Announcing The Independent Reader's Association Awards


I’m dixie lee carter, and I want to welcome you to:



the lee family says hello​
[SIZE=+4]Welcome to ScouriesFantasyWorld The traveling addition[/SIZE]

Where Scouries ego is the one and only thing that counts.

Grand_High_Poobah aka Gabby aka Gabrielle L. is one of scouries many alt. So he's inviting you to his fantasy world as one of his fantasies. Scouries logic always amazes me. :rolleyes:

The INDEPENDENT READERS ASSOCIATION would like to announce the winner of this month's Oktoberfest contest.
This was an unannounced contest. If you wanted to enter, suck it.


“And Then She Turned Into a Beer” by Dixon Carter Lee

Independent Readers Association
(A Real Official Thing)

Congrats to DCL on winning this award. You deserve it my friend!

I’m dixie lee carter, and I want to welcome you to:


this is my grand-niece dixie lee mi-hyeon - I've sent her to Miami to serve mr scouries...


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she’s got writers block too … but I know mr scouries will be able to use her…

[SIZE=+4]Welcome to ScouriesFantasyWorld The traveling addition[/SIZE]

Where Scouries ego is the one and only thing that counts.

Grand_High_Poobah aka Gabby aka Gabrielle L. is one of scouries many alt. So he's inviting you to his fantasy world as one of his fantasies. Scouries logic always amazes me. :rolleyes:
I just entered the new "IRA HALLOWEEN CONTEST 2010" with my Twilight parody "Something about Vampires with the Word 'Suck' Used in a Clever Way".

Wish me luck!
i rote a meg-, magniffiscent storey bout how a gay dollfin laded on souff bitch and met aguy called Een. 'Hallo EEn' the dollfin called and the guyy cawlled, "Oh! Mummy""

Azz this got deee-deleet-, lost wen I tuk mi meds, kan i a ply too bee inn yure konntest?

stouries :D
remember we’re still accepting entries…

[size=+2]the INDEPENDENT READERS ASSOCIATION (I.R.A.) presents the[/size]

I.R.A. 2010 Halloweeny Story Contest


Please slide entries under the door of the Chrysler Builder between the hours of 3 and 4 am.

President, I.R.A.
Secretary of the ORGANIZATION that
ACTUALLY knows how to SPELL "Secretary".

2,600 Entries already received!

This is going to be the Bestest Contest EVER!!

I'm still going to win, though...

This is the SUPER DUPER ULTIMATE “Story Feedback” thread.

The purpose of this thread is to identify and honor those authors who entered a LITEROTICA “Special Contest” that I could have won if I wanted to except the sun was in my eyes.

In the past many readers have complained that the OFFICIAL LITEROTICA awards do not truly reflect the Will of the People. So I contacted Will and he said, "Bring it, Bitch!"

So the INDEPENDENT READERS ASSOCIATION was born (and the IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY can suck it). In each contest the stories that receives the MOST FRIENDS SUCKERED INTO GIVING IT HIGH RATING will win an award! Probably a shrubbery. Something nice, placed here, beside this shrubbery, only slightly higher so you get a two layer effect with a little path running down the middle.

We of course welcome feedback (on this thread and to the winners directly) from LITEROTICA'S reading public. And by WE I mean ME, because everyone else has drunk the Kool-Aid of Reality and said "no" to living in my lair. And by LAIR I mean my sister's guest room.

Independent Readers Association

Thanks to all the fans for all your entries!

I've received them, and deleted them! And now I'm the only one left to win this bullshit made up pulled straight from my ass contest!
