Anyone from the UK?

Drama donkey.
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The artist known as AWonkyDonkey has left "Anyone from the UK?" and is unlikely to return.

If you wish to leave a message for him, please send a PM filled with lots of compliments and maybe the odd PayPal donation.

Thank you.
Literotica Automated Reply Service.
A neighbour came round to ask if I'd seen their bin :oops:
I wasn't sure if they wanted me to join a hunt or if they thought we had a stash of kidnapped bins round the back... I just asked some dumb questions back "Did it have a number on it?" and tried to shoo them away. I felt sorry for them, but at the same time how can you mislay your bin?
A neighbour came round to ask if I'd seen their bin :oops:
I wasn't sure if they wanted me to join a hunt or if they thought we had a stash of kidnapped bins round the back... I just asked some dumb questions back "Did it have a number on it?" and tried to shoo them away. I felt sorry for them, but at the same time how can you mislay your bin?
i saw an ad on tv earlier for a dog tracker... they should get one for their bin.

they could put up notices on lampposts "have you seen this bin?"