Ange's Cool Link of the Day

science and some poets have to much time on their hands..

i found this site that has dedicted haikus to the Periodic Table .
the whole site has sci fi poetry on it somes pretty cool....


PS I LOVE THE Surrealist Compliment I GOT ..

The quietness of a manhole cover cannot compare with the wild vapours of nylon I sense in your larynx.

hee hee hee hee
Gumball Poetry

Had to revive the thread for this:

In my neverending search for publication (lord knows not fame or fortune, this being poetry), I found:

Gumball Poetry

It's an ezine, it's a published journal, and yes it's poetry in a gumball machine!

I ain't lyin'. Look here.

For about 25 (USA) cents someone can get one of those little plastic thingies with *your* poem inside--assuming Gumball Poetry choose to publish your poem. Now I don't know about you, but I think this is pretty darn cool. (Although frankly for some of my poems 25 cents would be pretty overpriced, but I guess I wouldn't submit them. :D )

You can also purchase a machine from them or just poems if you have your own. I don't imagine they'd show up next to the Mike 'n Ikes, etc. at your local grocery store (in which case they'd fail to attract my kid's quarter, for sure), but looks like a cool thing to have in a bookstore, for example.

And when you're done looking at that and you're feeling creative try putting your imagination to work.

Got a cool link? Post it in this thread!
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Cool Links of the What Huh?

Probably I Should have called this thread

Ange's Cool Link of Whenever She Feels Like It

instead of "of the day" cause as you may er have noticed....

Well anyway I have good stuff today times three. Two are poetical-type links, and one is just cool and comes to you via the very lovely Ms. Hynde. (Thank you, Lauren! :kiss: )

First, Poets' House is a literary center in New York City that advocates poetry. It's a meeting place for local poets, sponsors festivals and readings, and tries to stimulate dialogue about the place of modern poetry in society. It also has a huge library (40k!) of poetry in every medium imaginable. That's all very cool, isn't it? But the coolest thing about Poet's House--IMHO--is that they publish The Directory of American Poetry Books, the most comprehensive directory of its kind. It's modern poetry only, but it's still a huge undertaking, You can buy the volume for about $25 USD, but they have a great free search engine online here, where you can search by title, author, keyword, and I forget what else. Needless to say, it's a very good site to explore.

Then there's The Cortland Review, which is an online audio poetry journal. You do need to be able to access Real Audio to play the files, but you can download that for free. Cortland offers a great opportunity to hear wonderful modern poems read by their authors. And if you're goal-oriented, they not only publish some of the best-known poets around, but also accept submissions from new unknown poet types. :)

Ok. Had enough poetry? So how much do you think you're worth? Well lemme tell you that whatever it is, it's less than Lauren and that's only because you don't live here, but then neither does she, so go figure. But whatever paltry, less-than-Lauren sum it is you can find it out at Human for Sale. Personally, considering my homeland's tragic history of actually selling people, they probably could have approached at least the name more tactfully, but it is interesting to see their criteria for valuing human life--which raises lots of questions, at least for me-- and where one stands (after Lauren :D ). One caveat: this site pops up ads like crazy, so if you don't want to deal with that, be forewarned.

P.S. OT, however, is not available. Lauren and I bought a time-share. :p

Be cool!
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Thanks for the Links, Angie

Especially the first one. :rose:

Angeline said:
Ok. Had enough poetry? So how much do you think you're worth? Well lemme tell you that whatever it is, it's less than Lauren and that's only because you don't live here, but then neither does she, so go figure. But whatever paltry, less-than-Lauren sum it is you can find it out at Human for Sale. Personally, considering my homeland's tragic history of actually selling people, they probably could have approached at least the name more tactfully, but it is interesting to see their criteria for valuing human life--which raises lots of questions, at least for me-- and where one stands (after Lauren :D ). One caveat: this site pops up ads like crazy, so if you don't want to deal with that, be forewarned.

P.S. OT, however, is not available. Lauren and I bought a time-share. :p

Be cool!
According to this site I am worth $2,632,900.00 at present. At age 25 I was worth $2,989,500.00. - Somebody buy me please! I can't afford myself! :)
Re: Cool Links of the What Huh?

I'm thinking of taking out a second mortgage on my "worth".
-- until then, I sorta like the rumor that I can be had ( ... cheap)
I'm thinking of taking out a second mortgage on my "worth".
-- until then, I sorta like the rumor that I can be had ( ... cheap)

It's a rumor???? You mean Lauren and I don't own that time share after all? Goddamnit. Oh well, I suppose I should be relieved--it's almost time for back-to-school shopping, and my daughter appears to be in need of the entire contents of Gap for Kids. I don't think I can afford you, even at a discount. :p