*Walks into the Lounge and took a deep breath* Ahhh...the Drama....can't take it sometimes. *Flops over on the pillows and rubs at his pillows, humming Bowling for Soup*
*The door of the room swings open as she calls out,* Actually making use of the bed for once if you want to join me. And why do you think I am here? It was like sitting between Mainstreams lifestylers and Goreans. It ALWAYS ends badly.
Ahhh, too true, too true. *Shrugs and lifts himself up, walking into the room, not being the kind to ignore such a welcome invitation*And it's sad, because one cannot help but watch as it crashes in on itself and burns.
*The door swings shut behid him as she makes room on the large bed, not that she needs to*
I left mainly to avoid getting in the middle of things defending both sides of things since I did have a chance to talk with Ryo before everyone came in. I understand his side and I understand there. Its pretty much gray area, they aren't all right and neither is he.
I came in far too late to understand the wholee part of the argument, so I suppose I can't argue for either side. All I know is someone was growling, yelling, and so on and so forth. Just sit back and seem helpless. *Flops down in the bed beside her&
I can't complain, it's been warm and sunny around me and yet, I've ben ill. Irony, thou art a cold, heartless bitch. Bt I digress. *Wraps an arm around her* How about you?
*Growlng i return as she bites at his neck, holding her a little bit closer, finally reaching down and grabbing her ass* Horny little thing...*Chuckls a bit*
I creep very quietly into the place, wow it is wonderful I murmur, nervous because I am doing this alone, and this will be my very first time here!
I Spy some pillows in a secluded spot and bury myself in them as Angel had instructed me to do,.My eyes wide I wonder what the contraption in the middle of the table is for? Snuggling down making sure that I am well hidden I drift of into the real world for a while.......
I wake up still hidden beneath the pillows, my but I slept well! The place is empty and so I must asume that it is morning! I am sorely tempted to look around , but decide instead to opt for the safety of my bedroom. Que Sera Sera and I am gone