Another question for the ladies: May-December trysts.

Considering this thread has me brushing off the cobwebs on some very good memories. I had two very short term relationships that fit this category. One I was 17, she was 26. Only 9 years, but those 9 years were quite a gap in maturity. The other I was 19 and she was 36. Both were very short term. About two months. It was certainly educational for me, I think to a certain extent I was a warm body filling a space for them. Not that it wasn't enjoyable, but I think both were looking for someone closer in age. But the sex....(heavy sigh)
A lonely fan

Dear Vincent E,
In your AV, you're sitting all alone in the stands. That bothers me. Is the game over and you didn't notice? Do you have BO? Is it raining and you don't mind getting wet? Did you show up at noon for a night game?
Ps. For a guy to have a "May-December" affair with me, he'd be about nine years old. Maybe we could go to a baseball game.
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Actually, I was sitting there for an hour and a half before the groundskeeper reminded me that they were playing on the road that afternoon. :( Damn interleague play.

Several minutes after posting the above comment. Now I've read your "Dumbest thing" thread and I get it.
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I'm still wondering what the definition of "younger man" being. One year younger? Two? Ten? ;)

Guess the youngest man I've been with was about four years younger. Personally I'll check out any man, as long as I find him attractive. Don't care if he's 17 or 47.

A younger man can provide one thing; youth. And how we all love that. Body probably in good shape, curious and willing to please.
Emotionally I guess the curiosity and willingness to please is an attraction to me. But, to be honest. At my young age I have to admit having sworn off 20y/0 men. They still are too much boys mentally and emotionally (not all), they're not as experienced sexually as older men and they can be damn clingy. Well, at least the ones I've hung out with. In ten years though I'll probably love the fact they are acting like boys.

If I'm interested in a fling or long-term? Depends on the man. To me it's not age on paper that matters, but mental age. If we click mentally, on the same mental plane, then I'll go with that. Naturally the older you get, the more you learn from life and develop. If I'm 40 I might not have that might in common with a 20y/o just because we're at different places in life. But you never know...

I have played the teacher only once and that was with an ex boyfriend. I didn't mind, it was great as he was eager to please and I could basically mould him into my perfect lover. Then count that I was madly in love too. Now though, if it's a fling I'd rather not have to teach. If it's a real relationship, then I'm all up for it.
The story in question will revolve around a woman in her 50s and a man in his 20s, so there is quite a big difference there.

So far the attraction has been physical, and I'm planning on leaving it there. I haven't been able to decide if it is going to be relationship or fling oriented. I'm leaning towards fling as it would play into what I'm doing with the male character. My biggest concern was in keeping it believable.

No, actually my biggest concern is what perdita has in store for me, but that is entirely a seperate matter.

Based on the responses I have been getting here I don't think that there is going to be any wrong way of writing the next chapter of the story. The same would hold true for the subsequent chapters. The responses have been very helpful, and I appreciate that.

Now, I may be MIA for a while. I simply have to restart writing.
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Vincent E said:
No, actually my biggest concern is what perdita has in store for me, but that is entirely a seperate matter.
Subtlely isn't found in size, V. Hope your story has depth and breadth.

expansively, Perdita ;)