Antifa & BLM are the Definition of Domestic Terrorism


This is where I disagree, I think we've passed the event horizon.

There is no going back. From the two major parties official platforms down to the average joe who doesn't even hardly pay attention or study politics at ALL, we as a nation and society are completely polarized. From workplaces and where people live down to families.

Over 1/2 the country thinks there is nothing more patriotic and American than socialism and the most authoritarian and totalitarian version of it possible! And that it's of top importance to "progress" the USA into being Venezuela.

The minority is a loose and ineffective and loosely association of liberals, religious conservatives and traditionalist....who want to keep their civil rights, property and think the other group is totally fucking insane.

But we ALREADY DO!!!! We already do.

Depending on the polarity of whatever jurisdiction you're in vs. who you may or may not actually have civil rights as we have known them.

BLM can come into your home, beat you into the ICU, rape your wife and kids then burn your fucking house down and they will suffer little to ZERO consequences if you're in a blue spot.

Step into the street with a sign in the wrong red state? You might be totally legally run down by bubba in a pick up truck.

We are already divided, we just haven't have the convention or war to make it official.

I'm hoping we might be able to diplomatically balkanize with the minimal violence we've had....some rioting. That would make the US and it's people very lucky.

The alternative would be so ugly.

They are profiting and or getting power out of this conflict/division.

Can only hope that the silent majority wakes up 2022 and removes these progressive, socialist, communist out of the house. What's sad is the last time Pubs had the majorities they choked all over themselves led by Mitch and Ryan, especially Ryan.
Hey **BABY KILLER** so when you can't win an argument you resort to word play and semantics, can't just go with the spirit of the argument, you're a *CAD*

Are we going back to this again????

Do I need to pull up your posts on how you cheered on the attempt to kidnap and potentially murder an elected State Governor?

Because those posts of yours exists, in fact, you even posted and admitted to being a Racist and Anarchist, however you cannot find one single post of mine about killing babies....

To quote Biden " will you just shut up man!".....*chuckles*
Are we going back to this again????

Do I need to pull up your posts on how you cheered on the attempt to kidnap and potentially murder an elected State Governor?

Because those posts of yours exists, in fact, you even posted and admitted to being a Racist and Anarchist, however you cannot find one single post of mine about killing babies....

To quote Biden " will you just shut up man!".....*chuckles*

We're swirling around the bowl. Unless by some miracle we stand lady justice back on her feet we're doomed as a republic. Our laws hold this republic together. We can't have **laws for thee not for me**

Adam Kinzinger made me sick, he's not a cuck, he's a balless **POS**

Then Adam Schiff puked out his tirade and then I puked out my lunch!

He needs a diaper and a binky.

Schiff needs a military tribunal and a firing squad.
Can only hope that the silent majority wakes up 2022

2020 was proof there is no silent majority.

Either that or they are so silent they aren't wroth a fuck and thus not the majority.

and removes these progressive, socialist, communist out of the house.

Nope.....maybe by a small margin but to your next point.

What's sad is the last time Pubs had the majorities they choked all over themselves led by Mitch and Ryan, especially Ryan.


Let's say they SWEEP 2024...just clean house, super majority across the country and the WH. (D)'eez literally only have a handful of states and a dozen cities, that's IT.

The (R)z would waste it on stupid fuckwaddery like a 0.22% corporate tax cut and de-regulating the things that don't need deregulating while lobbing more regulations on shit that doesn't.

And they would try to be bipartisan and compromise as much of it to the democrats as they possibly could.

They won't do shit or fight back in any meaningful way.

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2020 was proof there is no silent majority.

Either that or they are so silent they aren't wroth a fuck and thus not the majority.

Nope.....maybe by a small margin but to your next point.


Let's say they SWEEP 2024...just clean house, super majority across the country and the WH. (D)'eez literally only have a handful of states and a dozen cities, that's IT.

The (R)z would waste it on stupid fuckwaddery like a 0.22% corporate tax cut and de-regulating the things that don't need deregulating while lobbing more regulations on shit that doesn't.

And they would try to be bipartisan and compromise as much of it to the democrats as they possibly could.

They won't do shit or fight back in any meaningful way.


If Trump re-occupy's the WH he will enter leaps and bounds ahead of the game this time around. He WILL fire every appointed deep state socialist supervisor in the state department, the military and the DOJ. This time around he won't be phased by lame street media or crying socialist communist crying fowl, he will just mow over them, Nancy will be gone and because the dems left behind a hollow shell of a congress Trump will put back in place all those policies that worked, might even push the DOJ to prosecute Swillwell, Pelosi, Schiff and a few others for treason.
If Trump re-occupy's the WH he will enter leaps and bounds ahead of the game this time around. He WILL fire every appointed deep state socialist supervisor in the state department, the military and the DOJ. This time around he won't be phased by lame street media or crying socialist communist crying fowl, he will just mow over them, Nancy will be gone and because the dems left behind a hollow shell of a congress Trump will put back in place all those policies that worked, might even push the DOJ to prosecute Swillwell, Pelosi, Schiff and a few others for treason.

This is not an "if" situation. This has zero chance of happening. Z E R O
This is not an "if" situation. This has zero chance of happening. Z E R O

I can see him doing what Joe and Bill Clinton did, fire every US attorney in the US. Trump would also fire the AG and his department heads, the FBI Director, the DNI, the CIA Director, the SecDef, the SoS, military Secs, and create a special prosecutor to root out Chinese spies in the government.
If Trump re-occupy's the WH he will enter leaps and bounds ahead of the game this time around. He WILL fire every appointed deep state socialist supervisor in the state department, the military and the DOJ.

Yea, but that' just a temporary fix.

I think Trump would be a huge fuck up on the (R)'s part.

(R)'s need leadership far more than they need a (D) antagonist.

This time around he won't be phased by lame street media or crying socialist communist crying fowl, he will just mow over them,

Bullshit, he is too egocentric, he cares what the left thinks about him too much.

Nancy will be gone and because the dems left behind a hollow shell of a congress Trump will put back in place all those policies that worked, might even push the DOJ to prosecute Swillwell, Pelosi, Schiff and a few others for treason.

I don't think he will....I think he'll talk a bunch of shit and piss the (D)'eez off.

That's it.

We need a leader to can effectively cut the (D)'eez off and lead the (R)'s to do things we can rally people behind.

IF Trump had declared the GOP the party of freedom and liberty and just ended the federal war on drugs, he would still be POTUS. :)
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Yea, but that' just a temporary fix.

Got to start somewhere.

I think Trump would be a huge fuck up on the (R)'s part.

I disagree, if he grabs a good VP someone like DeSantis I think he would win tons of support.

(R)'s need leadership far more than they need a (D) antagonist.

I agree you need leadership but things are sooo fucked up a couple dozen eggs are going to have to get scrambled to get there.

Bullshit, he is too egocentric, he cares what the left thinks about him too much.

I watched his last rally, he's matured and toned it down considerably

I don't think he will....I think he'll talk a bunch of shit and piss the (D)'eez off.

I really hope not!

We need a leader to can effectively cut the (D)'eez off and lead the (R)'s to do things we can rally people behind.

Hopefully taking back the house will eliminate in part this surge of a socialist agenda. Definitely need to unite rather than divide. Pushing law and order and border security in my opinion are tops on my list, might have issues with the economy by then.

Trump had an upward battle right from the start. Dems wanted to impeach even before he was inaugurated, he never had a so-called honeymoon period, had a speaker that divided the pubs in the house, failed on Obama care and the wall which were two issues Trump ran on.

IF Trump had declared the GOP the party of freedom and liberty and just ended the federal war on drugs, he would still be POTUS. :)

Maybe DeSantis

We definitely need a leader for all the people and cool down the animosity between parties.
You don't think a person can be charged with treason in the US...SMH

They really can't. As defined you have to be aligned with an outside force that we are actively at war with if I've read the laws properly. We really need to just rewrite every law including the Constitution to fit the modern world.