Anyone from the UK?

Meanwhile ... in another part of the multiverse..... bins collectors are appearing on odd days of the week.... where's Dr Who when you need him.....
Please ignore the previous 20 mins or so... normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.
I love Brian Cox
He has such a relaxed way of explaining complicated subjects that doesn't come across as condescending.

I don't really understand much of what anyone has been talking about but I absolutely love it when people nerd out
I dont really know what I'm talking about, I watch too much discovery, and I love physics and shark week.
There is a quasi quark though.

Because of the theory quasi-quark spectrum in the chiral symmetric phase from the Schwinger-Dyson equation.

In deep space 9 there was the ferenghi barman called quark too.
Yep always chasing the Latinum