AoD's Hookah Lounge

I've been told they're ood, so thanks. *Grins and continues to massage the muscles slowly, rubbig them around*
*Growls a little and bites at her teasingly* Don't be evil now.
Who? Me? Evil? *bats her eyelashes at him* Never *leans over again and gives his lip another hard nip*
*Growls a little bit* You're evila nd you damn well know it. *Smirks and nips at her neck*
How so? *nips his ear, grinding against him slightly* I don't see how a little bit of nipping is bad.
Heh, ouce, touche...butI say it's mean, so it's mean. *grins innocently
*licks his neck slowly before lifting her head* Well in that case I suppose I should stop.
*Pops in amongst the pillows with a soft sigh. The music switches over to her usual selections as she lays back*
Hey yourself. *Walksover ad plops down beside her*
Meh, just listening to that song, Christmas Shoes. Reall sad song.