Anyone want to write a story for me?

Re: Harumph!

MathGirl said:
WE do not do arithmetic. <sniff>

Wellll, if the price is right........

Damn....I thought that's why we did Z-Transforms....or was that Chi-transforms.....I disremember.:confused:
Hoofed grazers

Svenskaflicka said:
I can't find "Ungulate" in my dictionary. Is it similar to "unguent"?

Dear Svenska,
I suppose there are greasy ungulates. It could be caused by application of an unguent to one of the critters.
Helpfully, MG

Dear Svenska,
Ungulates or ungulants are hoofed mammals. E.g. deer, cows, gnus, etc. Unguent is a sort of outmoded term meaning ointment.

When I started this whole thing, I had visions of a man wanting to so something erotic for his wife but ending up with an albino goat that smelled like it had been eating curried asparagus.

Now I wish I'd kept my smartass mouth shut.
I know this excuse is getting a bit old, but it's still true.

English IS my second language.:eek:
Svenskaflicka said:
English IS my second language.:eek:

Dear Svenska,
Believe me, dear, ninety percent of English speakers don't know what it means either.

You know how I admire and envy your language skills. <true>
Re: There goes the neighborhood!

Well ther you go everybody thats what you get when you lay me off and give me time to write ;)

"Idle hands" you know the rest! Besides I didn't believe the request was genuine anyway, did yoy?

MathGirl said:
Scab! SCAB!!!!

Profile images and "status"

Uh, How do I chang my ststus from virgin and how do I post a photo associated with my profile?

Thanks in advance for the helping I am sure to get :):cool:
Re: Profile images and "status"

happy2bhubby said:
Uh, How do I chang my ststus from virgin and how do I post a photo associated with my profile?
Thanks in advance for the helping I am sure to get

Dear HH,
I think you need a hundred posts to get to put an avathingie up there. Only the germane, witty, and interesting posts count, though.

You'll know when you're no longer a virgin. It hurts.
Helpfully, MG
Svenskaflicka said:
I can't find "Ungulate" in my dictionary. Is it similar to "unguent"?

3 entries found.

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913]

Ungulate \Un"gu*late\, a. [L. ungulatus. See {Ungula}.]
1. Shaped like a hoof.

2. (Zo["o]l.) Furnished with hoofs. See the Note under
{Nail}, n., 1.

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913]

Ungulate \Un"gu*late\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
Any hoofed quadruped; one of the Ungulata.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 [wn]

adj : having or resembling hoofs; "horses and other hoofed
animals" [syn: {ungulated}, {hoofed}, {hooved}] [ant: {unguiculate}]
n : any of a number of hoofed mammals superficially similar but
not necessarily closely related taxonomically [syn: {hoofed
Originally posted by MathGirl
Don't force it, dear. You'll get there. Then you'll wonder why you ever wanted to be there.

Thanks for the tip, MG! ;)
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Originally posted by MathGirl
Dear HH,
I think you need a hundred posts to get to put an avathingie up there. Only the germane, witty, and interesting posts count, though.
Is this why my posts are slowly creeping up and why happy2bhubby still seems to be stuck on 1?
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Originally posted by MathGirl
You'll know when you're no longer a virgin. It hurts.
Any girl virgins out there who would rather not lose their virginity to a falling brick, please contact me. Ungulates need not apply.
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Pay attention, please

Gabriel_Lee said:
Is this why my posts are slowly creeping up and why happy2bhubby still seems to be stuck on 1?

Remember the words germane, witty, interesting?

Ps. My "being nice week" expired at last midnight.
Anyone Want to Write....

Precisely the reaction I'd expect from this shallow, heartless crowd! Poor Virgin_so_far posts that poignant cry for help, which I found deeply touching, and YOU GUYS ignore him and end up discussing ungulates and personal post counts! Next you'll spend 6 pages and countless hours posting about vomit and four foot BMs, while you could have been using your enormous literary gifts to help this lost soul. For shame, MathGirl! From a girl that is capable of writing a gem like:
She heard him hawk and spit, then she felt the wetness drip on the smooth, ripe globe of her perfect ass.
Virgin - I'll write your epic for you - something that will touch your special someone's soul - we're talking tears of joy here! And in the story I'll give you a thirteen-inch dick and the ability to blast cum through a stone wall!! Your own mom won't be able to resist you (literally!!)

Didn't mean to kill this thread... Perhaps I should stay away from sarcasm. Did like that line from your pending story though, MG, I know you meant it as a joke but your opening paragraph was pretty good - I love a parody and this genre is ripe for one!
A fit, someone having one

HedbangerSA said:
Precisely the reaction I'd expect from this shallow, heartless crowd! Poor Virgin_so_far posts that poignant cry for help, which I found deeply touching, and YOU GUYS ignore him and end up discussing ungulates and personal post counts! Next you'll spend 6 pages and countless hours posting about vomit and four foot BMs, while you could have been using your enormous literary gifts to help this lost soul.

Dear HB,
My, my. Haven't you worked yourself up into a fine snit.
Feel better?
Originally posted by HedbangerSA
Poor Virgin_so_far posts that poignant cry for help, which I found deeply touching, and YOU GUYS ignore him and end up discussing ungulates and personal post counts!
I didn't realise that our poor Virgin_so_far was a guy. On the subject of our poor virgin, where is he/her? Has anyone actually broken ranks and helped out? I think we should be told.
Poor Virgin

Originally posted by MathGirl
Dear HB,
My, my. Haven't you worked yourself up into a fine snit.
Feel better?

Actually, feeling great! Let's do it again, but this time spank me, okay?
Where is she?

Originally posted by MathGirl
Probably hiding in the basement, hoping we'll go away.

Hmmm. Never occured to me that our Virgin might be a girl... In that case, she's in my basement tied to my pool table. We're doing research for the story - I'll get back to you guys. Don't hold your breath, it might take a while.
Re: A fit, someone having one

MathGirl said:
Dear HB,
My, my. Haven't you worked yourself up into a fine snit.
Feel better?

Can I also work myself up into a fine snit please.
Fine Snit...

Originally posted by SubJoe
Can I also work myself up into a fine snit please.

Whatever you do Joe, don't do it before Ms. Girl tells you it's okay. Remember, her "nice" week is over.