Arse kissing ...

Master_FT said:
Its not always exciteing, but theres love and frendship if you know where to look.

Welcome, Master_Ft. I always say to each his or her own. I think that it is up to the individual to search for love and friendship where they please.

I have nothing against chat rooms, but I find them boring. If others enjoy it, good for them.

I just find it annoying when chat room behaviour finds it way to this forum, where we are all equals.
I think thats the Issue..
"the D/s room doesnt handle normal"Chatroom behavior"
The people ther dont think of it liek a meet-market grin. and they fuly expect to be treated with some respect, subs and Dom/mes alike.

thanks for the welcome.
I've never visited BDSM chat rooms, precisely for some of the reasons mentioned here. As for Gor...well, I don't want to insult anybody who enjoys it, but it just makes me laugh. Maybe I should visit a Gor chat room for a giggle!

But as for actual ass-kissing, as long as it's a clean ass I'm happy to press my lips to it. :D
Master_FT said:
waves to any that may know me.

ass kissing. um dont like it. not online and not offline.

Also I wanted to make a note about the "D/s" room in the lit chat.
Im a regual ther. been around for a long time.
The rituals and holding court thing thing bothers me a bit so I think I'll try and explain the room a bit.

The D/s room is mainly a room to talk about the Lifestyle hang out with frinds and chat. Sometimes its boring. Sometimes its fun.
sometimes its sad, sometimes it joyus.
We help those who truly are looking for information and help.
those who are just looking for a quick fantasy are guided to another room, as the regulars of D/s object to playing on the open scroll.

Has anyone read "callahnas crosstime saloon" books by spider robinson? Its sort of like that.. but with a bit of kink.
Its not always exciteing, but theres love and frendship if you know where to look.

MFT ~ Nice to see you here. :)

Spider Robinson's Crosstime Saloon books are definitely a good read.

There may be a few similarities between the D/s room and his writings.... I prefer the books. :)

Hope to see you around. :D
Good to see You FT Sir

Master_FT said:
waves to any that may know me.

ass kissing. um dont like it. not online and not offline.

Also I wanted to make a note about the "D/s" room in the lit chat.
Im a regual ther. been around for a long time.
The rituals and holding court thing thing bothers me a bit so I think I'll try and explain the room a bit.

The D/s room is mainly a room to talk about the Lifestyle hang out with frinds and chat. Sometimes its boring. Sometimes its fun.
sometimes its sad, sometimes it joyus.
We help those who truly are looking for information and help.
those who are just looking for a quick fantasy are guided to another room, as the regulars of D/s object to playing on the open scroll.

Has anyone read "callahnas crosstime saloon" books by spider robinson? Its sort of like that.. but with a bit of kink.
Its not always exciteing, but theres love and frendship if you know where to look.

*smiles brightly and waves* Hello and welcome FT Sir. Thank You for the birthday wishes and it is nice to see You on the bb.

On to the topic at hand.

I am in perfect agreement with FT Sir in that the excessive fawning can make you grit your teeth. i have no problem with being as respectful as i can when in a chat room that is lifestyle oriented. i come from 2 years experience chatting in the D/s Room here on Lit and find it easier to be polite. Now don't get me wrong, polite does not equate to instant respect or anything of that nature. However, it is my habit (much to the irritation of one particular red-haired Domme who frequents the D/s chatroom *winks to the Lady*) to address Dominants as Sir/Ma'am. That is where my head is and feels natural to do so. It isn't about fawning, it's about my own habits. When i first began to post on this board, i addressed the Dominants as Sir/Ma'am and Those who preferred to be called by their names let me know right away.

However, that aside, i think that the online culture is about fantasy for S/some and a means to get as close to the real as possible for others. If some subs come in throwing themselves at a Dominants feet, it is because their imagination is governing what they think is the right thing to do. If they really want to be submissive, they will make the effort learn about the lifestyle and take it from there. If the behavior continues after the education, then it is obvious that person wants something quite different from submission.
Ebonyfire said:
Even Eb is no Eb. The people who really know me (and there are some here on Lit who do) know who and what I am and what I stand for. Others make their own judgments based on their own opinion or prejudices.

So a lot of flattery means nothing cause it does not relate to reality.
Interesting. Of everybody I have met at Lit, you would have been the one I thought would keep her front up, when she had the chance. But, you're coming out as sincere and real, saying even you are no Eb.

That is refreshing. Much more refreshing than anything I would hear from a sub who is trying to kiss up, some Dom or Domme who is trying to impress.

No, this doesn't mean I have changed my mind and will allow you to take my ass. There is STILL not a chance in hell that will happen in this lifetime.

But, you come off as honest and true, when you could be spewing out cool Domme wit instead.
Road Trip South

DVS said:
No, this doesn't mean I have changed my mind and will allow you to take my ass. There is STILL not a chance in hell that will happen in this lifetime.

ok, now i have to ask. Where would she take it and what would the postcard say? :eek:

SexyChele said:
<snip>The D/s room was taken off for a while, and I'm not certain why. It is now back on, but doesn't normally have that many people. Quite frankly? It's dull and boring. There used to be (this might all be different now) a few people who "held court" over that room, and they insisted on proper protocol at all times. Also, anyone who wandered in who was 'nilla was asked to either observe the "rituals" or leave. (Possibly a reason why the room was taken off the boards for a while) The BDSM Social Club still has people that are more into BDSM, but it's a more relaxed atmosphere. Also, if you come in saying "hello", others will normally respond. There are little political groups and cliques - when aren't there? - but overall, if you hit it at a good time, it can be fun.

i have frequented the D/s room for two years. As a regular to room and friend to those who visit, i say the room is like any other on the board with the exception of it having some simple guidelines. Can it be slow? Of course, and that is true of any room. A Las Vegas lounge it is not and the regulars who visit the room don't feel the need to make the scroll spin just for the sake of visitors. The members of the D/s room are also "into" BDSM and as we all know, not everyone shares the same preferences. Some want strictly D/s or S/M or B/D.

i find generalizations based on personal opinion to be dangerous. It is always a smart move to say "In my opinion ..." before starting a review of someone/something when it is clear that the review is riding on your personal experience.

If someone is asked to chill out and watch before running all over the room slobbering on the first feminine name they see, i think that is quite reasonable. Unless that amuses you. Again, we're all different and the foregoing example just isn't a problem for some. The P/people of the D/s room also greet those who enter or they don't. A personal choice for all to make and not a requirement. i personally don't cue "Hail to the chief" whenever someone walks in.

To those who read Sexychele's post, please make Y/your own determination of the D/s room based on your experience visiting and not hers. Same thing with the BDSM Social Room. Fun for some isn't fun for others. i also acknowledge that Sexychele said it might be different now.
Hey lara, hope you doing well.
For some reason this system wont allow me to edit my posts.
That prety bad for me. My typos can get quite bad.
Oh well.
anyway waves back to everyone.
For the most part, the only person I care about how they adress me would be my submissive. and since I dont curently have one. Its not a big deal.
I know who I am. I have a prety good i dea what I am.
Genuine respect from those who know me, I apreciate and feel honored by.
But titles by people who dont know me, well it feels hollow.
I have always felt respect is something earned.

Respect for a position is one thing, but some of the stuff I have heard is just nuts. Lol.:D
Master_FT said:
Hey lara, hope you doing well.
For some reason this system wont allow me to edit my posts.
That prety bad for me. My typos can get quite bad.
Oh well.
anyway waves back to everyone.
For the most part, the only person I care about how they adress me would be my submissive. and since I dont curently have one. Its not a big deal.
I know who I am. I have a prety good i dea what I am.
Genuine respect from those who know me, I apreciate and feel honored by.
But titles by people who dont know me, well it feels hollow.
I have always felt respect is something earned.

Respect for a position is one thing, but some of the stuff I have heard is just nuts. Lol.:D

getting there Sir *smiles*. Miss Ya and E/everyone else.

Don't worry FT Sir ... i read/translate FTese if You need it ... *laughs softly*
Hmmm... let me stick my oar in here. And why not? It's such a nice oar too!

I don't go for the chat room concept of "respect". Respect isn't about how you capitalise or spell (in fact, showing blatant disrespect for the language. And I always wondered what they do for languages that don't have upper and lower cases?)

A proper noun (a name) starts with an upper case letter. And adding all the S/slashes in just makes it soooo awkward to read!

Also the idea that all Doms should be addressed as Sir... grrr!

There have been some chat rooms I've enjoyed, mostly because I always appreciate a chance to chat, flirt, joke around, have fun. But the chat rooms that insist on this wierd "protocol" thing I've just found irritating and not worth the time.

I do like being called "Sir" by a submissive, but only where I have asked her to do so. And the online serving thing I just find... pathetic. I mean, what good is an online cup of coffee, no matter how it's served? But then, the whole cyber sex thing leaves me cold, soooo... maybe those who appreciate it enjoy that sort of thing.

I tend to be one of life's sceptics, and I often question "rules" that seem to add no value. The "BDSM protocol" that chatrooms all too often ask for are just (in my opinion of course) silly. And the idea that we must all conform is just frightening!

For me, the whole concept of D/s and BDSM is that we are a little different, experimenting with something "on the edge", and having fun. So why the need to conform? Why the rules and regulations and requirements? When in reality, it's going to differ depending on the people involved anyway.

So... for me, no arse kissing. No automatic "Sirs". No S/slashes, and all names spelt correctly (except when lazy, in which case all lower case is fine.)

I guess it's not so much the protocol which annoys me (after all, I can just ignore it), but the insistence on making others conform. I'm not here to conform, I'm here to explore my differences!

Okay, I'll have my oar back now.
Re: Road Trip South

s'lara said:
ok, now i have to ask. Where would she take it and what would the postcard say? :eek:
You should ask Ebony. ;)
Re: Re: Re: Road Trip South

Ebonyfire said:
Well I could draw a picture...

( O )

"Take it to the limit" Ebony

Doh! *gestures frantically* run DVS ... run!

FungiUg said:
<snip>I guess it's not so much the protocol which annoys me (after all, I can just ignore it), but the insistence on making others conform. I'm not here to conform, I'm here to explore my differences!

Okay, I'll have my oar back now.

This is exactly what happens when the opinion of one is taken as fact.

i think i will make this the last post on the subject as well.

-No one, and i mean no one is made to conform to anything while in the D/s Room chatroom here on Lit. It is important that distinctions are made with "I've never been to the D/s Room chatroom here on Lit, but the others i have frequented ..."

-As with any chatroom, a little common courtesy is always in order. Either you behave like an adult or act like horny teenager, but take a moment to remember that there are people behind the screen names and would like not to be treated as crap.

-Again, taking the time to check something out for yourself is always a good idea.
s'lara said:
[...] No one, and i mean no one is made to conform to anything while in the D/s Room chatroom here on Lit.[...]

Actually, I tried to make it clear that my objections were to some chat-rooms, not all. I've been rather fond of several chat-rooms in the past, which didn't instist that everyone use this "protocol" thingie.

Now that I know there's a chatroom on Lit, I'll hafta go see if I can find it!
FungiUg said:
Actually, I tried to make it clear that my objections were to some chat-rooms, not all. I've been rather fond of several chat-rooms in the past, which didn't instist that everyone use this "protocol" thingie.

Now that I know there's a chatroom on Lit, I'll hafta go see if I can find it!

*smiles* i think it worth a looksee. thanks for clarifying ... :D
s'lara said:
... a little common courtesy is always in order. Either you behave like an adult or act like horny teenager, but take a moment to remember that there are people behind the screen names and would like not to be treated as crap ...

.. and therein lies the problem.

Too many approach a chatroom as "yo babe, hop on and let's do this."

i've been in the room in question. Since i chose a name at the beginning of the alphabet, i usually have early warning when the "trolls" come out to play. i've been hit on by people while in the room as well as from other rooms on the same board so many times simply because they can't read a profile. i find it deliciously amusing actually. How to politely as possible inform an obvious troll that the name ain't "Angelica."

As to the benefits of a chatroom versus a bulletin board? The board gives you time to think and frame an answer. The chatroom gives you real time interaction. Each has its own brand of heat, and you choose whether your wit can stand the beating in either case.
I agree with the common courtesy statement. As long as everyone has a voice. To many times in chat I've seen others push their brand of the lifestyle on others. Just because you have your rules and they work doesn't mean they work for all. And this can be dangerous when a person curious in the lifestyle learns that way. As long as you make them understand yours is just one flavor in many. Know your responsibility of being percieved as a mentor. Don't mold another you, teach them unbiased guidelines and see a different person. Then you have truly succeded.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Road Trip South

s'lara said:
Doh! *gestures frantically* run DVS ... run!

Is it safe to stop running, now?
DVS said:
Interesting. Of everybody I have met at Lit, you would have been the one I thought would keep her front up, when she had the chance. But, you're coming out as sincere and real, saying even you are no Eb.

That is refreshing. Much more refreshing than anything I would hear from a sub who is trying to kiss up, some Dom or Domme who is trying to impress.

No, this doesn't mean I have changed my mind and will allow you to take my ass. There is STILL not a chance in hell that will happen in this lifetime.

But, you come off as honest and true, when you could be spewing out cool Domme wit instead.

We all have a real life, with real challenges. I have a teenager in the house, so I keep the Domme persona underwraps cause what I do with my life ain't her business. Of course it pops out now and then.

I also have a vanilla SO, who I do like a lot, and quite frankly the Domme persona is just not necessary when dealing with him. He is what I call a "conscious" man in that he understands who and what I am and he appreciates it, and I appreciate who he is too.

I am who I am, and as such never feel the need to keep up a front. I am Me, take it or leave it.
Ebonyfire said:
We all have a real life, with real challenges. I have a teenager in the house, so I keep the Domme persona underwraps cause what I do with my life ain't her business. Of course it pops out now and then.

I also have a vanilla SO, who I do like a lot, and quite frankly the Domme persona is just not necessary when dealing with him. He is what I call a "conscious" man in that he understands who and what I am and he appreciates it, and I appreciate who he is too.

I am who I am, and as such never feel the need to keep up a front. I am Me, take it or leave it.

Now as for your ass, sure you do not want to take a walk on the wild side?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Road Trip South

DVS said:
Is it safe to stop running, now?

Not unless You want to the postcard to read "Having a corn-hole of a time. Wish you were here to pull Ebony off me ..."

*laughs softly*

AngelicAssassin said:
<snip>As to the benefits of a chatroom versus a bulletin board? The board gives you time to think and frame an answer. The chatroom gives you real time interaction. Each has its own brand of heat, and you choose whether your wit can stand the beating in either case.<snip>

Wit or pride?

Funny how things change... today I am required to keep an ongoing list of what I call suck up terms... you know the ones that start out as "Most Wonderful Worshipful Master Sir". I know He is just waiting for me to change purses!