Anyone from Amsterdam?

Stop it.

I object to your using a thread in the BDSM forum to boost your post count from nothing, a brand new member of the site, to 100 posts in the way that you did here. Besides being utter and unredeeming bullshit, it's a cheap, stupid, disrespectful trick of a way to 100 posts and i won't have it. Not here. Not in a thread into which someone you don't even know already poured thoughts and feelings.

I'm sending a copy of this post to Laurel, the site admininstrator, to alert her to your nasty little habit. Go someplace else and play your number games. You, and they, aren't welcome in the BDSM Forum.

I'm pissed about this. I don't get pissed off easily but i'm definitely pissed about this.

BDSM Forum Moderator
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March has come and gone. Nothing would be lost by moving this to the Mod Queue.
We should leave it here.

An example needs to be made.
A line in the sand needs to be drawn.
Until it disappears naturally, we should leave it here, in public.

If one asshole thinks the BDSM Forum at 3:30 in the morning, Pacifi Coast time, is an appropriate place into which he can take a shit like this in peace and comfort and safety, then more will follow. Like follows like; assholes follow each other around.

Something i've learned from teaching 13 and 14 year olds for so many years is that (1) one begins as they mean to carry on and (2) one sternly corrects bad behavior at the moment it occurs so everyone else can more easily decide that doing the bad thing just isn't worth the trouble it will bring.
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The only thing is you can't send the 14 yr. olds here to the principal's office when your teaching methods don't get through.
cymbidia said:
Perfect use of our new Forum.

What a jerk!
And I recognize that pic in the AV, too. Is he yayati, or did he steal that pic, or is this a yayati troll? ;)
Thanks for your replies to the troll. They were sorely needed.
In case people missed it in the main forum - clive apologised multiple times.

I'm sure cym gives her pupils chances to apologise and redeem themselves and as long as he doesn't do it again - should that not be where the line gets drawn ?

From what I can tell - it was actually sparked by uncledenny adopting an adapted version of yayati's AV. clive seemed to want to do the same and following BlazeofFire's multiple post thingy, chose to imitate the method - mainly to piss off yayati by having two adaptations of his AV on the boards.

clive did the wrong thing, definitely chose the wrong place - but APOLOGISED. People may note that his post count has not shot up since then so he isn't deliberately trying to antagonise and appears to have learned his lesson.

If his tally is 200 by the end of the day, then I will look like a git for defending him but maybe we can all enjoy some calm after the storm.
DannyBoyUK said:
In case people missed it in the main forum - clive apologised multiple times.

I'm sure cym gives her pupils chances to apologise and redeem themselves and as long as he doesn't do it again - should that not be where the line gets drawn ?
DannyboyUK, my post to this thread was made 15 hours ago.

That's a long long time as we measure time in this forum. We are not the GB. Our threads, and the focus of our threads, move at a much different pace and are of a far different temperament than those on the GB.

That's why this pissed me off so badly.
Clive came in here when all the regular people here were gone and the place was dead. He dug up an old thread. He shit all over this thread in 100 separate posts, each containg a single number, so he could get a lousy av with which to poke at yayati. Then he walked out. Apparently we weren't supposed to care.

But i do.

I watch over this place very diligently.

Always have, since the time it was a single thread in the How To... forum about this time last year.

And i'll continue to do so.
And those multiple apologies?
There were two, actually. Two apologies. One to me in a PM and the other in the thread where i blasted his ass for doing this kinda trash in our forum. In my part of California, two apologies doesn't equal "multiple apologies".

BTW, clive never apologized here, to the people who call this forum home, to those who didn't what the hell happened, to those who woke up this morning and saw this - bullshit - in the middle of our peaceful forum. There are quite a few people here for whom this forum is home just as surely as the GB is your Lit home, people who do not ever, or rarely, go to the Gb for any reason. Clive never bothered to post an apology here, where it was most necessary. Do the peopl ehere not count? Do only those who read most of the GB threads count when issuing apologies for wrongs done in another forum?

You're right about one thing, though: we haven't seen hide nor hair of clive in many hours, have we? Is clive your alter ego? Is that why you're so interested in all this, DannyBoyUK, interested far past what some ordinary "i just live in the same country, man, really" kinda guy would be? Or maybe you're related to clive in some way? I could understand it from that perspective. Anything else is just, well, kinda weird.

In any case, many of the people here never go the GB, and those who do certainly don't read every GB thread. The apology issued by clive for taking his crap in this thread wasn't seen by, probably, 95% of those who inhabit this forum.

Each forum at Lit has a different character, and the BDSM Forum is not at all like the GB. Here we discuss things that pertain to the nature of BDSM sexuality in a calm, respectful, and accepting manner. We tend toward thoughtful and insightful posts. Things can stay on page one for days here before they drop off.

We're not the GB.
We don't want to be the GB.

No one had posted to this thread for five hours before you got here. Back off now, please, quietly and with dignity, and allow this travesty of a thread to sink away.

BDSM Forum Moderator
Well said!

cymbidia said:
DannyboyUK, my post to this thread was made 15 hours ago.

That's a long long time as we measure time in this forum. We are not the GB. Our threads, and the focus of our threads, move at a much different pace and are of a far different temperament than those on the GB.

That's why this pissed me off so badly.
Clive came in here when all the regular people here were gone and the place was dead. He dug up an old thread. He shit all over this thread in 100 separate posts, each containg a single number, so he could get a lousy av with which to poke at yayati. Then he walked out. Apparently we weren't supposed to care.

But i do.

I watch over this place very diligently.

Always have, since the time it was a single thread in the How To... forum about this time last year.

And i'll continue to do so.
And those multiple apologies?
There were two, actually. Two apologies. One to me in a PM and the other in the thread where i blasted his ass for doing this kinda trash in our forum. In my part of California, two apologies doesn't equal "multiple apologies".

BTW, clive never apologized here, to the people who call this forum home, to those who didn't what the hell happened, to those who woke up this morning and saw this - bullshit - in the middle of our peaceful forum. There are quite a few people here for whom this forum is home just as surely as the GB is your Lit home, people who do not ever, or rarely, go to the Gb for any reason. Clive never bothered to post an apology here, where it was most necessary. Do the peopl ehere not count? Do only those who read most of the GB threads count when issuing apologies for wrongs done in another forum?

You're right about one thing, though: we haven't seen hide nor hair of clive in many hours, have we? Is clive your alter ego? Is that why you're so interested in all this, DannyBoyUK, interested far past what some ordinary "i just live in the same country, man, really" kinda guy would be? Or maybe you're related to clive in some way? I could understand it from that perspective. Anything else is just, well, kinda weird.

In any case, many of the people here never go the GB, and those who do certainly don't read every GB thread. The apology issued by clive for taking his crap in this thread wasn't seen by, probably, 95% of those who inhabit this forum.

Each forum at Lit has a different character, and the BDSM Forum is not at all like the GB. Here we discuss things that pertain to the nature of BDSM sexuality in a calm, respectful, and accepting manner. We tend toward thoughtful and insightful posts. Things can stay on page one for days here before they drop off.

We're not the GB.
We don't want to be the GB.

No one had posted to this thread for five hours before you got here. Back off now, please, quietly and with dignity, and allow this travesty of a thread to sink away.

BDSM Forum Moderator

I rarely post in here, but yes, I do get annoyed with the idiots that post to get a score!
They must have nothing better to do!

I popped in as I heard rumours of certain people, so, as it is quiet tonight, I was browsing.

Ban them! cymbidia!!!
Oh please, ban the idiots!

So annoying pages of numbers, and nothing to do with the origional thread!