April 2022 - Poem a Day thread

Catch Up

This ain't about roadside tomatoes
nor poor writing habits
on days including eggs and rabbits
this is about me - not in an egomaniac way
more about the thousand times I have to say
the three magic words in return
in the right moments
in the right places
not into any faces
but yours
"I love you"
A bad, bad, not good day

A bad, bad, not good day,
lined out in wordle by missing foyer.
Snow on the ground and it’s into April,
filling out my tax forms, fear I’ll have to pay.
Raps lost last night, it’s not their year
news turned off, there’s too much to fear.
Need three more poems, my quota to fill,
so I’m throwing out this bad rhyme,
my discontent to share.

With insincere apologies to Judith Vost, and any wordlers whose day I spoiled.
April 19, 2022

What’s there

this morning is for
your weight on me
and the quiet
of before
in between

this morning
has my freckled face
feeling sun
or rain
or wind
with you in it

this morning
and it’s potential
never stolen,
simply moved
from each day
to the next
and from there
until soon

this morning
will not end
when my eyes close
or when they open
because for one
or both
it will always be

A postponed Monday
an eyeful more of sleep
and a second were not enough
hand me another coffee, please
and you in the mirror, oh my,
an eyeful was more than enough
a quick facelift might do :)
Ten Signs of Spring

The days grow longer
Yesterday morning’s snow disappeared at noon
Raucous robins singing at 06:00
Garlic planted last fall sprouts
First spring flowers (crocus, snowdrops, bloodroot) emerge
Noisy pairs of geese flying overhead
Brown blackbirds nesting in cedars
Northern Flicker picking ants in our backyard
Chipmunks and groundhogs emerge from hibernation
The dogs’ feet are always muddy

(a bit of a copout)
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April 20, 2022

a real copout - AKA my day

being this tired
this stressed
should come with a warning
about pushing too hard
or asking too much
or just being a man near me today
because it’s too much
to deal with your issue,
or what you think is an issue
and actually isn’t even close to one,
on top of my ever climbing pile
of things I need to do
or write
or be thinking about
or that I’m actively worried about
and it’s all getting to me now -
just today,
your addition
is pressing down,
is the cement roller
coming at me
so much faster than I want,
it doesn’t look like I’ll be
getting out of the way -
at this point I’ll just be
steamrolled by all of this,
so just leave me here,
lying in it for a while,
figuring out for myself
how to stand back up
after the pressure has passed
legs used to be, decades ago
but it must have been soaked up by our socks
since hands are clad less often
and still fit so nicely around our aged shapes
that grew and transformed
like our love has become more and more
Since Mother's Day is just around the corner...

The first tender kiss on an innocent brow,
The first loving whispered ‘good-night,’
The gentle embrace at first light of dawn,
The smile that turned midnight to bright.
The strength of the arms that first held one aloft,
The same that could ease away pain,
The voice that could sweep away all of the fears,
Safe warmth, in spite of the rain.
The one who said, “Follow the dreams that you have,
Pick yourself up when you fall,
And I will be with you wherever you go,
In your heart I shall be, when you call.”

Shirred or scrambled, poached or fried
Served hot or cold,
In a sandwich, as a topping
It’s a wonder to behold.
Chopped, diced, sliced, baked,
Hard-boiled, soft-boiled or stuffed,
Devilled, pickled, omelette,
I never can get enough.
In muffins, in cookies, in cakes and in tarts,
With steak and bacon and ham
For breakfast, for lunch, for dinner or brunch
With pancakes, with sweet rolls, with spam!
An egg is the purest dish I believe,
But its fame can never quite end
The age-old question, the paradox supreme:
Which came first – it or the hen?
At five AM
I'm a thug
vegan even
not stealing your oat milk
but the secret garden beneath the silk
you're wearing "24 hours a day"
as on the label they say
one, two breezes
for the coming moments
breathing you
amid the exotic oxen
lionizing the hypnotic vixen
under a cloud of pushy aroma
of santalum and theobroma
fading as the day goes by
but I'm still drinking
my rosy tea
form over function

Grace, let
me trace the
pearl necklace
so clearly put
on my dear
purely, this is
raw torture, its
necklace closure
I'd reckon, was
not checked
fling that
daft thing of
closure failing
away so that
I won't go
bring you
this ring of
failing string
a stale idol
of no avail
I bother and
string another
alluring attire
so daring
nearly hits
your earlobe.
Another pearl
of manmade
Poissons d’avril

Trout season opens here tomorrow,
though there willll be more fishers out
than fish caught.

On the Beaver, Saugeen and Maitland,
they be elbow to elbow disturbing
the pools, crossing, lines and
generally creating havoc.

But I appreciate their enthusiasm
it’s been a long winter and the
shadow of covid still darkens
the horizon.

Myself, I’ll stay away this weekend
then go out later in the week,
when things have settled.

Woke up this morning to sunshine,
welcome after yesterday’s rain,
and the rheumatism and I seem
to have reached an agreement
which will permit me to work in
the garden.

To plant (yesterday’s Wordle word)
radishes, spinach, onions, and
maybe carrots, although they
usually don’t do well here.

But I’ll get round to all that after
I finish my coffee and this poem.

It must be her perfume
cause it’s still too early for
lilacs to bloom, but the
cloying scent lingers, like
the 1 hour You Tube loop
of Space Oddity incessantly
playing in the background
while the stained glass
Tiffany Sunflower Panel
sparkles in the kitchen
window with the light
fragmenting into a message
from Bowie from beyond
but you never learned
Morse Code and will
never know what was said.

So, you share a bit of your
Calabrese with Sunny
who doesn’t mind the spice
as he leans into you in a
a full body press and you
stroke his sun warmed fur.

*double post from 5 senses challenge
Never finished the fifth coffee
overthinking the nineties
which seems so close to niceties
but feels so long ago
and in the reflection
still a good long way to go


it was an image
of a ninety-two
that made it through
World War 2
saying therefore
she never liked fights
instead her works
shall be clerks
for equal rights

(people with opinions , scroll down)
April 22, 2022

Music to our ears

each breath heard
my head against your chest
a melody lulling
Our bodies to rest

your fingers strum over me
chords in vocals
keeping time with
a rhythm that’s unstoppable

the percussionist lives
in our shower
throwing in a cymbal
or wind-chimes today

your lips meeting mine
a symphony
meant to be performing
together always

hearts belting out new songs
from a rekindled playlist
an organism of it’s own
the background music of us
Sloppy Twenty-Seconds

Do you still remember the first one?
We all had a good laugh
when the paycheck came
thinking it was for April Fool's.

Now, after all that edging and built-up
we find the eggs are blue
oceans and inflation are rising
we all just want some kind of release.

Spooning with the final week
natural warmth around us
arousing we will thrust
into another month.
April 23, 2022


you wear that well
an involuntary whimper
one asked for
the other needed
each before
never forgotten
even when the pain
when pressed
doesn’t come
it’s still there
in the flash
in the memory
to play over and over -
a record with the needle
skipping back -
when waiting
for the next first
to be soon once again
Lazy Sunday

at the end
toes are free
as heads seek cover
under the sunshade cloud
of a cozy duvet
wrinkles in the bed sheet
are glad that toes can't tweet
Speak to me

Speak to me in foreign tongues
slippery sibilants sliding from your
pouting lips to arouse my sleeping
ardour as I silently respond to
your soft touch
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Reason to Celebrate

Neither on a fourth, or in July
the abhorrent can that went by
still marked Independence Day
for the notorious Mister Delaunay
kicking down what he'd loved most
but turned into an enormous cost
well beyond a wedding planned
it was his liver in need of a transplant
that changed his whole life:
The brand new locks of his wife
The big wide bump in his career
The lousy quote of old Shakespeare
"Two beer and no more here"
words served along the first sip
still rembered out in the Feb' nip
halfway down Walker Street
where fortunes meet
the can a grand firework to admire
under the racing ambulance front tire
presenting Mrs Smith a shock restart
who was in need of a second-hand heart