Are Joe Biden's presidential hopes dead?

Only if you're a Democrat, apparently. Republicans can try to rape girls in high school or brag about grabbing women by the pussy as an adult, and they belong on the Supreme Court or in the White House.

You'll have to ask the experts, you know, Bill Clinton and JFK
RubenR writes: "Weird comments here, from people visiting an adult story site"

And why exactly is that? Are we automatically supposed to accept creepy behavior towards women in real-life just because we often read (or write) about such things in Literotica stories?

YDB95 writes: "Republicans can try to rape girls in high school or brag about grabbing women by the pussy as an adult, and they belong on the Supreme Court or in the White House."

"Republicans can try to rape girls in high school?" Seriously? Is THAT your reason for voting Democrat all these years?

Christine Blasey-Ford was a drunken teenager who regularly attended parties with intoxicated frat guys without even bothering to remember when or where - but after learning that conservative judge Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court, she suddenly remembered that he'd almost raped her once - which authomatically meant that pretty much EVERY Democrat in the U.S. Senate was going to believe her bullsh*t story (except Joe Manchin). The Democratic Party's foolish anti-Kavanaugh hysteria resulted in that party LOSING U.S. Senate seats in Missouri, North Dakota, & Florida! And when Trump has to replace justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg sometime in the near future, that bizarre Kavanaugh debacle is going to make it all that much easier for the president to get another conservative nominee confirmed!

As for Trump's locker-room comments being released on the eve of the 2016 presidential election, they no doubt cost him some votes, but apparently not enough to give the election to Mrs. Clinton, who had been enabling her husband to sexually harrass women for decades, dating all the way back to his days as governor of Arkansas!

dan_c00000 writes: "Next they'll be lamenting just how hard it is for a white person to get ahead."

That's the "Joe Biden defense!" He'c counting on Democratic Party primary voters to give him a free-pass because he's an old white liberal - just like Bernie Sanders! Despite their claims to the contrary, Democrats prefer old white liberals over women & minorities.
Liberal actress Alyssa Milano has been a vocal supporter of the #MeToo movement — except that the former child star ONLY cares about conservative men smelling women's hair without their permission, and/or Republican men acting in an overly creepy fashion towards women!

For example, when conservative Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of a thirty-five-year-old incident of sexual misconduct by a woman who didn't remember much of anything, Alyssa instantly believed every word of her story - but now she’s switching gears in the case of Joe Biden.

The former vice president and 2020 Democratic Party front-runner in the polls has been accused by former Nevada state assemblywoman Lucy Flores of making her feel uncomfortable by touching her shoulders and kissing the back of her head at an event five years ago - the Latina female Democrat revealed in an article over the weekend that she felt “powerless” at his “intimate behavior.”

But this is pro-choice, liberal Democrat Joe Biden that she's accusing - Joe Biden, who ran twice as Barack Obama's running-mate - and because of this, Biden has already received glowing support from the likes of Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski as well as The View‘s Whoopi Goldberg. Brzezinski called Biden “extremely flirtatious in a completely safe way,” while Goldberg described him as a “hands-on guy” and suggested that Flores should have said something to him before making her discomfort public years later.

And now Alyssa Milano is adding her two cents - calling the former Vice President and liberal-Democrat a “friend” along with being a “leader and a champion on fighting violence against women for many years.” Milano’s defense of Biden in light of her activism has critics accusing her of having “double standards” because of politics. Many pointed to the Kavanaugh hearings and Milano’s support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

Of course, if Christine Blasey-Ford had been one of the many women accusing former President Bill Clinton of sexually harassing/assaulting her, she'd have been mostly ignored by liberal media & entertainment figures, who would have said that the Europeans are laughing at us for being so prudish about powerful men pursuing women who aren't their wives. But that was in the late 1990's. By 2016 the Democrats were back to being prudes.
Liberal actress Alyssa Milano has been a vocal supporter of the #MeToo movement — except that the former child star ONLY cares about conservative men smelling women's hair without their permission, and/or Republican men acting in an overly creepy fashion towards women!

For example, when conservative Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of a thirty-five-year-old incident of sexual misconduct by a woman who didn't remember much of anything, Alyssa instantly believed every word of her story - but now she’s switching gears in the case of Joe Biden.

The former vice president and 2020 Democratic Party front-runner in the polls has been accused by former Nevada state assemblywoman Lucy Flores of making her feel uncomfortable by touching her shoulders and kissing the back of her head at an event five years ago - the Latina female Democrat revealed in an article over the weekend that she felt “powerless” at his “intimate behavior.”

But this is pro-choice, liberal Democrat Joe Biden that she's accusing - Joe Biden, who ran twice as Barack Obama's running-mate - and because of this, Biden has already received glowing support from the likes of Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski as well as The View‘s Whoopi Goldberg. Brzezinski called Biden “extremely flirtatious in a completely safe way,” while Goldberg described him as a “hands-on guy” and suggested that Flores should have said something to him before making her discomfort public years later.

And now Alyssa Milano is adding her two cents - calling the former Vice President and liberal-Democrat a “friend” along with being a “leader and a champion on fighting violence against women for many years.” Milano’s defense of Biden in light of her activism has critics accusing her of having “double standards” because of politics. Many pointed to the Kavanaugh hearings and Milano’s support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

Of course, if Christine Blasey-Ford had been one of the many women accusing former President Bill Clinton of sexually harassing/assaulting her, she'd have been mostly ignored by liberal media & entertainment figures, who would have said that the Europeans are laughing at us for being so prudish about powerful men pursuing women who aren't their wives. But that was in the late 1990's. By 2016 the Democrats were back to being prudes.

I couldn't agree with you more. The Me Too movement did have credibility when chasing down that piece of shit Harvey Weinstein and others. Finally something or someone close to the Clintons was taken down, not nearly enough, but it's a start. The Democrats really put themselves in a box, and now they're eating their own,
" the chickens are coming home to roost". The holier than thou left is about to crumble. The pendulum has swung so far to the other side that it's cutting off everybody's head. The display the by democratic side of the senate during the confirmation hearing for Brett Cavanaugh was on of the most despicable events in modern day politics. It shows just how far down the shit shute the left will stoop to maintain power to include character assassination. Constitutional LAWYERS, the likes of Dianne Feinstein, Patrick Leahy and Dick Durbin and of course their leader Chuck Schumer have lost all credibility with most Americans who actually watched the hearings. The very people elected to protect our republic have chosen as their montra " GUILTY TILL PROVEN INNOCENT " The hypocrisy of the left is past galling. they used the rallying cry of the "Me Too" movement for political gains and not to protect women who are truly in need of protection under the law. Even the FBI investigation wasn't enough for them.
icanhelp1 writes: "The holier than thou left is about to crumble. The pendulum has swung so far to the other side that it's cutting off everybody's head."

Good points, icanhelp1 - Slate's Christina Cauterucci made some interesting comments in a recent column she penned, titled: "Joe Biden’s Defense Doesn’t Work in 2019" in which she asks:

"Would Biden have smooched Beto O’Rourke’s head backstage at a rally? Would he have grabbed an unsuspecting man’s face and rubbed noses with him, as he allegedly did to a congressional aide in 2009? Maybe! Biden did have a habit of whispering sweet nothings into Obama’s ear. But his famously touchy demeanor usually manifests as bro-y back slaps and bear hugs with men; with women, it’s a patronizing set of hands on the shoulders, an unsettlingly close lean, a kiss on the head."

She says the former vice president knows enough about body language and personal comfort to touch people differently based on their gender, adding that a politician so concerned with gender equity should probably have given some thought as to why that is:

"It’s telling that Biden has constructed his defense around the claim that he never had the “intention” of causing women discomfort. He’s placed the burden of reckoning on the recipients of his actions, the women who mistook his friendly gestures as invasive and unsettling. But good intentions that forge ahead, time after time, with no regard for the unique circumstances of each situation are no longer good—they’re careless."

I believe that the former V.P. has bought into the liberal narrative that only CONSERVATIVE men treat women as sex-objects. And who can blame him for thinking this way? Back in the late 1990's when President Bill Clinton was in trouble after receiving oral sex from White House intern Monica Lewinsky, liberal TIME magazine correspondent Nina Burleigh defended the president's behavior, famously telling media reporter Howard Kurtz: "I'd be happy to give him [oral sex] just to thank him for keeping abortion legal!" I'm sure that Joe Biden believes that liberal women feel the same way about him!
dan_c00000 writes: "Next they'll be lamenting just how hard it is for a white person to get ahead."

That's the "Joe Biden defense!"

Not only do you not know how to use the quote button you also don't get sarcasm. What a shock.
dan_c00000 writes: "Not only do you not know how to use the quote button you also don't get sarcasm. What a shock."

And that BOTHERS you, Dan?

Look, we both know that the "#Me,Too" movement was NEVER created to go after liberal stalwarts like Joe Biden, right? In fact, a LOT of libs probably didn't want to go after Harvey Weinstein, either, what with all of the money he contributed to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion candidates & causes.

But now Joe's been sucked into the abyss anyway, because those women accusing him are influential within the Democratic Party, and also because Joe's status as the current front-runner among 2020 hopefuls for his party's presidential nomination has painted an ENORMOUS target on his back! All of those declared female candidates, like U.S. Senators Lizzy Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, & Amy Klobuchar aren't about to let this thing go! And let's not forget Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard or author Marianne Williamson as MORE female candidates anxious to bring Joe down!

I believe that we can both agree, Dan, that (sarcasm or no sarcasm) Joe Biden is in for a rough ride in the days ahead!
dan_c00000 writes: "Not only do you not know how to use the quote button you also don't get sarcasm. What a shock."

And that BOTHERS you, Dan?

Look, we both know that the "#Me,Too" movement was NEVER created to go after liberal stalwarts like Joe Biden, right? In fact, a LOT of libs probably didn't want to go after Harvey Weinstein, either, what with all of the money he contributed to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion candidates & causes.

But now Joe's been sucked into the abyss anyway, because those women accusing him are influential within the Democratic Party, and also because Joe's status as the current front-runner among 2020 hopefuls for his party's presidential nomination has painted an ENORMOUS target on his back! All of those declared female candidates, like U.S. Senators Lizzy Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, & Amy Klobuchar aren't about to let this thing go! And let's not forget Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard or author Marianne Williamson as MORE female candidates anxious to bring Joe down!

I believe that we can both agree, Dan, that (sarcasm or no sarcasm) Joe Biden is in for a rough ride in the days ahead!

I disagree with your premise on how the ME TOO movement started. I believe it was started with noble intentions in an attempt to rally support by women for women being dominated by powerful male moguls exercising their dominance over women of less clout and forcing women to accept their dominance for fear of reprisal by a male dominated working environment. What it's become harkens fear in moms, wives and sisters everywhere that their beloved husbands, sons and all other males be tried by the court of public opinion and lives left in ruins before the facts are even considered and guilty by association without any collaboration of evidence. ( Brett Cavanaugh ) and the Avenatti girls. The ME TOO movement has now been poisoned by politicians gutting the movement for their own personal gains.
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icanhelp1 writes: "The ME TOO movement has now been poisoned by politicians gutting the movement for their own personal gains."

I can't argue with any of that.

Before the #Me,Too movement came along, politicians like Bill Clinton & Joe Biden flourished. They said all of the right things, and most of the left-leaning feminists were charmed into accepting them, regardless of whatever behavior they had previously engaged in with other women.

Harvey Weinstein ended that when his behavior eclipsed his value as a "supporter of women's rights." The guy was such a MONSTER with a long record of sexual abuse that extended over a number of years - and when the dam finally broke there was no stopping it! A new movement was born.

But yes, when the strident feminists on the far-left began to equate EVERY man with being a Harvey Weinstein, that's when the problems started and the movement's credibility lost some ground. No jury on earth would have convicted Judge Brett Kavanaugh with the flimsy evidence they produced at last summer's confirmation hearings, but the Democrats in the U.S. Senate were prepared to convict him anyway, even if that meant destroying the man's life.
dan_c00000 writes: "Joe Biden is a liberal stalwart? Are you high? Were you there when he voted for the Iraq War? How about his treatment of Anita Hill?"

To answer your first question first: Joe Biden was Barack Obama's running-mate... TWICE! Joe was every bit as liberal as was Barack. NEITHER one of those two is a moderate, although I suppose a far-left-socialist like Bernie Sanders night might want to label them both as such.

To answer your second question: NO, I am not high.

Third question: a LOT of Democrats voted against the Iraq War in 1993 and would later regret that following America's overwhelming victory in Operation Desert Storm. I believe that 48 of the 58 Senate Democrats voted "no," including Joe Biden & John Kerry (but not Al Gore!) Ten years later, NONE of them wanted to make that same mistake again, and when President Bush-43 asked for a senate resolution allowing him to use force, Biden, Kerry, (and Hillary Clinton) all voted in favor (although Senator Kerry would later famously say: "I voted for it before I voted against it" while running against Bush-43 in 2004! No, I'm not kidding - he REALLY said that!)

As for Biden's treatment of Anita Hill, that just further adds credibility to the current controversy regarding Joe Biden's attitude towards women. None of this would have seriously mattered had he challenged Hillary for the nomination four years ago, but it's KILLING him today!
phrodeau writes: "Obama wasn’t a moderate? WTF."

Nobody seriously believes that Barack Obama was a moderate. The guy was basically an old white liberal wearing a black man's body.

Of course, we've now got this current generation of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wannabees who think that Bernie Sanders is a little too conservative for their tastes. I guess from their vantage point, Barack Obama is way too far to the right to be electable anymore.

The entire Democratic Party has turned hard-left in recent years, which is why that party can say good-bye to the American heartland for the foreseeable future (which, in turn, explains why they're so desperate to end the Electoral College!)

Modern Democratic Party policies cater to the pro-socialist far-left, which makes them acceptable only to those coastal enclaves where conservative-speech is no longer allowed, and where "Gun-Free Zone" signs are your only protection against violent crime.

This is NOT a political party built for winning nationwide elections anymore!
phrodeau writes: "Obama wasn’t a moderate? WTF."

Nobody seriously believes that Barack Obama was a moderate. The guy was basically an old white liberal wearing a black man's body.

Of course, we've now got this current generation of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wannabees who think that Bernie Sanders is a little too conservative for their tastes. I guess from their vantage point, Barack Obama is way too far to the right to be electable anymore.

The entire Democratic Party has turned hard-left in recent years, which is why that party can say good-bye to the American heartland for the foreseeable future (which, in turn, explains why they're so desperate to end the Electoral College!)

Modern Democratic Party policies cater to the pro-socialist far-left, which makes them acceptable only to those coastal enclaves where conservative-speech is no longer allowed, and where "Gun-Free Zone" signs are your only protection against violent crime.

This is NOT a political party built for winning nationwide elections anymore!

You're wasting time and energy arguing with these people. I know where you're coming from and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see whats going on. They're so smitten with rage over Hilary losing the election and so consumed with hatred towards Trump that they will lose the 2020 elections including the house. As a political body they have lost their ability to lead and legislate. Their focus is on the Mueller report and the impeachment of Trump. There are a lot of smart people in the democratic party but they can't exercise objectivity for fear of being chastise by the likes of Pelosi and Schumer and don't piss off AOC, that's a death sentence. There is a crisis on our southern border but they would rather let this country spiral into chaos then work together to legislate a fix to this problem. I used to have a lot of respect for Dick Durban and Dianne Feinstein, not anymore. Adam schiff and Gerry Nadler are the two most Hypocritical human beings on the planet and to beat Nancy and Chuck at their own game amazing. The Brett Kavanaugh disgrace, the Mueller report obsession and the obstructionist behavior of the democrats concerning anything Trump, will be reason for their demise in 2020. Since the Dems have won the house there is not one piece of meaningful legislation tabled. For those who care, Obama was the most left leaning president in the history of our republic. He was a community activist with two years in the senate and he beat Hilary! He never even managed a candy store when he took over the most powerful country in the world.
NEITHER one of those two is a moderate

You do know Obamacare is really Romneycare which was originally an idea by the right-wing think tank Heritage Foundation, right?

I could get into the history of how Obama was concerned with the debt when he shouldn't have been and pursed a grand bargain when the right had no interest in one. But if I did that you'd probably come up with some asinine thing about the debt being socialist.

Learn to use the quote button you triggered, racist asshole.
The Trumpettes here certainly are scared shitless by Joe Biden. Good. He's serving a good purpose, and the Democratic bench is deeper and cleaner than anyone the Republicans can put forward. Watching the Trumpettes here show such concern is fun to see. :)
You do know Obamacare is really Romneycare which was originally an idea by the right-wing think tank Heritage Foundation, right?

I could get into the history of how Obama was concerned with the debt when he shouldn't have been and pursed a grand bargain when the right had no interest in one. But if I did that you'd probably come up with some asinine thing about the debt being socialist.

Learn to use the quote button you triggered, racist asshole.

Obama care is not Romneycare. The ACA took control of health care at the federal level, had he pushed health care to the state level and let states tailored it to their needs I think would have been successful. Allowing cross border competition I believe would have lowered prices and deductibles. Revising malpractice torte laws was also a big issue. All presidents are responsible for fiscal responsibility. To state that he shouldn't have been, is just not true. The debt is not socialist, it's inappropriate spending. I assure you I'm not a racist asshole.
Obama care is not Romneycare. The ACA took control of health care at the federal level, had he pushed health care to the state level and let states tailored it to their needs I think would have been successful.

So, maybe it could still be successful if the Republicans or the administration (they don't seem to be the same thing) actually work up a plan around it. Actually work up a plan. Actually have a plan. Actually even start having a plan. After all this time of not bothering to even trying to have a plan.
There are so many woman coming out against Joe Biden you'd have thought Trump had nominated him for the supreme court.

Nice to see old Keith posting away today...The Geritol must have kicked in.
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icanhelp1 writes: "For those who care, Obama was the most left leaning president in the history of our republic."

That is SO TRUE! The guy also had some amazingly short presidential coat-tails, as was witnessed by his long streak of campaigning for Democrats who got beat, starting with Martha Coakley losing Ted Kennedy's old U.S. Senate seat in ultra-liberal Massachusetts in 2009, all the way up to Barack & Michelle both hitting the campaign trail hard for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and helping her to lose Florida, North Carolina, & Pennsylvania!

dan_c00000 asks: "You do know Obamacare is really Romneycare which was originally an idea by the right-wing think tank Heritage Foundation, right?"

Wait a second, Dan... are you trying to tell me that it was Mitt Romney who engineered those HUGE Democratic Party losses in the 2010 elections, by getting Obama to push-thru his own deeply-flawed health care legislation? You do know that the Democratic Party lost a whopping 63-House seats along with 6-seats in the U.S. Senate! It was a DISASTER! And you're now saying that Romney laid it all out there like a TRAP for Barack & his party to just fall into? How stupid did they have to be?

RubenR writes (to dan_c00000): "Grow up; don't behave like a adolescent... 'racist' loses its meaning, when you use it too often."

That's all very true, Ruben - let's just hope that Dan listens.

KeithD writes: "The Trumpettes here certainly are scared shitless by Joe Biden."

The last time the Democrats ran a former vice president to challenge a Republican incumbent president was back in 1984... Walter Mondale vs. Ronald Reagan. Was Reagan "scared sh*tless" of Jimmy Carter's V.P.? I seriously doubt it. When it was all over, Reagan would end up winning 49-states (worth an all-time record 525 electoral votes!) Walter Mondale won just 1-state & D.C. (worth 13 electoral votes!) Reagan captured 58.77% of the popular vote to Mondale's 40.56%. It was one of the BIGGEST landslide-blow-outs in our nation's history, Keith! If Creepy Joe is next year's Mondale, that won't be good for the Dems.
Obama care is not Romneycare. The ACA took control of health care at the federal level, had he pushed health care to the state level and let states tailored it to their needs I think would have been successful. Allowing cross border competition I believe would have lowered prices and deductibles. Revising malpractice torte laws was also a big issue. All presidents are responsible for fiscal responsibility. To state that he shouldn't have been, is just not true. The debt is not socialist, it's inappropriate spending. I assure you I'm not a racist asshole.
Allowing cross-border competition is, I believe, a big part of Trump’s scheme to replace Obamacare. But it has been tried. In fact, states have the power to allow it, and some of them have. The insurance companies have been unwilling or unable to compete across state lines, so they don’t.
Third question: a LOT of Democrats voted against the Iraq War in 1993 and would later regret that following America's overwhelming victory in Operation Desert Storm. I believe that 48 of the 58 Senate Democrats voted "no," including Joe Biden & John Kerry (but not Al Gore!)

It was 1991 and there were 56 Democratic senators then. Seriously, do you even know how to use Google? And I have yet to hear the first opponent of that war express regret.
Allowing cross-border competition is, I believe, a big part of Trump’s scheme to replace Obamacare. But it has been tried. In fact, states have the power to allow it, and some of them have. The insurance companies have been unwilling or unable to compete across state lines, so they don’t.

I agree with some of what you say. The state insurance commissioners have to have federal backing to take on pre-existing conditions and make insurance palatable for younger people. Health insurance is a very local endeavor tailored to their local facilities. Have to incentivise businesses to get back into insuring their employees, creating smaller and more adaptive programs and compacts as well as government funding or tax incentives. The cost of living in the different areas also impacts cross line competition. Pretty complicated stuff.