. My prospects for this hand is looking better. Now let's see if I can't sucker these guys into sweetening the pot.

I see your raise and raise you two more.
"I call, and re raise
Possible Flush but my mood is gloomy and my expression reveals nothing. I'll see ya'll and raise five chips.
Wanders in and sees the boys playing cards. Slipping up behind Glad, leaning over his shoulder to peek at his cards

I see your raise and lay out my hand.

Three of a kind. what do you got?
Wanders in and sees the boys playing cards. Slipping up behind Glad, leaning over his shoulder to peek at his cards

He leans up to kiss her cheek, and reraises certain unless one of them gets quads he has this hand.
*returns Glad's kiss to his cheek and then wanders over to the bar and pours herself a tumbler full of rum with a splash of soda*
"Have you seen the epic rap battle of history, ghost busters verses myth busters?"

I've seen the one between Doctor Who and Doc Brown from Back to the Future.
I've seen the one between Darth Vader and Hitler.

I love the Angry Hitler parodies on youtube too for that matter.

Why am I the only one who's shown their hand here?
Read em and weep ya'll a Heart Flush. With one pawlike hand I claim the pot.
*takes a large swallow, feeling the fiery path all the way to her stomach, before wandering over to a couch near the boys*
"Unless you're holding a straight flush my full house beats you." he says h hand coming down on the wolf's paw
"Unless you're holding a straight flush my full house beats you." he says h hand coming down on the wolf's paw

Open your peepers and pointed ears sir do know that a heart flush is sequential numbers suited?
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"Apparently I do not sir. forgive me." He laughs and pores himself another shot and raises it in salute to the wolf.