Are there any Mature Women tha realy like Young men?

Well, you see Wildrose, I just don't know what I'd have to offer . . . I've never done it before at all, and I'm just really nervous about the first time. I thought that maybe if I had my first time with an "older" woman, it would be better that way; probably safer because of her experience, and she would know exactly what she wanted me to do and I could learn from it and we could both enjoy. I'm starting to think that I do want to lose my virginity before marriage so that the wedding night's a good one, not a clumsy one . . . Have any advice?
Not knowing you at all...your size how you react to a's a little hard for me to give you advice..but I do know that I made this young man very comfortable with me and myself before anything ever took place...and I think perhaps if you could find an older gentler woman to lead you thru your first time...mostly it comes naturally..just follow your feelings...

Becareful all you young guys. Wildrose70 will wear your ass out! If you have not done it before, I doubt you can keep up with her!! ;)
Hehe, yeah, I doubt I could keep up with Wildrose unless she treated me extra specially tender, being a first-timer and all . . . =) Thanks for the words of wisdom, Wildrose; I appreciate it, and I think I will take your advice to heart. Now, actually going about and finding an "older" woman who is gentle and caring might be harder than words . . . =P But, if you say it's been done before and with good results, then maybe this 19-year old virgin has a chance after all! Only time will tell . . .
Now can't stop thinking about Mature Ladies

This is to Wildrose (everyone else close your eyes and don't read this note)

Since logging onto this thread I've been doomed to dreaming again about the mature ladies this land has to offer. I just got off work for the day and all thru my shift I caught myself watching and talking to the "mature" clientele that frequent my store. I guess that I was giving off some kind of "vibe" or such to the mature women because I was propositioned twice tonight from women well in excess of my years. One was a tourist to the area and one was a widow...both got my "puppy" to barking and raising up from the confines of my trousers. (ha) Damned if I wasn't overly tempted to meet them both after work. Have set a luncheon up with the widow for next week. The tourist I told I would call later tonight...only after I visited my friends on Lit Personals of course!

I knew that I should never have gotten mixed up with the likes of you Wildrose... (ha) .... as I knew that it would only lead me to thoughts of beautiful women with experience and zest for life that makes my "puppy" bark!

Have a good night, hon! Vive la mature!!!
Well if you will excuse my favorite expression!!
You did it you know Wildrose wouldnt steer you wrong...believe me I have helped several younger men only thru my 'DEAR ABBEY' feel free..I dont know whether to be complimented or not..HAHA
I think I unleashed the Tiger!!! Good luck..just take it slow and easy...and be sure to keep me posted!!! I'm always happy to hear about a success story..I also introduced a younger man to the pleasure of oral...simply thru words...and he was eternally grateful!!!!!!;)
Just be a gentleman...dont rush it let nature take it's course..every woman likes to be romanced if only for the moment...
My $.02

Thought I'd get in on this...When I was 19, I was lucky enough to meet a great woman who was 32. We only had sex one time, but it was a lot of fun. The hardest part, no pun intended, was asking her if I could do something to her or if she would do something to me...Once that was out of the way, as WildRose would say, "HOT DAMN!".

Several weeks ago, I had a threesome with another woman and her husband. She's 50 and one of the sexiest people I have ever met and I can't wait for round two.

Virgin, my point to this is that if you want to have sex with an older woman, go for it. She'll understand that this is your first time. My only advice is that if you want something, ask for it. It'll make it easier on both of you. Good Luck.

Thanks for the advice all . . . But Wiley, how did you go about meeting your "older" woman? I'm afraid that I'll offend someone in the process ('look at that kid, how dare he try and hit on me!'). And being sorta shy to begin with, I really don't know what to do to pursue this interest if I decide to in the end. Any pointers?
My point of view from a mature women's stand cant go wrong with letting a lady know you find her might take awhile for it to sink in...I remember the first time a much younger man started flirting with me...when I was working at the thing led to another...Need I say more????
Thanks for the tip Wildrose - I'll just be straight up when I find an attractive older lady, and see what happens from there on out . . . ;)
Well it never hurts to be a gentleman...but with a sexy look in your eye...she will get the message!!;)
Virgin Boy,

Surprisingly enough, I did nothing other than be myself. I was working at a bar the summer after my freshman year in college and one day I noticed this lady looking pretty sad. I asked her what was wrong and we had a short conversation about her problem and I did something that few men do...I listened. After that, we became friends.

When we finally got together, I asked what attracted her to me and she said our first conversation started it all. She said that I took the time to listen and she found that very attractive.
The most interesting part, to me anyway, was that she made the first move and was also the one to ask if I wanted to sleep with her.

Don't worry about being shy. I was, and still am, really shy when I meet someone new, especially when it's one-on-one. I've learned that being myself is the best thing to do since most women can see right through the bullshit. And some women may even find your shyness a turn-on.

Gentlemen finish last. . . only after the women reach climax

Yes, Wildrose... I promise to take it slow on the uptake with my new ladyfriend and widow. I realize that gentlemen always finish last...only after the woman reaches her climax! (ha)

I plan on taking it slow and easy but with my new ladyfriend, I feel it might proceed faster. She came by the store again today and kept talking to me most of the afternoon. And she was dressed to the "Nines" to boot! To quote a friend, "Hot Damn!" did she look good too!! It took all I had to keep the leash around my "puppy"!

Hope ya have a great holiday and a Happy New Year!

Now see you fellows got it going!!! I knew you could all do it...and Wildrose is proud of always warms my heart to know another mature woman is going to be treated to the sexiness of a younger....more eager young gentleman...and as I said...HOT DAM...WOO got her attetion now!! Keep that puppy on the leash till it's time to turn him loose:p